Forming A Contract!

Saksham raised his hand and gently gripped the handle of the weapon. As the grip tightened, Saksham said, "Can you make a barrier around me so that the lightening from the weapon doesn't harm anything in my room and no one outside can hear any disturbance?"

"I can. But you have insufficient EP." The system said.

"God Dammit." Saksham cussed.

"But I can create a small weak barrier around you with perfect soundproofing. It would break just by 1 bolt of lightning from the weapon, but the weapon online wants to test you, not your room. So, it won't be striking anything in the room except you with the lightning." The system suggested.

"Oh? Great! Do that, quick!" Saksham said quickly.

"Are you sure you want to use 2 EP?"

Saksham pressed [Yes] without any hesitation. Suddenly he felt that he was surrounded by something. He couldn't see it, but he could feel it.

"There is a 2x2 meter protective barrier around you with perfect soundproofing. You can start now." The system said.

Saksham nodded and slowly tightened his grip around the handle of the weapon. Then, he slowly started to pull the weapon out of the torn space. But it was as if the weapon was not going to go down that easy, small sparks of lightning started to cackle around the handle. The small sparks soon accumulated enough power that they changed into a thick bolt of lightning, striking directly on Saksham's hand as if telling him to keep his dirty hands off the handle.

But much to Weapon's surprise, a hand came in front of the thick bolt of lightning and "grabbed" it in the middle of its path. Yes, Saksham literally grabbed the bolt of lightning with his other hand. The speed of the bolt of lightning felt like a snail walking. He easily caught the bolt in his hands. Although it was an easy feat for Saksham, Weapon was in disbelief. It couldn't believe that someone could actually catch its lightning with bare hands and live to tell the tale.

"That's it?" Saksham asked in disappointment.

With Saksham's question, suddenly the whole room went silent. If the weapon had a face, it would be gritting its teeth right now. It felt as if Saksham was mocking its low damage. First, he caught its lightning with just hands, and then 'mocked' it by showing how he wasn't even hurt in the slightest with it. The more it thought about it, the angrier the weapon felt. It had decided that it would teach Saksham a lesson no matter what.

Suddenly, Saksham felt something was wrong. He turned his head and look towards the handle that was protruding out of the torn space. He saw, thick bolts of lightning dancing around the handle like snakes. The more they jumped around the handle, the more ferocious they got. All of a sudden, all the lightning snakes hisses towards Saksham and pounced on him at the speed of lightning.

Saksham looked at them carefully and found that they were also moving towards him at the speed of snail in his vision. This time, Saksham didn't use his hand to intercept the lightning bolts. Instead, he used his body to block them. As soon as the tarrying bolts of lightning touched his body, they disappeared as if they were all just an illusion.

Saksham dusted his chest as if removing dirt from his clothes.

"Don't tell me this is all you have got?" Saksham raised his eyebrows.

The weapon was on the verge of going insane. It couldn't understand how the person standing in front of him was taking no damage whatsoever from his strongest attacks. Had it not been its strongest attack, it would have doubted if it still held back a little while attacking. Every single one of its attacks could raze the ground for miles and burn anyone to char. But as soon as they touched Saksham's body, everything disappeared into thin air.

The weapon didn't know that Saksham right now had defenses so high that it was a dream to even cause damage with that meager attack power. 3 [Elemental Kings] were not even enough to seriously injure him. Now, he had strengthened his entire body completely as well as wearing the [Overlord Battle Suit] too. His defenses had gone up even more.

Not to mention, with [Immortal Body], he was taking 25% reduced damage from all sources. After wearing [Overlord's Battle Suit], Saksham was suppressing the weapon and its damage by 20% more. If one does the maths, he would find that right now, Saksham was taking basically no damage from the weapon.

Saksham shook his head and said, "If that's all you got, then be ready serve me all your life."

As soon as Saksham said this, a domineering aura shot up directly from Saksham's body. It tightly suppressed the weapon as it struggled against it, creating sparks of lightning to burst out from its handle. Saksham once again gripped the handle tightly, but this time with both hands, and started pulling the weapon out of the opened space slowly. The more he pulled, the stronger the weapon struggled. But its struggles were nothing in front of Saksham.

