Testing Out New Powers![Part 3]

Along with Yang Ma's order, all the remaining men in his group and Pakistan's group attacked Saksham at the same time. As if that was not enough, Yang Ma also decided to attack Saksham. Saksham was now besieged by 10 people altogether. But he was not scared in the very least. Instead, he could feel his heart jump in excitement. He had been waiting for this.

With hot adrenaline pumping through his veins, Saksham held both his daggers in a backhand grip and also rushed towards the group of people. While he was shit-talking with Yang Ma, Saksham had also decided to use his remaining points to get himself a small ability to gauge other people's power. It cost him merely 4 EP.

With that, Saksham felt deep exhaustion coming straight from the bones, but not long after, the [Tree Of Life] hidden in the depth of his heart suddenly moved and sent a cool and soothing wave of vitality. With that, all the physical exhaustion he felt had disappeared. The only thing that remained was the exhaustion of the soul, which was something he couldn't get rid of in short term but that wouldn't really hinder him from fighting at full power nonetheless.

While running, Saksham scanned every one of them one by one, and the power level of each person was quickly sent to his brain within a millisecond. He found out that Yang Ma was an [Earth Elemental King]. Besides him, there was just 1 [Elemental Commander] and the rest were either [Physical General] or [Elemental General].

While he couldn't gauge his own strength with that ability, he could feel that his powers had reached a new threshold. Before he upgraded his powers, he could exert a force of 10,000Kg, making him a [Physical General]. But now, he could feel that his powers have reached another level, [Physical King]. Yes, Saksham could feel that he could exert the power above 50,000Kg, the threshold for being a [Physical King]. This is also another reason Saksham decided to take on this fight.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Just as Saksham was thinking of all this, he saw 5 ice spikes condense out of thin air and shoot straight towards him. Looking at the person in the forefront, Saksham knew that he was a [Ice Elemental General]. Although for the bystanders, the speed of the ice spikes might seem quick, in fact as fast as a lightning bolt, but in Saksham's eyes, they were very slow. It felt as if he was looking at a slow-motion video. When the ice spikes were in front of his face, Saksham raised his daggers and split those spikes accurately and cleanly from the middle.

Just after the spike, Saksham found a big ball of flame rushing towards him. Saksham once again raised his daggers once again and cut the ball of flame from the middle. With this cut, Saksham found 4 of the people rushing towards him suddenly stopped and the rest surrounded him. Looking at those people, Saksham found out that the people who could use the elemental powers stood at a distance while the people who could attack physically had surrounded him.

They were also carrying various weapons such as long swords, nun-chucks, spears, a pole, and one was even wearing a pair of heavy gauntlets. Looking at them, he understood that these 5 were planning on keeping him occupied while the rest would attack him from a distance. Even Yang Ma stopped just a little distance away.

All the [Physical Power] users were pretty close to the [Physical King] level. 3 of them could exert a force of around 40,000KG, while the rest 2 could exert a force of around 30,000KG. Being surrounded by these 5, Saksham knew that if he had the same strength as he did earlier, it would have been really bad for him. But now, he had incomparable confidence. He looked silently at all 5 people quietly before he suddenly rushed towards one of them. Yang Ma also didn't pause and shouted, "Attack!!"

With that command, every single elemental power user attacked Saksham from all directions, but Saksham was even quicker. He reached the [Physical general] who used nun-chucks with a second and chopped his body in half. Seeing this, everyone was shocked to the extreme. William even shouted, "Tier II weapon? And that looks like a very high-grade weapon at that!"

Yang Ma's eyes flashed with greed as he saw this. He laughed evilly and said, "Looks like you got a gift for us. When you are dead, I will gladly accept it as an apology from IOEA."

Saksham didn't even bother to clear their misunderstanding because he was currently busy avoiding the elemental attacks that were hurled at him while also attacking the physical power users. Suddenly, at this time Saksham found out that he couldn't move. Looking down, he found out that his feet had been caught by 2 hands like things coming from the ground. Looking from the toughness of the hands, they were not the hands of a person, instead, they were made of rocks. Suddenly, Saksham looked back up again to find a massive boulder flying straight towards him. It was so close to him that he didn't have the chance to move. And just behind the boulder were other elemental attacks too. A huge ball of flame, ice spikes, a flame dragon and even a bolt of lightning.

Boom!! Boom!! Swishh! Swish!!

But that didn't end there, the physical power users standing around Saksham also rushed in and attacked him at the same time. Just as his feet were tangled, one of the [Physical General] rushed in and slashed towards Saksham's back. Other people didn't give up the opportunity too and also rushed in to attack Saksham. The first thing to hit Saksham was the sword. Although the sword was only a Tier 1 weapon, it was very sharp. And along with the user being a [Physical General], he was able to cut through Saksham's [Assassin Suit]. But before he could even feel any joy, he didn't see even a drop of blood spill from the 'wound'.

