[Overlord's Battle Suit]

Saksham's Home

"Give me the new Battle Suit," Saksham said.

"Are you sure you want to use 50 EP?"

Saksham pressed [Yes] without hesitation. As he pressed it, a small space in front of him folded a bit and something came out of it. As it came out of the folded space, it started hovering in front of Saksham. It was the Battle Suit Saksham requested for.

[Overlord's Battle Suit](Damaged): An exquisitely crafted battle suit made to withstand the toughest of hits and cuts. It fits perfectly according to the body size of the wearer. Currently in the damaged state, reducing the overall performance by 50%. Can be repaired.

[Bow Before The Lord!]: A passive skill that comes with the Battlesuit. Enemy weaker than the wearer will be suppressed and lose 30% overall strength towards the wearer. Enemies on the same level as the wearer will be suppressed and lose 10% combat power while attacking the wearer. Against enemies stronger than the wearer, gain increased tenacity and willpower.

[Tenacious Overgrowth!]: If the wearer's health drops below 30% and the wearer is surrounded by more than 3 enemies, gain increased resistances by 30%.

[Overlord's Aura]: The wearer gains a subtle 'Aura' of overlord around him/her. Weaker-willed enemies can get intimidated by this 'Aura'.

Saksham looked at the full-length Battle Suit floating in front of him with absolute awe. It was a complete black Battle Suit that looked as if it was made for a person with the most perfect body structure in the world. The battlesuit had a high collar with black metallic shoulder and breastplates. There was a metallic luster on them but its material felt like something that Saksham had never seen before.

There was a contour of aesthetic-looking abdominal muscles at the front of the Battle Suit and a red, weary-looking cape hanging down from the shoulder plates. Although it looked weary, Saksham didn't dare call it useless or dirty. There was a faint feeling in his heart that dirty-looking color is not dust or mud or even the weariness of the cloth. Saksham's guts were telling him that this weariness is because of the dried up blood on the cape. And Saksham always believed in his gut feeling.

Saksham's heart started palpitating for some reason as he stared at the Battle Suit. He started to get Goosebumps slowly. Shaking his head, Saksham calmed himself down quickly. Saksham looked at the little weary looking battle suit again and again and had only 1 thing to say.

"Amazing!" Saksham whispered.

"But what does it mean that it is damaged? You took my 50EP and you are giving me a damaged product?" Saksham asked system

"No comments." System replied.

Saksham almost used his powers to delete the system in anger, but he controlled himself and asked with gritted teeth, "But this suit also doesn't have a hood. How am I going to protect my identity?"

"When you wear the battle suit, you will be able to form a helmet around your head which can act as protective equipment as well as to protect your identity." System replied.

Saksham's eyes shone suddenly as he heard this. The main problem with his earlier suit was not only that it had become absolutely useless on him, but the effect of protecting his face had also become useless. He really needed something like this so this feature of the new Battle Suit made Saksham really excited. He threw his anger out of the window as he couldn't wait to try out the suit now.

Not to mention just the helmet feature, the 3 passive skills that came with the Battle Suit were jaw-dropping. Especially [Bow Before The Lord!] and [Tenacious Overgrowth!]. These 2 skills were almost cheat-like skills. These 2 skills coupled with his [Immortal Body], and the effects of his [Immortal Bloodline] made his current strength increase by leaps and bounds once again. Although the Battle Suit didn't increase his strength in any shape or form, he got something even more valuable than strength.

Saksham always worries if his body's defensive strength was enough to let him not die all of a sudden in a fight against someone who was much stronger than him. If he could survive even by a bit, his [Tree of Life] could basically heal him completely not too long after. But for that, he had to survive first and that could only happen if his body would be able to take the attack and not die.

In fact, for his [Immortal Bloodline]'s effects to work fully, he has to be injured heavily but not to the point of dying. If in that state his body's defensive strength is not enough, then even the [Tree of Life] wouldn't be able to save him then. He was not including is EP for now as he knew that he would basically be sitting on no EP for a while as he had a lot of things to spend EP.

So, according to Saksham, the Battle Suit was absolutely perfect for him. Saksham was absolutely satisfied with it. Saksham somehow controlled his urge to wear the Battle Suit right there and then, and once again started thinking about something. He had 104 EP earlier. He used 17EP to strengthen himself completely. Then he was left with 87 EP. After using 50 EP, he was only left with 37 EP.

Saksham thought for a second before opening his mouth, "I need a weapon to match my fighting style right now."

"Are you sure you want to use 35 EP?"

"35 EP? Just enough." Saksham sighed with relief.

He pressed [Yes] without any hesitation and waited for his weapon. Not long after, the space in front of Saksham was torn open and a metallic handle popped out of the torn space. Saksham looked at the unknown weapon with curiosity. He gently held the wooden handle and slowly pulled the weapon out of the torn space. As he pulled the weapon out, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck Saksham's chest, burning a hole in his T-shirt.

Saksham immediately left the handle, jumped back, and took a fighting stance. Seeing no more movement from the handle, Saksham asked his system in doubt, "What was that lightning?"

"It's an ancient weapon. It is testing whether its new wielder has enough strength to wield it and unleash its true potential on the battlefield." System replied.

"What do you mean it is testing me? Since when did a weapon start picking its wielder and not the other way around?" Saksham asked in doubt.

"From what little records I have found, weapons above the Tier III can become semi-sentient. They can't talk or move on their own, but they can indeed test the strength of the people trying to wield them and help the wielders a little on the battlefield. As for the reason of them testing the wielders, you wouldn't really want to work under someone who doesn't even qualify to be your boss right?" The system replied calmly.

"Well that sounds pretty true but to be underestimated by a mere weapon doesn't feel good too," Saksham said as he rotated his wrists.

"So, you want to see if I qualify to wield you right? Then..be ready…to bow before your lord."

As Saksham said this, he raised both his hands sideways, as if welcoming something. Suddenly, the [Overlord Battle Suit] blinked and disappeared into thin air. At the same time, Saksham felt his entire body being wrapped around by a very smooth and soft piece of fabric.

Yes, Saksham had worn the [Overlord Battle Suit]. Wearing the weary-looking battle suit, Saksham didn't look weird at all. Instead, it felt as if there was an unspeakable air around him, making it seem as if he was the supreme ruler of all. Any mortal would obey his commands without asking any question after just looking at him once. Any animal would bow at his silhouette. Such overbearing temperament being exuded from Saksham made him look as if he has been through countless battles and conquered countless lands. It made him look like an…Overlord.