Family Outing & Rings

It had been a few days since the birth of Ryker's first child, Zenith.

Currently the family was taking a walk through the woods.

The bounded field around the Einzbern castle was set so it would snow all year round.

It doesn't snow continuously, as it can sometimes go weeks without snowing once.

The tree's were often without leaves and coated in snow, while the animals that roamed the forest were those that could survive and thrive in such an environment.

They had been lucky and it hadn't snowed the last few days, meaning they were able to walk around without having to track their way through a few feet of snow. Instead the snow just barely covered the ground allowing them to go for a relaxing walk with the kids.

"Hehe! Daddy so slow!"

Bright laughter sounded throughout the serene forest as a young girl with long white hair pranced about with a happy smile on her face. She was dressed in an adorable purple winter coat and fluffy head piece that kept her tiny ears from getting cold.

"Haha! Get back here you little!"

Chasing after the girl while laughing heartily was a man with long black hair that was tied into a pony tail. He possessed an extraordinarily handsome face, and fit build. He was wearing a long black and red cloak that covered his entire body when his arms were down at his side, currently though his arms were stretched outside of the cloak in an attempt to capture the adorable white haired creature before him. The man was the one who the girl had previously addressed as her father.

The two ran throughout the snow covered forest at a relaxed pace, enjoying their little father, daughter game of tag.

Lagging behind the two, were two women also dressed in winter coats. They watched the father, daughter pair running about with gentle smiles on their faces as they conversed amongst one another.

The one on the left was a blonde haired women, wearing a light blue coat. Her hair was down, ending just after her shoulders and flowed gentle with the wind. She possessed beautiful emerald green eyes that seemed to shin like gems.

Walking beside her, was a women that looked almost like an older version of the white haired child that was running around. She too possessed long waist length white hair, and ruby like red eyes. Similarly she wore a white coat and fluffy hat that was nearly identical to the white haired child's clothing.

The white haired women was carrying a small bundled up baby in her arms while she walked. The baby had a small tuff of black hair on his head, and he watched his surrounding with red ruby like eyes similar to the women's.

It was precisely the Akash family who were out for a stroll as they enjoyed the peace and serenity, of the early morning forest surrounding the castle.

Birds were chirping, small animals, like snow rabbits and deer, were prancing about. This included another unique little creature known as Illya.

While walking she had suddenly wanted to play and started a game of tag with Ryker.

Ryker of course wouldn't go all out and just playfully chased behind her while pretending to get lucky and tag her every once in a while, reversing the roles of who chased who.

The two ran around for a while before Illya ended up tripping over her own feet and fell face first into the snow.

Ryker seeing her fall, quickly arrived in front of her, Iris and Saber who were previously lagging behind also came to Illya's side.

Lifting her up Ryker thought he would be greeted by a crying, upset child but rather Illya looked at him with slightly teary eyes and a pouting face.

Finding her to be too cute to resist, Ryker kissed her forehead before asking "Whats wrong princess?"

Puffing out her checks even more Illya said, "Daddy's running to fast, cheater!"

Chuckling at his daughter Ryker said, "But if I don't run that fast, a certain speedy little girl with caught up to daddy you know?"

No longer pouting Illya smiled happily but still couldn't help but turn her head in mock anger, her smile betraying her, she said "Humph, daddy should be honored being caught by the amazing me!"

Lifting her into his arms Ryker kissed her turned check before saying in a 'respectful' tone, "Indeed my Illya is the most amazing!"

Giggling softly Illya noticed her Mother and Auntie Artoria had also caught up reached her arms out towards her aunt wishing to be carried by her.

Saber seeing her antics released a soft chuckle before taking Illya from Ryker, and carrying her with ease.

The two began conversing with one another about a variety of different things.

Ryker finding his hands now free, went up to Iris and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, while placing his chin on her shoulder, looking down at his son who at the moment was also looking up at him.

A blissful smile soon found its way onto his face as he brought his hand up and gently rubbed Zen's stomach.

Iris turned her head to the side to look at him, as the two then shared a gentle yet passionate kiss.

After they broke off the kiss, Ryker walked to her side while keeping one of his arms around her waist.

The family resumed their walk, while Ryker and Iris watched the interactions between the serious blonde knight and the rambunctious white haired creature.

Ever since Saber and Ryker entered into a relationship, Saber had changed quite a bit.

She was still the same serious, honorable knight, but she had opened up a great deal.

Ryker often caught her acting more like the young women she is rather then the man she pretended to be. She started letting her hair down, and wore cutter clothing.

Sometimes while she was spacing out Ryker would notice her absentmindedly comparing herself to Iris. She would bring her hand up and touch her chest only to release a deep depressing sigh.

Honestly Ryker didn't care to much about what his girls looked like as he had fallen in love with Iris' innocent yet mature, gentle yet fierce personality. As well as Saber's heroic disposition and even her willingness to take all of someone's burdens onto her own shoulders, he had found attractive.

He felt like there was no need for her to compare her outward appearance with other women, as he found her to be beautiful in her own way. Yet whenever he confronted her about it and said similar words, she would always blush profusely and attempt to change the topic.

Not wanting to force her to talk about something that made her uncomfortable, Ryker would relent and not bring it up anymore, but he still hoped she would gain some self confidence as a women in the future. He had even begun attempting to increase her self confidence by showing her how much he was attracted to her current body, but that too caused her to blush.

Especially that time the other day when it was just the three of them, Iris, Ryker and Saber. They had been lying on the bed together while Illya was gone spending the day with Kiritsugu, and Zen was sleeping in a new crib that was set up on the opposite side of the room as Illya's bed. so it was just the three of them.