At the same time, Saksham's face became weird. Not waiting for him to do anything else, the huge boulder hit Saksham and shattered, sending Saksham flying meters away. As he landed on the ground, Saksham rolled for a few more meters before his body came to a stop. And just as he stopped, other elemental attacks also fell on Saksham one after another, sending him flying once again. When Saksham stopped again, the physical power users once again rushed towards him, in the hopes to end his life.

Meanwhile, Saksham who had eaten all those attacks couldn't help but wince in pain. The feeling of flying like that was really not the one he liked. Due to being attacked by so many elemental attacks one after another without even putting up a defense, he was feeling a little bit dizzy, but nothing more than that. There was not even a single scratch on his body. Just his Assassin's Suit was burnt to various degrees. A place was even frozen a little. Dusting his suit, Saksham stood back up as if nothing happened. Seeing this, the people rushing at him suddenly stopped. Even Yang Ma was shocked at this scene not to mention William, Alex, and other hidden forces. They couldn't believe that a person could eat through all those attacks and still stand back up as if nothing happened.

After he was done, Saksham once again looked at Yang Ma and all his goons. Although Yang Ma wasn't a prophet, he knew what was about to come. Sure enough, Saksham opened his mouth and asked, "Is that all you got? If yes, then I think you better just surrender right now. Or else…the consequence would be much more than you can handle."

Yang Ma gritted his teeth and understood that he had kicked an iron plate today. But before he could answer, he saw Saksham throw his dagger behind him. That dagger accurately hit one of the [Physical general] that was still not sure about the situation and was thinking of doing a sneak attack. As the dagger hit the chest of the [Physical General], it went straight in and came back from the other side, not losing its momentum one bit. But the [Physical General] suddenly came to a standstill. It looked at the gaping hole in his chest incredulously before his body suddenly turned to ashes and disappeared with the slowly blowing wind.

Right now, Yang Ma had started shitting bricks. He knew that killing Saksham was going to be really difficult for him, even impossible. From the looks of it, Saksham was not a [Physical General]. The toughness shown by him was in no way something that a [Physical General] could have. In fact, even a high level [Physical King] doesn't have that high of a defense. But he was at a point where he couldn't back down or else he would be severely reprimanded by his seniors if they knew that he got several of his men killed and couldn't do anything about it.

Yang Ma looked at William and Alex at this moment. He knew those 2 were also [Elemental King]. If he could somehow be able to get their help, they would be able to kill Saksham. Making up his mind, Yang Ma suddenly shouted, "William! Alex! Help me Kill this person and I will promise you 1 condition each that are within my jurisdictions."

William and Alex looked at each other and started to consider the pros and cons of the situation. They saw how tough Saksham was and knew that Yang Ma couldn't kill him on his own and that's why he asked for their help. But if they ordered their men to go and kill Saksham, they were not sure if they could even do anything to him. They had to personally take action. And in turn, they could get 1 condition from Yang Ma. And even if they fail to kill him, they could always run. They didn't believe Saksham had the balls to kill them considering which country they belonged to.

Alex shouted back, "I want 200 high grade [Aura Stones]."

William also shouted, "I want 200 high grade [Aura Stones] too."

Hearing the demands of the two, Yang Ma's face turned green. They were asking for 100 high-grade [Aura stones]. There were 3 grades of [Aura Stones], low grade, middle grade, and high grade. In any Association, awakened who are contracted with the Association and are of low levels are given low grade [Aura Stones]. People with strength between [Elemental/Physical Commander] to [Elemental/Physical General] are given middle grade [Aura Stones], and people like Yang ma, who have reached a level beyond that, are given high grade [Aura Stone].

But the problem was, he himself only got 100 high grades [Aura Stone] every month, and that too because he was a high-level member of the association. If he had to give 400 to these two, that would mean that his strength would not increase much for the next few months because of not having [Aura Stones]. And he might even have to buy those stones at his own expense. But considering the situation he was in, Yang Ma gritted his teeth and was barely able to speak, "Alright, deal!"

Hearing this, William and Alex were both happy. According to them, both of them had gotten a free 100 high grade [Aura Stone]. For them, Saksham was a strong opponent but not strong enough to withstand the attack of 3 [Elemental Kings]. That was just absurd. After they would be done with their attacks, nothing would be left of him.

Meanwhile, Saksham was watching all this unfold with a weird expression. His expression was weird not because Yang Ma decided to ask for help. But because, when the physical power user slashed his back with his sword, he suddenly got a prompt.

[Ding! Immortal's Retaliation has been triggered. Count Down begins. 0:30]

From what he read from the details of the new talent, [Immortal's Retaliation] had a very, very low chance of triggering. But it was triggered so randomly when he was hit by a mere sword that couldn't even penetrate his skin. After that, every attack that fell on his body was absorbed. But this cleared up one thing for Saksham too. By absorption, it meant that Saksham will have to withstand that ability himself too. The attack of his opponent would not be directly absorbed, resulting in his not being invincible for the next 30 seconds, as he had thought in the beginning. He had to take all the attacks head-on first and then would he be able to fire back everything in one shot.

