Rahul's Wish!

Hearing that, Shyam almost jumped in excitement. He couldn't get a [Saiyan] bloodline, but getting a bloodline very similar to that is really good for him too. In fact, he was expecting a no from Saksham just when he told him his wish but didn't expect that he would get a yes. Listening to the conversation between the two of them, even the other people present in the room were surprised. They didn't expect such a thing to be possible too. Even Rahul's eyes suddenly shined brightly after he heard this.

"I am willing!" Shyam almost roared with excitement.

Saksham nodded slightly when he heard this and stood up lightly. While he was standing up, he complained to his system in his heart, "Can you make the EP cost go a bit lower? 80EP is too much, you know? There is still Rahul left. If he asks for something weird too, then isn't that going to just empty my whole EP bar?"

"80EP is the lowest you can get. Had you not upgraded your powers, it would have cost around 150EP. Due to the upgrade, your consumption of EP has been reduced by a lot. So, don't expect more." System chided Saksham.

Saksham heard this and found it reasonable so he stopped asking more and said instead, "Change his Bloodline to [Shur]."

"Are you sure you want to use 80EP?"


Saksham pressed yes but suddenly thought of something. He asked quickly, "Will this process be painful?"

"What do you expect?"

After saying this, System didn't bother saying anything more. Saksham also understood that this process has to be really painful. Changing bloodline is a very new concept to him but he knew that by doing this he is violating the laws of nature. This should not be something possible to do, but he can do it. And knowing what he is doing now, he also knew that this process can't not be painful at the very least.

Saksham raised his hand, with 2 fingers pointing at Shyam's head. Before he touched Shyam's forehead, he said, "This is going to be painful."

Shyam looked at Saksham with a clenched fist and firm gaze. He breathed in deeply and said, "Pain is the only thing I am not afraid of, Lord."

Saksham laughed lightly and finally pressed his fingers on Shyam's forehead without any hesitation. After a few seconds, Saksham took back his hand and looked at Shyam seriously. At first, Shyam was standing at his place with his eyes closed and no expression on his face. But soon, his body started to tremble as his entire skin became blood-red slowly. Not only that, Shyam's face slowly started to change expression from calm to painful.

His forehead started to sweat like a broken tap, while blood started running down his eyes, ears, and nose. He had clenched his fist so hard, that his nails had pierced his hand, and started to bleed too. He had clenched his jaws so hard, that even his teeth were on the verge of falling down. But throughout all this, Shyam refused to let out any noise other than the voice of his deep and heavy breathing.

This much willpower is enough to shock anyone. Even Saksham had to admit that he could never endure such pain without letting out a noise in the very least. Saksham was convinced that Shyam's willpower was on an entirely another level. It was the best he had ever seen or heard. But this also let him be relieved because the system told him that Shyam should remain conscious during the entire process or else it could also result in failure and Shyam dying as the worst-case scenario.

Seeing Shyam being able to endure everything with gritted teeth, Saksham knew that he had nothing to worry about now. So he stopped paying attention to Shyam and looked at Rahul instead. He didn't know how long would it take for the change in the bloodline, so he just focused on Rahul. Rahul also knew that it was his turn so he said, "Lord, I have also decided what I want."

Saksham nodded and asked, "What do you want?"

Rahul hesitated a little and said, "At first I was going to ask for something that would help me in managing stuff and also other things. But now I have another wish."

Saksham heard this and his heart tightened. He constantly prayed is his heart that Rahul doesn't ask for something that costs EP like Shyam. But on the outside, he was calm. He asked, "Go on, tell me."

"From everyone here, except the Lord, of course, is not good at managing the industries that we have got. I am the only one that has to look after them. But recently I have been short on hands and I am don't trust others on this matter. I had been thinking if there was another me here, I could have managed things easier. But at that time I shook my head, thinking it can't be possible. But now I seem some hope. So, I hope the lord could grant me the power similar to the Shadow Clone Jutsu from Naruto." Rahul dropped to his knees as he said this.

