Summoning & The White Lily in the Snow

Ryker's vision went dark, he didn't know where he was, all around him an endless void. Information about the world slowly filled his mind as a voice called out to him using familiar words, words in which he knew he heard before. Drawing him into their depths.

[Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill!]

[Repeat five times.]

[But destroy each when filled.]

[A base of silver and steel.]

[ A foundation of stone and the Archduke of Contracts.]

[And my ancestor, my great master, Schweinorg.]

[A wall to block the falling wind.]

[The gate of all four directions close.]

[From the Crown, come forth and follow the forked road to the Kingdom.]

[I herby propose.]

[My will shall create thy body, and thy sword shall create my fate.]

[Abiding by the summons of the Holy Grail, if thou dost accede to this will and reason, answer me!]

[I hereby swear, I will be all that is good in the eternal world.]

[I will be the disposer of evil in the eternal world.]

[Thou, clad with the Great Trinity, come forth from the circle of constraint.]

[Guardian of the Heavenly Scales!]

Slowly Ryker's vision returned to him. Yet even before taking in his surroundings, as if compelled to speck, words began to flow out of his mouth. "I ask you, are you my master?" as if on queue he heard a feminine voice to his side, speaking the same words as him.

Taking the chance to take in his surroundings, Ryker quickly realized where he was, and who had summoned him. For to his left stood a heroic looking blonde haired women, donning western white and blue armor. To his front stood a man wearing black and a beautiful white haired women with red eyes. Noticing the command seals on both the man's and woman's hands Ryker quickly connected the dots. 'I see, so I must have been summoned by Irisviel von Einzbern, since I have come to this world, and will be here for some time, if given the chance I would like to save the mother daughter pair from their fate, as well as young Sakura should the opportunity present itself.' he thought to himself.

"Two servants? How did Iris manage to summon a servant without being a part of the ritual?" Kiritsugu Emiya exclaimed to no one in particular.

"It matters not Kiritsugu, though I know not why I was chosen, the very fact we managed to acquire two servants could be counted as a blessing." Turning to face Saber and Ryker she showed the two a bright smile, that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

Although Ryker had his Cosmic Traveler skill working in full swing, he couldn't help but find himself captivated by her smile, as he returned one of his own.

Finding her words to make sense, Kiritsugu turned and faced Ryker first before speaking. "You must be Arthur Pendragon it's an honor to meet you, oh, king of knights. My name is Kiritsugu Emiya, and I am your master." Hearing his misunderstanding Ryker couldn't help but release a chuckle as both Kiritsugu and Iris looked at him strangely.

"Ahh sorry, sorry, but it seems there has been a mix up." Smiling brightly at the situation, Ryker turned to Saber who's face was rather dark at the moment. "Saber I presume, how about you start the introductions."

"My name is Artoria Pendragon, you may know me as King Arthur. It is an honor to meet you my master." Spoke saber with a rather cold and indifferent tone.

Realizing his mistake Kiritsugu looked upon his servant, not finding it odd that he got them mixed up, as all of the stories of King Arthur painted him to be a man. Yet when two servants, a man and a women were summoned. He believed the man whom was wearing a simple black cloak with a hood covering his head to be their intended target, while the women although she looked like a knight, was believed to be the servant of his wife. Thinking about the tale of King Arthur and looking at the young girl in front of him Kiritsugu couldn't help but feel upset with those who forced the role and burden of king upon the shoulder of a young girl. In a cold tone Kiritsugu spoke, "I see I apologize for the mistake, the stories of King Arthur had me believe you to be a man rather then a women. Let us leave the past as that, however, and move on to more important things. Introduce both of yourselves once more and information about your skills and noble phantasms."

Realizing it was his turn, Ryker looked at Irisviel and spoke in a gentle voice, "It is a pleasure to meet you my master, my name is Ryker Akash, and I have been summoned as the Caster class. Although I have been designated the class of Caster, it is more appropriate to view me in similar lines as one would view a Saber class, as my preferred choice of combat is using magic to aid me in physical combat. I can still use magic as a standalone, however, I'm far stronger up close. My noble phantasm allows me to copy other's weapons and armor, and make use of it as my own in combat."

