I Think I Know The Perfect Person For This!

Saksham reached his home and went straight to his room after having dinner. After locking his door, Saksham sat cross-legged on the ground. He closed his eyes and silently thought about various plans he had in his head. After confirming his thoughts, again and again, Saksham said, "Strengthen my body completely."

"Are you sure you want to use 17 EP?"

Saksham pressed [Yes] without any hesitation. As soon as he pressed it, a warm current spread through his entire body which turned into tearing pain around the body. It felt as if his entire body was being torn and then re-assembled back together. Saksham gritted his teeth and just kept sitting in his cross-legged posture and felt the slow changes around his body.

Soon, the tearing feeling disappeared as a warm and soothing feeling replaced its place. It felt so comfortable that Saksham even wanted to sleep. But he opened his eyes and stood up calmly. Calmly feeling his body once again, Saksham could feel the obvious changes all around. Not only he felt very light, but he could also feel the speed of blood racing through his veins had increased drastically. It felt as if there was lava coursing through his veins, not blood.

Not just this, he also felt that his overall defense and strength had increased once again. He felt that right now, his body had finally entered some sort of threshold. Asking the system about it, he found the answer.

"Earlier, your body was like the newborn [Immortal] race. Now, it's like a toddler. Earlier it was like a pseudo [Immortal] race with the incomplete strengthening of your body. Now, it officially has the same strength, defense and etc, like an [Immortal] race toddler. It is at this age when they start their training. The toddlers below the required criteria can't train in their life. Only the toddlers with the same qualification as yours right now are able to start their official training. So, your feeling is not wrong. You indeed have passed that criteria too right now with this final set of strengthening."

Saksham heard this and nodded silently. He understood what the system meant. But that didn't mean he was not surprised at all. He couldn't fathom how strong the true strong people in the [Immortal] race were. If only a toddler had the same strength as him, then those people….

Shaking his head, Saksham pulled his head out of this thought. He put this thought at the back of his head and didn't bother thinking about it now. He knew that one day he would find that answer himself. Reaching this conclusion, Saksham thought about his next plan.

As of right now, although his weapon, [Dragon God's Daggers], are still somewhat effective, but most of their effects won't work for him now. Due to the weapon's limitation, it can't increase his strength anymore now that he has reached a level above [Physical General]. The only thing left useful in them is their incomparable sharpness. According to the people. It is a Tier II weapon with just that sharpness. But if they knew its effect, those people would go crazy to get these daggers at any cost.

And not just the dagger, the [Assassin's Suit] had also lost its effectiveness too mostly. The only thing that worked a little was the effect of not showing his face under the hood. In fact, Avinash saw his face because the suit didn't have any effect on the people above a certain power level. And obviously, Avinash being an Unusual with [Elemental Emperor] level of power with 2 different elements under his control, was above this certain threshold.

So right now, Saksham had no equipment with him. Although his body was really tough, he would still feel the pain if he took an attack head-on. He was not a masochist, so he would rather avoid the pain as much as possible too. So, he wanted a better battle suit along with a new weapon. He didn't have much idea what sort of battle suit he wants, so he was going to ask the system about it.

"I need a new Battle Suit."

"Are you sure you want to use 50 EP?"

"50?! Are you kidding me?! How come as soon as I upgraded my powers, everything has become so expensive?"

"It's because you have grown much stronger than before too. The ordinary things would not work for you now. And considering your future too, I have picked up an excellent Battle Suit. It's on you if you want it or not." System answered.

Saksham gritted his teeth and said, "Although it makes sense, it's really expensive."

"Miser." The system said nonchalantly.

"Bastard! I am not a miser! Alright, I will take it. But I swear, if it is not good, I am going to use the rest of my EP to make a new system." Saksham said with red eyes.

While Saksham was busy cursing at his system, in IOEA, a depressing atmosphere was looming over a big meeting hall. Everyone in the meeting hall was a senior member of IOEA. Seeing everyone in such a mood, one could guess that whatever the case was, it was definitely not a shallow matter.

