[Shur] Race!

Saksham calmly heard all this and slowly spoke, his voice heavy, falling straight into Shyam's heart like a hammer, "What is it that you seek?"

"Lord, the only thing I am good at is fighting, and getting beaten up. That's my only advantage and that's why the power I want has something to do with it. But I am not sure if that is possible or not." Shyam said hesitantly.

Saksham heard this and raised his eyebrows. He was interested in hearing what Shyam had got in his mind. What Shyam said was absolutely correct. Choosing a power that corresponds to your own needs and personality is better than powers that don't. It's like choosing a course to study. If you really are interested from your heart in that course, you will find it easy and interesting as you study. But those who don't have any interest in that course would find it the exact opposite. Some might not even bother to study, while others would cram as much as they can. And that's why Shyam knowing what he really wants is really important for the guy.

Giving him any random powers might not help him at all. In fact, it might just get him killed in the battles to come in the future. So, the choice of superpowers for all of them was really important, and from the looks of it, all 4 people knew it too. That's why they took their sweet time to discuss and think about what powers suit them the most and the powers they desire the most.

Collecting his thoughts, Saksham nodded and said, "Everything's possible. You just have to tell me what you want, and it will be done."

Shyam heard this and took a deep breath. As he exhaled, he said, "I want …Saiyan's Bloodline powers."

Saksham heard this and he was taken aback. Even the rest 3 of the people in the room were taken aback when they heard this. Apparently, they also didn't know about what Shyam was going to ask for. Rahul and Vipul looked at each other with questioning gazes. While Rhytham looked at Shyam with a puzzled look. From the looks of it, he didn't know what or who [Saiyan] was. Just looking at his face, one could guess that he thought [Saiyan] was some kind of vegetable.

At this time, facing the silent Saksham, Shyam once again spoke, "Lord…is this possible?"

Saksham came back to his senses when he heard this. He didn't speak but asked the system directly in his heart.

"System, can I change someone's bloodline directly into something that never existed in this world?"

"What is real, and what is a fantasy for you? What you think is real, will become real. What you think is fantasy, will become a fantasy. At the same time, what you think is fantasy, can be real and what you think is real, can be fantasy. There is no difference in this for you. As long as you command, everything will be as you wish."

Saksham heard this, and he was taken aback. When he heard this philosophical answer from the system, it felt as if something inside him was roaring with pride and excitement. Although he knew his powers were heaven-defying, hearing something like this from the system made him understand his powers even more clearly.

"As long as I command, everything will be as I wish…huh.."

Saksham took a deep breath to calm himself down. Just as he was about to nod to Shyam, his system suddenly spoke again.

"Though, if you want to change his bloodline completely to something that has never existed, it will take a lot of EP. It would take more than 100 EP for this to happen."

Saksham heard this and suddenly paused. 100 EP?! That's almost the same as his 2nd level [Tree of Life]! He hurriedly asked the system, "Why would it take so much EP? Shouldn't it take around like 50 EP at most?"

"50 EP is just the cost of changing the entire bloodline of a person without destroying that person's whole body. Changing bloodline is not as simple as you think. It requires a lot of energy as well as has many complications. In earlier times, changing bloodline was not even a concept. One race's bloodline power is the result of its evolution over millions of years. If you want to change a bloodline of a race, then it is not going to be an easy task."

"Also, the bloodline you need is something that doesn't exist. That's why it needs to be created from scratch. And as I said, the bloodline power of any race is the result of its evolution over millions of years. For a race to live through so many years and not go extinct, it shows how strong they were. So, making a new race is something that is not a task one can accomplish, at least for other people. But not for you. You can create a new race if you want, but it would take a lot of EP."

The more the system said, the more Saksham felt it was correct. All the points said by the system are totally valid and reasonable. No wonder it would take so much EP. But now Saksham was feeling hesitant if he should use so much EP just for Shyam's powers. Although he knows that Saiyan bloodline power is best for Shyam. The more he fights, the stronger he would get. And the early power-up that comes after getting beat up to near death and healing back, is really strong. And including the Super Saiyan forms, Shyam would be a force to reckon with.

While Saksham was having a tug-of-war in his head, his system spoke again, "It would take 50EP at the very least if you want to change the bloodline. But you can reduce the cost after that."

Saksham heard this and he was surprised. He hurriedly asked, "It can be reduced? How?"

"The main problem here is about creating a new race. But if you want to change the bloodline of Shyam into a race that already existed in this world, the whole process is going to cost much less." The system said slowly.

Saksham heard this and was ecstatic. But suddenly a thought came to his head. He asked hesitantly, "But…has there been such a race which fulfills the criteria that Shyam has?"

"There once existed this one race of skilled fighter and fighting madmen. They were known for their extreme fighting prowess and their infinite fighting will. After every near-death experience, they would get stronger. The saying 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger' worked perfectly for this race."

"And there were also rumors, that some really exceptional warriors could even harness really strong power from their bloodline, and transform. What the transformation is, no one knows. The ones that saw it never lived to tell the tale. You can imagine how strong this race was." System explained calmly.

Saksham heard this and he was shocked. Although this race doesn't look as strong as the [Immortal] race on the surface, Saksham could still feel that it was by no chance a weaker race than [Immortals]. In fact, its potential might be the same as the [Immortal] race. And it fits perfectly with what Shyam asked for. This was simply the best option for him.

Saksham hurriedly asked another question he had in his mind, "But will the change in the bloodline change Shyam's appearance to uhm.."

"[Shur]" System said.

"[Shur] huh? Well, will Shyam's appearance change if his bloodline changes to [Shur]'s?" Saksham asked.


"No, it won't. Except for some minor changes, nothing else will happen. Even those minor changes will not have any effect on his human appearance. This is because, like [Immortals], this race closely resembled human beings." System said.

Saksham heard this and breathed a sigh of relief. Although he felt it was weird how 2 such powerful races resembled humans, he didn't take it to heart. It must be a big coincidence, he thought. He once again asked the final question, "How much would it cost if I change his bloodline to [Shur]?"

"It would cost you a total of 80 EP only now." System said.

Saksham rubbed his eyebrows lightly as he thought carefully about this. Seeing Saksham not speak for a long time, Shyam sighed lightly. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Saksham saying, "Although I cannot give you the bloodline powers of a [Saiyan], what I can give is a bloodline very similar to that. Will it be fine by you?"

Shyam heard this and nodded his head excitedly. He didn't expect his wish could come true. He was expecting a no from Saksham. But didn't expect that he would get a yes. Hearing this, even the other people present in the house were surprised. They didn't expect such a thing to be possible too. Even Rahul's eyes suddenly shined brightly after he heard this.

"I am willing!"