Saksham heard this and breathed a sigh of relief. Although this was also something that is from a fantasy world, he knew it would cost as much as Shyam's powers. One is changing the whole bloodline and the other was a technique that could be used as a power. There was a big difference between the two things. But just in case, Saksham still asked his system how much it would cost.

"How much would this cost?"

"It would cost 15EP as there will be small changes made to the original technique so that it could better fit in this world without any problems." System replied.

Saksham heard this and nodded. This price was reasonable for him. At least it didn't cost 80 EP like Shyam's powers. After confirming this with System, Saksham said, "Your wish can indeed be granted. But there will be changes made to [Shadow Clone Jutsu] so that it could be used in this world. But don't worry, in essence, it will still be the [Shadow Clone Jutsu] you know."

Rahul heard this and he nodded quickly as if fearing that Saksham would go back on his words. He quickly said, "Thank you, Lord."

Saksham nodded and said in his heart, "Give him the powers he wants."

"Are you sure you want to use 15 EP?"


Saksham presses [Yes] without hesitation and once again raised his hands and pointed his 2 fingers at Rahul's forehead, before lightly touching it. As soon as his 2 fingers touched his forehead, Rahul closed his eyes and started to understand the powers given to him. Seeing this, Saksham knew that he won't wake up for a while, with Shyam being the same too. So, now only Vipul and Rhytham were the only 2 'conscious' people left in the room.

Saksham once sat down on the sofa and looked at Rhytham. Rhytham also felt Saksham's eyes and stood straight up. He said, "Lord, I have some things to tell you."

Saksham raised his eyebrows and said, "Speak."

"Lord, remember a while ago we caught Vatsal, the brother of the #1 gang leader of Ghaziabad?" Rhytham said.

"Yeah. What about him?" Saksham asked.

"I am afraid he knows what happened to his brother now," Rhytham said hesitantly.

"What about him?" Saksham asked once again.

Rhytham heard this and lowered his head. He said, "Lord, we are still not strong enough to face them alone. I know that you can handle them all alone, but then what use will we be left for? If everything will be solved by the lord, that will not be good for our growth. If possible, we would like to face them ourselves. We want to show our worth. Since you have given us these powers, we would like to show that the Lord hasn't made a mistake."

Listening to Rhytham's passionate speech, Saksham also fell into thought. Rhytham was right. Although he was very strong, that didn't mean he could face the world alone now. He was making his own team or organization so that he doesn't have to move every time for small things.

Doing things all alone is never a good choice. The protagonist of those novels who try to fight all alone and be like a lone wolf would have definitely ended up as a pile of bones if not for the plot armors and ridiculous luck. He doesn't believe that a plot armor would help him survive in the future, nor did he have much hope in luck, so that's why he decided to form his own organization. So, what Rhytham was saying was correct.

Seeing Saksham not speak, Rhytham knew that Saksham was considering the issue. He once again spoke, "Although we are getting stronger quickly, we have not been able to put our powers to use against someone. We can't fight against each other because we still can't control our powers fully while using them in a fighting situation. We need practical experience or else, all our practice and increase in strength would be for naught."

Saksham nodded as he heard this. Even he knew that this was really important. When he got his powers, even he was unable to control them fully, but as he got them with the use of his own EP, he could easily get a hang of them quickly. But that was not the case for these 4 people. They have to learn everything from the scratch and also learn to use them practically against real people. This is harder than you think.

When he tested his strength in the Hyper Occulus, that had also helped him test the limit of his physical body and powers. That piece of technology, if used for that purpose, could help people to train their combat skills, as well as train themselves to fight in various kinds of situations. If only he could get that, Rhytham and the rest could train in them and get stronger even faster. But unfortunately, IOEA won't give it to him.

Just as Saksham sighed lightly under his breath, a thought came to his head.

"Why don't I make my own Hyper Occulus?"