Linking of Tears & Hearts

Its been six months since Ryker was reincarnated. Over this past half year, he has managed to adapt to his new body and skills. Many of his abilities required him to experiment with them in order to properly know what they did. An example of this would be his [Maker of Gods] skill. He learned that thanks to the skill, he was able to copy skills and abilities, belonging to other heroic spirits and give said skills to someone of his choosing. The only real downsides to this ability was that, one, he couldn't use it on himself, and two, he couldn't grant his ally an unlimited number of skills. The maximum amount of skills he can give a person is different, however its usually between three to five.

Other then experimenting with his abilities most of his time was spent relaxing and taking care of Iris, and baby Illya, as well as sparing with Saber. Of course he held back during the spars, only copying Saber's equipment and fighting using a strength on par with her own. Kiritsugu has been focusing on information gathering, and aside from the first time he watched my spar with Saber, he hasn't shown up much. Something that was odd in his eyes. Although he knew Kiritsugu wasn't really a bad person, just a fanatic when it came to his ideals, he remembered that after Illya was born Kiritsugu had began spending more time with the mother daughter pair. Things were different, though, and it became rare to see Kiritsugu with Iris these days. He would spend some time holding Illya when he did show up, but after a little while he would leave for his own room, asking not to be disturbed.

Kiritsugu seemed to be pushing himself away from his family far earlier then he anticipated. Ryker knew that if there was a reason, it was most likely related to him somehow. Maybe having another young adult male around Iris has caused Kiritsugu to attempt using Ryker as a fill in. He knew he was the type of person who was hardest on himself, and the less attached he was, the easier it would be for him to achieve his goal. After all he had already sacrificed so much in the hopes of world peace, if passing his role as a father and husband over to Ryker allowed him to see the peace he always wished for then why wouldn't he do so?

Knowing that being summoned as the Caster servant has already altered the future, Ryker decided that he wouldn't focus to much on what should happen, but rather the consequences of his actions as a whole. Although he will continue to reference his knowledge of the future he wont let it be what defines him. He wasn't living in a manga or a story book, this was all real, it was his life from hence forth.

He started to plan the things he needed to accomplish before the start of the war and the first thing on his list was Sakura Tohsaka. He already had plans to head to Japan about one and a half years before the grail war began and take Sakura away from the Tohsaka's. He knew that if he went too earlier they wouldn't part with Sakura, yet if he put it off and something happened he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. Thus he settles on one and a half years giving him six months of leeway.

Breaking out of his reminiscence of the past and thoughts of the future, Ryker stopped gazing out at the falling snow from the window, and turned his attention to the people who entered the room. Although he had already sensed them coming, he still staled when he saw Iris carrying baby Illya, and Saber walk in. It was like a beautiful painting. He had seen the three of them almost every day yet he couldn't help but feel like they grew more and more beautiful as time pasted.

"Good morning Master, I hope you had a good nights sleep." Spoke Ryker as he walked forward and took Illya from her arms, before helping her sit at the table for some tea.

Accepting his gesture with a smile Iris spoke with a mild blush, "Thank you Ryker, you are always so good to me." before releasing a small giggle. Sitting down, the trio indulged themselves in tea and conversation, while Ryker held the still asleep Illya.

Halfway through their talk Illya woke up and began to cry due to hunger. So Ryker handing her off to Iris, whom began to unclasp the top part of her dress, blushing fiercely as she began to breastfed Illya.

It all started when one day Ryker was sitting on the roof watching the snow fall, when through his enhanced senses he heard Iris yelp. Making the mistake of not checking the situation before hand, he quickly teleported to her location, only to realize she had somehow managed to slip and fall in the bath. At that time Ryker had been mesmerized by her body only snapping out of it when Iris covered her delectate areas while looking like she was about to faint. Knowing he was at fault, yet wanting to tease the bashful women whom looked adorable. Ryker quickly rushed to her side asking if she was alright as he helped her stand. Not being able to take it any longer Iris passed out in his arms. Ryker feeling bad and thinking he took his teasing to far, helped Iris dry off before carrying her to her room. Yet before he could leave, Iris opened her eyes and when she looked at Ryker, although she was blushing so much she looked like a tomato, he knew that something had changed within her eyes. He couldn't tell what exactly, however, from then on Iris was less reserved around him,

Which led to many situations where Ryker had seen her body, whether it was seeing her breasts when she fed Illya, or even a few times when she was just coming back from the bath wearing nothing but a towel, saying she forgot her clothes. Ryker who had been in her room relaxing went to excusing himself but he was shocked when she told him to stay and began to change in front of him.

Honestly he wasn't complaining, seeing as how he was able to view the body of such a beautiful women. Yet he couldn't help but feel weird in regards to her change. After all he knew originally that she wasn't the type of person who would do such a thing, so something must have changed as a result of him being summoned. He came to the conclusion that maybe his Charisma skill being at such a high level is far stronger then he though. If one is only in contact with it for a short moment, although they find themselves attracted to me, they aren't to affected otherwise. Yet Iris who has spent every day for six months under the subtle influence of the skill has begun to open herself up more, then she normally would. It might even get worse in the future, seeing as this was the effect after six months who knows what six years would be like?

Briefly he contemplated deactivating his Charisma skill, yet in the end he decided to just let things progress as they will. If Iris does end up falling for him, why should he refuse? He had already come up with a way to save her from being a sacrifice to the grail, , and he couldn't deny his own feelings towards her. The only problem was that he didn't want to force her but waiting for her to take the next step was impossible. There was also the issue of Saber to take care of. After spending many nights talking, and days sparing, the two had forged a rather strong bond. It was purely a bond of friendship, but he wanted to give her another chance at life as well.