Soon, Saksham pulled out the entire weapon. As he held it in his hand, the weapon had stopped struggling altogether. It was as if it had accepted Saksham as its new wielder finally. So, Saksham nodded with satisfaction and finally looked carefully at the weapon. It was a giant axe with the sharpest edge Saksham had ever seen.

Meanwhile it the axe also had a big blunt side on the back of its sharp edge. It was a kind of dual weapon, a giant hammer, as well as a giant axe. The handle of the giant axe was made up of a unique kind of wood, and the hammer and blade part was made up of shiny black-grey metal.

Its wooden handle was about 6 cm in diameter while its length was 2-meter long. The blade and hammer part of the Giant Axe was more than 50 cm wide, combined. While its length was about 20 cms. Saksham wanted to observe his new weapon a bit more, but he encountered a problem. He realized that the weight of the Giant Axe was slowly increasing in his hands. It was slowly becoming heavier by the second.

He wasn't worried about not being able to hold the giant axe in his hands, instead, he was worried that if the weight kept on increasing the floor underneath in feet would definitely collapse. And He couldn't let that happen. The entire building could even demolish if his floor collapses suddenly and go down. His parents were also in the same building, so he had to do something quickly.

Saksham hurriedly asked, "System, what's up with this weapon? Why is it getting so heavy all of a sudden?"

"It was in suppression inside the space you pulled it out from. Since you pulled it out, it is now getting back to its original power level. The true weight of the giant axe is much more than you can ever imagine. So, quickly drop your blood on its handle to contract it as your own weapon." The system replied.

Saksham didn't hesitate and bit his thumb and dropped a drop of blood on the Giant Axe's Handle. As soon as the drop of blood fell on the handle, it was absorbed the handle within a second. Soon, Saksham found out that the constantly increasing weight in his hands had disappeared all of a sudden. Saksham looked at the Giant Axe surprisedly. He felt as if he was holding a plastic toy in his hand instead of a real Giant Axe.

Although its weight was not reduced to absolute nothingness, it was also not enough to make him sweat to pick it up. Saksham was surprised to see such change happen all of a sudden. He didn't understand why it suddenly became so light. He looked closely at the Giant Axe and he found that there were several strange symbols and runes carved onto the Axe handle as well as the head part of the Giant Axe. The runes and symbols looked really mysterious and dizzying to look at.

Saksham shook his head and stopped looking at the runes and symbols. He held the Giant Axe in one hand and turned it left and right to see if he was missing something. But finding nothing more, he was about to swing the Giant Axe, the system's voice suddenly resounded in his head.

"If you want to destroy this whole place as well as the space ahead, then do give it a swing."

Saksham heard this and immediately stopped his swinging motion. He hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Although the Giant Axe looks like it doesn't weigh more than 100 Kgs for you, it actually weighs more than 10,000KG." The system replied.

Saksham's eyes widened as he heard this. He looked at the Giant Axe in his hand with a dumbfounded gaze and then asked again, "How is that possible?"

"This Axe was made from 2 of the heaviest material in existence. Most of the weight of the weapon is concentrated on the head, but that doesn't mean that handle is a light material. And this weapon can get even heavier as the wielder gets stronger, although it would require some materials for that to happen. But for now, it indeed weighs more than 10,000KG. As you are now the wielder and the contracted person of the weapon, it won't feel as heavy for you."

"But for the environment and the people, it won't change. The destructiveness and the heaviness will be Giant Axe will be deadly for anything and everything it comes in touch of, except for its wielder of course. So, had you swung that 10,000KG axe even lightly in front of you, it would have cut the air with such tremendous power that, first, it would have destroyed every single thing in front of it with just the sharpness of the blade of the giant axe."

"Then, it would have created a horrifying vacuum area in front of you, once again destroying everything around the area of destruction. That is how powerful this Giant Axe is. Try not to use it around anywhere with normal people." The system patiently explained.

Saksham heard it and his jaw almost fell to the ground. If just a really light swing could do that, imagine him swinging this thing with his full strength. He shuddered as he imagined the horrifying scene in his head. He quickly held the Giant Axe carefully with both his hands. He almost killed his own family and a lot of people living around. Fortunately, the system warned him before he could even swing, or else…he didn't dare to imagine what would have happened.

Shaking his head, Saksham regained his composure and asked, "What is this weapon? What's its name?"

As the system heard this, it opened a pop-up window in front of Saksham's vision.


[A.N- Please do read the author's note section. ]