Pausing here, Ryker looked at Saber before his previous black hooded cloak like clothing transformed into a white and blue magically woven armor. Almost identical to Sabers yet different as well. His armor was bulkier then Saber's and the underclothing was less frilly, with a hood added onto it. Below the waste rather then the dress type design of Saber's, his looked more like four separate blue pieces of cloth, with thinner pieces in the front and back, while at his sides the cloth was wider, and leg armor being visible underneath. (Think, Fate/Prototype - Saber)

Hearing his words and seeing him transform all the others within the room were shocked. Irisviel, hearing how useful and powerful the servant she managed to summon was, made her happy. Yet when he transformed and the face of her servant was revealed for the first time, as prior to this it had remained hidden under his hood, she received yet another shock. 'H…how can someone be so handsome?' Looking to be around the age of 20 with long black hair that cascaded down his back like a water fall, only to end just above his waist. Beautiful red eyes similar to her own, and a handsome face that looked like the face of a god. A lean yet muscular body, that was sculpted to perfection, it wasn't noticeable when his hood was on, yet the moment he took it off, one couldn't help be attracted to him.

'It seems my charm ability is deadlier then I though, even the usually cold and stoic Saber is blushing.' Ryker laughed within his heart, he had spend many hours tweaking and changing his appearance to match what he desired. After all this world had many beautiful women and he wanted to find someone whom was right for him, and having good looks was never a downside.

"I…I…see thank you…Ryker, I look forward to your assistance and protection during the up incoming battles." Replied a flushed Iris as she attempted to reign in her rampant emotions, she didn't even know she possessed. She felt like she was betraying Kiritsugu by being attracted to another man, yet looking over to make sure he wasn't mad, she noticed he didn't even seem to care and was deep in thought attempting to formulate a plan for the future. Seeing the man she loved act that way both made her happy he was taking the war seriously, and sad that he didn't seem to worry about her, Although she knew he was that way from the start and that he was that way for a reason, her emotions were still all over the place after being affected by Ryker charm.

Noticing her becoming depressed, Ryker figured it was time to call it a day and spoke out to the still deep in thought Kiritsugu. "Mister Kiritsugu, I believe it would be best to call it a day. I'm sure I speak to both Saber and I when I say that, I would like to learn more about the current era. Although we were granted information through the grail, it would still be best to learn first hand."

"I see, you're right, lets call it a day. I must inform Jubstacheit of the results of the summoning, so ill be taking my leave." Replied Kiritsugu as a turned and left the church, still lost in thought

Left behind just the three of them, Ryker approaches Iris before lifting her into a princess carry.

Confused and bashful Iris shuddered as she questioned "What are you doing Ryker?!?"

Ryker smiling gently to her once again, spoke in a voice that was full of care and concern, "Master I noticed you seem to be ill of health, so as to not put anymore strain onto you I figured I would carry you back to your chambers if that is alright?"

Seeing how much care her servant was showing her Iris felt touched. Leaning into his chest and closing her eyes, Iris never felt so safe and cared for in all her life. "Mmm thank you Ryker, your care and concern for my well being makes me feel much better already. Please carry me to my room, Saber would you please join us as well? Although I'm not the most knowledgeable about the world outside I'll try to answer any questions you two may have." Said Iris as she sank deeper into the comfort she was experiencing within the safety of her servants arms.

It wasn't long before the three found themselves within Iris' room, and seated themselves at the table near the window while enjoying some tea. Ryker deciding to push his luck a little, sat with Iris still in his arms, seated on his lap, he embraced her back with one arm as support and with the other he poured tea for her.

Although Iris expected for him to place her within her own chair, she couldn't deny that she really didn't want to leave his arms and decided to indulge in his care for a little while longer. Saber although she was also affected by how loving and kind Ryker was acting, shown by the blush she had on her face, she managed to remain composed. Largely in thanks to her magic resistance class skill, which helped to negate some of Ryker's charm, however, his ability was of a far higher rank resulting in her still being affected.

After chatting and enjoying themselves all the way until night time. Ryker knew it was time to put an end to their fun. Although with much reluctance, Ryker tucked Iris into bed and kissed her forehead before saying goodnight. Many may argue that it was a somewhat childish thing to do, Iris thought otherwise as she quickly drifted off to sleep after he laid her down.

Ryker and Saber left the room together, yet as neither of them needed sleep, Ryker invited Saber to the rooftop of the castle for a chat to deepen their bonds. Knowing the importance the teamwork and coordination between the two would be during the up incoming battle, Saber was quick to agree as they spent the night talking about each other's lives and abilities.

Saber hearing that Ryker was actually a Hero from the future was shocked. Of course that was the plan Ryker had come up with when asked of his legend. Seeing as how he had not one, he needed to create something believable, while not giving away that he was from another world. Although he doesn't know why, he feels that it would be a bad idea for people to find out. So to protect his many secrets. Ryker made up a tall about how he was from the future, and that during a world shaking catastrophic event, he managed to save many people at the cost of his own life.

Hearing how he sacrificed himself to save others, which was actually true in a way, Saber was impressed and her already high opinion of Ryker increased by another fold. Slowly the night passed, the two still in their own little world. Ever closer, as the strings of Fate and friendship connect the two.