A life in which she no longer had to be the King of Britain but rather a women. Exploring the modern world, shopping and maybe even motherhood. He had already given her his [Independent Action] skill, making use of his [Maker of gods] ability. This doesn't mean he suddenly 'lost' his skill, he still has it, just that she now also possesses it. She didn't know this yet though, as he had placed it in a sealed state, only to activate in the event that her master, Kiritsugu, died.

Snapping out of his thoughts of the past which he seemed to be doing quite frequently these days, Ryker noticed he had been staring at Iris' chest the whole time. This caused not only Iris to have a deep blush but Saber was also blushing due to the awkwardness.

Unable to take it any longer, Saber rose from her seat before saying, "Lady Iris, I will be in the garden training should you need me." She bowed to Iris and gave me a glance that seemed to say I was an idiot, before leaving.

Ryker after vowing to be careful of where he looks when he gets lost in thought in the future. Glanced at Iris and noticed she was still blushing, yet on her lips was a small smile. Ryker seeing that they were alone, decided that there was no use brooding over the past, and if he wanted to future to be as he desired, then the only person who could effect that was himself. Rising from his seat Ryker reached down to take the now asleep Illya from her mothers arms. After putting her into her crib in the corner of the room. Ryker returned to Iris before lifting her into a princess carry, similar to the day they met.

Iris had been watching him carry Illya with a loving smile on her face, as she was lost in thought, she was caught by surprise when she was suddenly lifted from her chair. Seeing that it was Ryker, Iris quickly relaxed and snuggled into his arms further. Although it wasn't the first time she was carried by him, she couldn't help but be amazed every time. His lean, yet muscular body, strong arms and his scent that reminded her of spring, she couldn't help but feel safe and loved whenever she was in his arms. She knew it was wrong, and she knew that it would be betraying the man she loved, but she sometimes dreamed that the three of them along with Saber, were a family.

She had been feeling lonely recently, as Kiritsugu felt even more distant then ever. It had reached a point where they rarely talked, and if they did it was to discus the grail war. He only salvation had been her daughter and the two servants Ryker and Saber. She viewed Illya as her pride and joy, she was content with life just knowing she was born. Yet after she summoned her servant Ryker, she began to want more out of life. She knew it was selfish, but he showed her how much more there was to the world outside of her bubble. She didn't want to die, she wanted to experience life more. Watching her daughter grow up, growing old with the man she loved. Yet she knew Kiritsugu's dream and her purpose in life was to die for him. She couldn't ask his to throw it all away for her. Yet she at least wanted to feel his love, so when Kiritsugu shut off his love for her, yet Ryker showered her with it. She couldn't stop her heart any longer.

Ryker carried Iris to her bed before laying down, with her still in his embrace. Looking down at her mesmerizingly beautiful face, Ryker not losing his resolve once he found it slowly brought his right hand to her chin, tilting it upwards until she was looking at him with her deep red eyes that were clearly unfocused. Seeing she was still lost in thought, Ryker brought his lips to hers, an action he knew he wouldn't be able to back down from the responsibility of, regardless if she reciprocated or rejected him.

Touching her small thin lips with his own, it was as if electric shocks when through their bodies. Feeling her awaken from her thoughts, Ryker was prepared, he knew there was a large chance a palm was about to come smacking him in the face. Sure enough he felt her raising her hand, knowing what was to come Ryker felt a strange sense of loneliness wash over him. He wouldn't say it to anyone but he felt alone ever since coming to this world.

In his old world, no one cared about him, he had no friends or family, no one. Getting a chance to reincarnate he felt like he would finally be able to rid himself of that loneliness. Yet when he got here, he felt even more alone. He cared about Iris, Saber, Illya. You could even say he loved them. Yet he always had a voice in his mind telling him he didn't belong here. This wasn't him, they weren't real, he was different from them. The reason he gazed outside so much was because he was waiting, waiting for it to all disappear. He felt he was alone, even though there were people around him, he felt like he couldn't reach them.

Yet…the impact he was expecting never came. Instead he felt a gentle hand land on the left side of his face. Removing his lips from hers, Ryker opened his tightly shut eyes and looked at the women laying on his chest. "Why…do you cry?" He heard her say, only now realizing that a few tears at some point had began to flow down his face. "I should be asking you the same thing, why do you cry?" Ryker said as he reached up and wiped the tears that had begun to fall down her doll like face. "Hehehe because I just realized I don't need to be lonely anymore." She said while the most beautiful smile Ryker had ever seen, graced her lips. "Your turn." She continues as she slowly caressed his face, wiping any remaining tears away.

"I felt, alone, and thinking of the fact that you may reject me, I felt like I might break inside." Smiling Ryker thought over his next words as he gazed into her loving eyes. "I don't want to be alone anymore, I want to be able to reach you." Slowly Ryker once more brought his lips to her own, before they shared another kiss, this time far more deep and meaningful. Pulling away for a moment, Iris placed her hand behind his as she locked he fingers around his own, before bringing his hand up to her face. "Silly, you already have reached me." She spoke as she left his hand upon her face, before cupping his face with both of hers. Once more the two not only locked lips, but hearts, as they slowly sank into their own world, spending the rest of the day and night laying in each others arms, thankful that no one came to disturb them.