Testing Out New Powers![Last Part]

When Yang Ma's [Tombstone of Ancients] fell on Saksham, he felt as if a truck was thrown on his head. Even if his body was very tough, he still felt pain when those giant slabs fell on his head. Fortunately, he had protected his head with his hands. Now, his hands were feeling a little numb. But it didn't take long before William's [Final Desolation] also fell on him. It might seem that all this happened not so quickly, but everything happened in the span of 2 seconds. Those 3 attacks from William, Alex, and Yang Ma were back-to-back ultimate moves to kill Saksham. They were meant to not give Saksham much chance to dodge or even think properly. If it was someone else in the place of Saksham, not even his bones would be found after all the attacks, but Saksham was different.

As the ancient axe fell on him, Saksham once again felt an incomparable pressure coming from above. He put up his arms to protect his head. As the axe fell on the giant slabs, everything exploded around him. It was like a grenade exploding but on a very big scale. The 'shrapnel' hit every corner of his body, destroying his [Assassin's Suit] from various places. As everything subsided, Saksham put down his bleeding arms and looked at himself. He found that his body was also bleeding from some places. He had even accidentally bit his lips too while trying to stop the axe. A little bit of blood was trickling down his lips. And although the [Assassin's Suit] was destroyed from certain places, his hood was still fine. His face was still hidden under it.

After resisting all 3 attacks, Saksham found that he had somehow survived 3 ultimate moves of 3 [Elemental Kings]. Although he was not unscathed from that, it was still better than lying in hospital for days. Seeing the giant crater around him, anyone other than him would even be obliterated directly. He also knew that his [Tree of Life] would also come into action very soon and it would heal all his wounds. After thinking till here, he also felt a feeling of 'fullness' from inside. He immediately understood that it was the effect of [Immortal's Retaliation]. He had absorbed the 3 ultimate moves worth energy inside him and he could release it anytime he wanted. But he had a feeling that it wouldn't last for a very long time. He had to take release it soon or it would disappear.

So, Saksham didn't hesitate anymore. Looking up in the cloud of dust and smoke, he found the trio standing at the edge of the crater. He crouched down a little, and suddenly took off at the speed of lightning. He was very fast, but Yang Ma was even faster. He had immediately set up a very high defense with his powers. But Saksham didn't care about it. All he wanted to do was to test out [Immortal's retaliation]. Within just a second, he was in front of the first layer of defense set up by Yang Ma. He pulled his right and as far as he could, and suddenly punched it forward with all his might. As soon as his fist came into contact with the giant wall of rock, he murmured in his heart a little.


With just that thought, the powers contained inside him suddenly found a way to escape. They immediately condensed entirely on his right hand, and then came out from the fist.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking explosion took place. From Saksham as epicenter, a tyrannical force erupted outwards in a conical shape, destroying each and everything in its wake. Under the tyrannical force, the formidable defense set up by Yang Ma, was destroyed as if they were 10 pieces of paper instead of 10 giant earth walls. As they saw all their defense being unable to stop the tyrannical force, Yang Ma, William and Alex wailed loudly before they were also swallowed up by it. Even the ground was not spared. The ground was destroyed into small rocks and then those small rocks were destroyed till they became fine sand. The crater under Saksham's feet once again became bigger. A huge shockwave also spread around, sweeping away everything that came into contact. The ground also cracked at places where the power had not spread too. That was how strong the [Immortal's Retaliation] was.

The forces hiding in the dark far away, that were not able to react, were also swallowed by this tyrannical power and perished too. The rest of the forces on standby rushed out of the field as soon as possible. Just from the sound of explosion, their ears drums were almost destroyed. If they dared to even stay in the range of that power, they would definitely perish too. Soon, everything settled down. As the dust and smoke settled down slowly, people came out of the hiding too. And as they looked at the situation of the field, they almost shat their pants. More than half of the wide field was destroyed. Specially from the place where Yang Ma had set up his defensive walls. Looking at that place, it felt as if a giant destroyed that place itself. A whole small valley had formed in that place in a conical shape which was around 30 meters wide and 10 meters long.

At the very beginning of the valley stood a person, breathing heavily while facing the sky. It was none other than Saksham. As he released everything with all his power, it felt as if all his strength was sucked in too. After releasing everything, Saksham found himself very exhausted. He took some deep breath to try and stabilize his heavy breathing while waiting for his [Tree of Life] to start working. Right now, he was exhausted and also was injured at various places. If someone else came to fight him at this time, he would be in a bit of a trouble. And the [Tree of Life] didn't disappoint him too. In just 2 minutes, he felt as if a warm current has started flowing from his heart to every corner of his body, healing all his wounds and also replenishing all physical strength.

In the next few minutes, Saksham was completely back to his original state. Taking a deep breath, Saksham looked the state of the field around him. The originally deserted field had been destroyed completely due to the fight. The fight had been so intense that it had caused a lot of disturbances around. The ordinary people living not far away from that field had obviously been alarmed as Saksham saw a lot of police vehicles coming from all the directions. And not just the ordinary people, the forces lurking in the dark were also alarmed. They had thought of many possibilities of how the fight could have ended but no one had even dared to guess that it would end up with the more than half the giant field being destroyed along with 3 [Elemental Kings] at the same time. This was out of their expectations. They didn't expect just 1 person to survive the combined attacks of 3 [Elemental Kings] who were widely famous around the world for their powers and then kill all 3 of them in just 1 attack. Everyone was reeling in shock while thinking about this.

Meanwhile, Saksham suddenly heard a beeping sound coming from the crater. He turned around and walked into the crater. He found that his phone had dropped in the crater after his pocket was destroyed in the explosion. Although there were some cracks in his phones here and there, it was still functioning pretty well. Saksham picked up the phone and saw it was a call from Sakshi. He picked up the call.

"Hello, Asura?" The worried voice of Sakshi came.

"Yeah?" Saksham answered.

"How are you? I hope you are fine! And we are really, really sorry. We really didn't expect that 3 [Elemental Kings] would team up to attack you here. Although I knew those people were pretty arrogant, I didn't expect them to be arrogant to this degree. Our IOEA is not the strongest in the world, but it is also not a soft persimmon that they can just squeeze it whenever they want. Even when they were not in their home countries, they still tried to attack the staff of IOEA. This is already a huge crime. But don't worry, we will give you a suitable explanation to today's things Asura. We are really grateful for your help today. You can leave now and rest. Relevant authorities have already arrived along with the promised Reinforcement. We are a little late once again. But everytime you get involved with something, things end really quickly." Sakshi said in one go.

Saksham heard this and felt a little warm inside. He smiled lightly and said, "I am fine. Don't worry. I was also trying to test out my strength and those three were the perfect target for me. So, it's alright. In the end, I got what I needed. And yeah, I will be leaving now. Although I have survived the joint attack of those 3, I can't say the same for my clothes. They are not In good shape right now. So, I better leave before someone sees my current state."

Sakshi heard this and laughed, "Alright. I will be seeing you soon. Bye"

"Bye," Saksham replied.

As Saksham hung up the phone, his body moved and he disappeared into the dark of the night. After a really long day, Saksham was mentally exhausted. And it was pretty late too. He had to reach home before his father gets home or else it will get hard to explain to his parents. With that, Saksham ran off at an even faster speed.