So, as more and more attacks fell on Saksham, he felt as if something inside him was filling up more and more. After standing back up, Saksham found only 15 seconds have passed since the beginning of the countdown. There were still 15 seconds left. When the trio was done with their negotiation, only about 10 seconds were left before Saksham could use the power stored inside him.

At this time, William and Alex too walked towards Saksham, cracking their knuckles. They didn't order the people they brought to attack Saksham. Instead, they decided to take action on their own. So, as they stood together with Yang Ma. All three [Elemental Kings] suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura, pressing Saksham. Yang Ma once again shouted, "Kill him!"

With that, all the people in the field once again rushed to Saksham. This time, Saksham just decided to get rid of the small ones first as they were the most annoying. Saksham instantly rushed towards 2 of the physical power users that were rushing straight towards him and spun around lightly, beheading both of them in a single sweep. At the very next second, the last physical power user found a gaping hole in his chest too. Before people could process all this, all the [Elemental General] were split in half. In just 3 seconds, Saksham managed to get rid of all the weaker ones.

As all the bodies fell to the ground, they turned into ashes and disappeared. Their life essence was absorbed by the [Dragon God's Daggers] which strengthened Saksham. But this strengthening was so less that it was like a drop in the ocean. Saksham knew this was because there was a limit to how much the daggers could strengthen him. At the level he was in, the daggers can't strengthen him anymore. Right now, the only properties helpful for him was the sharpness of the daggers. But it didn't bother him much. The sharpness was enough for him.

When Saksham was done with the small ones, the entire field was quiet. If one had a sensitive hearing, they would be able to hear people take in a deep cool breath. Saksham had killed them all before even William, Alex, or Yang Ma was able to respond. Looking at the person standing in front of them, the trio was shocked. But they quickly came out of their shock and hurriedly channeled their powers.

William was a [Wind Elemental King], while Alex was a [Lightning Elemental King]. As the trio channeled their powers, Saksham just stood at his place. He wanted to see the limits of his physical body with the new upgrade he got. [Immortal Body] could reduce all the incoming damage he would take by 25%. With all the upgrades on his body, it has become so strong and tough that if he stood at a place and let another person at the same level, attack him, he would still not be hurt much. But he wanted to see what would happen if 3 people on the same level attacked him will all their might. Could that tear through his defense?

And the trio didn't let him down either. Seeing Saksham get rid of all the people like a bunch of carrot and radish, they channeled their powers at full powers and shot their most powerful attack at Saksham, in the hopes of killing him in one single blow. They can't afford to let him breathe another second.

Within a second, the skies suddenly turned cloudy.


The skies roared as lighting flashed dangerously. At the same time, the ground started shaking. Suddenly, giant slabs of rock rose up from the ground around Saksham, surrounding him. Looking at the skies and then around him, Saksham knew that this all was the doing of the 3.

"Doomsday Lightning!"

As Alex shouted, a thick bolt of lightning suddenly fell straight down towards Saksham.

Boom!! Boom!!

The momentum alone from that lightning was enough to make some weak-hearted piss their pants. And as it fell, people saw the ground around Saksham suddenly explode and then turn into charred land. The countless pieces of rocks flew straight into the sky after the explosion and dust covered the visions of everyone. No one could see Saksham's situation at this moment. But William and Yang Ma didn't care about it too. They channeled their powers and launched their second wave of attack.

"Tombstone of the ancients!"

The giant slabs, at this time also suddenly fell towards the place Saksham was originally was. As they fell on Saksham, William also shouted.

"Final Desolation!"

As William shouted these words, an almost transparent, ancient giant axe suddenly condensed out of thin air above Saksham. It was made entirely out of air. But if one underestimated its might just because it was made out of the air, then he/she would have to pay the consequence with their lives. The ancient giant axe also fell on the giant slabs of rocks.


With the explosion, the entire field shook heavily. The shockwaves along with lots of dust and stones from the explosion spread out far and wide. People standing near and around the field had to close their eyes or turn their faces to avoid getting things in their eyes. When they turned their vision back towards the epicenter of all this, they found that there was a giant crater there at the moment. William, Alex, and Yang Ma stood at the edge of the crater, trying to find what was left of Saksham after all that.

Just as Yang Ma was about to take a sigh of relief and laugh, he heard a familiar voice coming from down below.

"Since you all are done...it is my turn now."

Yang Ma suddenly felt as if his body was thrown into a block of thousand-year-old ice. Warning alarms went off in his head. Subconsciously, he used his most powerful defensive method.

Suddenly 10 thick walls stood in front of him. The walls were 5 meters thick each and 10 meters long. At the same time, he, William, and Alex were surrounded by a very thick layer of rock. All this happened in just a second, and as they were seeing all this happen, they saw something move from inside the crater towards them at a very high speed. As the last layer of rock surrounded them, they caught sight of what that thing was. Actually, it was a person. It was…Saksham. Under their horrified gazes, Saksham reached in front of the wall of defense and punched directly on the very first layer of the wall that Yang Ma had set up to stay safe. And after that…they were no more.