Sitting in the head seat of the meeting, Avinash, looked at everyone and slowly opened his mouth. His voice was full of solemnity, "I am sure you have also heard about this matter by now. We have been observing [Soul Heaven] Sect for a long time now due to our informants tell us that there has been something shady going on in there."

"That same informant had been on this work inside the [Soul Heaven] Sect, digging deeper and deeper to provide us as much information as possible. But just 2 days ago, we lost contact with him completely. Just before the whole contact was lost, that informant left us a few words."

Speaking of this, Avinash pointed towards the center of the hall. In the middle, a holographic screen suddenly lit up, showing an image of a paper with some twisted and weird-looking words on it. It looked as if the writer of this note was in a hurry that he didn't bother caring about the spacing between the words or his handwriting. Deep panic could visibly be felt by the people watching the image of the note.

In the image, a few broken words were written.

"They are calling a#$%...!"

"They have forsaken Huma$@#!"


"Invasion $&@#!"

"Heavens will bleed $%&#@#!"

"Be prepared!"

Just these 3 lines sent chills down the spine of the people watching. The writer was in such a hurry some words didn't even make sense no matter how much a person tried to decipher it. They were a bunch of lines on paper. But whatever was understandable on the note was enough to raise the hairs of most people.

People couldn't help but clench their fists with an unknown fear.

"They have forsaken….humans?" Someone whispered unconsciously.

"Heavens will bleed…..? What is that supposed to mean?" A member muttered in fear.

"Betrayed? [Soul Heaven] Sect betrayed? Betrayed who?" Another member wondered.

"Who is going to invade? And from where?" lastly Sakshi muttered to herself.

Everyone felt an unknown premonition welling inside them slowly. Everyone present felt their heart shaking a little. Avinash saw this and closed the holographic display. He looked at the faces of everyone present and said, "The note clearly It tells us to be prepared. We are not sure what we have to be prepared against or how, but we are sure that whatever it is, it is going be something that exceeds our Imaginations."

"For now, we are just going to keep a close eye at the [Soul Heaven] Sect and the other sects. But we have to get ready for…. something big. Quicken the pace of the training of the newly recruited Awakened and Unusuals. Buy more weapons and fill up the armory. Urge the weapon masters and elixir masters to prepare more of the ordered supplies. We have to prepare ourselves in every way."

Suddenly a member spoke, "Sir, I am sorry to interrupt but there has been news that a rare treasure of heaven and earth has been found in the middle east. It is still in the gestating period, but it seems to mature very soon."

"Oh? What's the treasure?" Avinash asked.

"Black-Gold Lotus." The member answered.

As soon as Avinash heard this, his eyes widened a little. He pondered a little and said, "There has to be some problem right? Or else how can it still be left in that place and the news be leaked like this. What's wrong with that lotus?"

"Actually sir, What we have heard, this lotus in the middle of an oasis. This oasis is in the middle the nowhere. I don't know if it's because of the treasure or not, but there is a force field around Lotus with a diameter of about 50 miles. The problem with this force field is not that it's hard to break, but that when a person above [Physical King], [Elemental King], or similar tries to enter, it shows signs of breaking and collapsing. From what we have understood, if the force field breaks, the [Black-Gold Lotus] will destroy itself."

Avinash pondered a little while the member continued, "Many countries have already dispatched their strongest [Physical King] and equivalent members to retrieve that treasure. Are we also going to dispatch ours? If the head doesn't mind my opinions, I would say that we should not participate in this farce. There are easy chances of losing our members in that sort of turbulent situation. It will be hard to compete against other countries too at the same time. Unless we have someone that can guarantee our win, I would suggest against participating in this."

Avinash smiled a little. He said, "I think I know just the perfect person for this."


Saksham's Home

"Give me the new Battle Suit," Saksham said.

"Are you sure you want to use 50 EP?"

Saksham pressed [Yes] without hesitation. As he pressed it, a small space in front of him folded a bit and something came out of it. As it came out of the folded space, it started hovering in front of Saksham. It was the Battle Suit Saksham requested for.

[Overload's Battle Suit]