Ryker's flip had been switch due to Iris' teasing and the two had started making out. Saber had been watching on absentmindedly with a blush on her face. Not wanting her to feel let out, Ryker had also kissed her. Due to her being out of it Saber returned the kiss and the two started making out. When they broke off the kiss, Ryker had whispered in her ear that she was adorable.

Hearing his voice ended up bringing her back to reality and she had nearly fainted due to embracement. Even though she didn't faint, she hid her face in her hands, and wouldn't respond to Ryker anymore afterwards which led to Iris and Ryker just holding her from different sides until she ended up falling asleep, bringing an end to their bed fun.

Looking back on it amused Ryker greatly. Every time he discovered a new side to on of his women caused him to fall more and more in love with them.

Another thing that changed when Ryker and Saber entered into a relationship was Saber 's 'Status' in the family.

Prior to them getting together, Saber and Iris treated each other as 'close friends'. Yet with them entering into a strange relationship where they both shared the same man, their relationship ended up growing even closer and the two now regarded each other as 'Sisters'.

With them becoming one another's sister, Illya also began addressing Saber as 'Aunt Artoria'.

It was around that time that Ryker had decided he should stop addressing Saber by her class name.

Artoria's class name 'Saber', had in a way become a nickname for her. They knew that once the grail war started, they would need to hide her name, and anything regarding her identity as King Arthur as best they could.

This was especially true for her name.

Although 'Artoria' and 'Arthur' were different, once someone fought against her swordsmanship, it wouldn't be a challenge to connect the dots.

Ryker on the other hand didn't have this problem as his 'Legend' was not even known, let alone his name. So his opponents wouldn't glean any information from his name alone.

Knowing they needed to hide her name as best they could had resulted in them solely calling her 'Saber' something which the person in question didn't mind at all. Yet Ryker felt weird calling his women but such a name, that was meant to be a classification.

A Servant's class is indeed part of their 'identity', but it was seen as a classification of their skills rather then they themselves. Masters call their Servants by their class' in order to address them without revealing their 'identity', but the class name on its own still revealed their combat style if you will.

Saber's concealed sword allowed her to hide not only her identity as King Arthur, as Excalibur was so well known, but it also gave her an edge in combat because the opponent couldn't tell what her weapon was, sword, spear, dagger, the possibilities were endless. Personality, Ryker felt that it was actually a handicap for Saber herself.

He felt that she was relying to much on deception and her opponents not knowing her identity, that she was also at the same time 'strangling' her sword.

Its one of the main things he had been trying to work on with her. Give up the veil which hides and strangles your sword, and allow it to shine in its brilliance at full strength. At which point she can then work to improve her own technique without having to worry about her sword remaining hidden.

Wielding a mighty sword such as Excalibur already gave her massive power, yet if she relied to heavily on external power, then her own sword technique would begin to stagnate.

So aside from working on improving her skills, Ryker had also began addressing her differently. He had thought deeply about what to call her as he wanted something which kept true to its origin, yet matched her personality.

Artoria Pendragon King of Britain, yet she was anything but a traditional king. She flowed freely like a river and took the law unto itself, defying common conventions. Rather then 'ruling over' her people, she had instead 'ruled with' them. She wasn't the single voice above all, but rather took her people's opinions in mind and heart. She cared for all those under her, taking their happiness and joy, yet also their sorrow and misery. She took it all.

She is the embodiment of tolerance, and accepts the frailties of others without looking down on them, even if they were her enemies. Once she set her mind to something she never gave up, always finishing what she started.

Artoria Pendragon was a warmhearted, sympathetic person, yet strong and passionate leader who would give their all for their country, even If it meant being the first to charge into battle.

She flowed freely like a powerful river that brought comfort to her people, providing for them, and guiding them. Even if it mean she would need to sacrifice herself for them.

Taking all of these things into account he decided to take the Ria from Artoria, and asked if she was okay with him calling her that.

When Ryker had explained that Ria meant River and that those who went by the name shared similar personality traits as her own, Saber was quick to agree as she too deep down wanted Ryker to call her by name.

So with her new found sisterhood In Iris, Illya now calling her 'Aunt Artoria' and Ryker now caller her Ria. Saber felt like she had truly become a part of the family, to the point where last night she had even gone up to the rooftop and cried silently to herself, due to how happy she felt.

Ryker broke out from his remembrance when Iris asked if he wanted to hold Zen for a little while.

Smiling gently, Ryker took his son into his arms as he enjoyed their family time.

They playing around in the forest for hours until eventually Illya grew tired and Zen was beginning to grow hungry so the group returned back to the castle.

Once inside Iris began to breastfeed Zen while explaining how she believed it worked to Ria.

Ryker had just tucked Illya in for a nap when he saw the two sitting at the table talking about breastfeeding with enthusiasm and wonder.

Chuckling to himself softly, Ryker joined them at the table but just watched on, not interrupting them.

Right now many thoughts were going through his mind.

There were many things Ryker wanted to do and experience now that his powers had stabilized and his son had been born. Yet there was one thought above all else that he had been thinking about for a while now.

Seeing that the girls were finished with their conversation, Ryker decided to not bother with the small stuff and just follow his heart so he coughed lightly to get their attention.

Seeing they were looking at him Ryker spoke, "Iris, Ria there is something I had wanted to ask you two. I had actually wanted to ask you for a while Iris but things kept happening one after another and it didn't quite feel like the right moment, but now with Zen being born and Ria entering the family I figured now was as good of a time as any."

The two had confused looks on their faces but it was actually Iris who managed to pick up something from Ryker's words and body language. She couldn't be certain but just the thought brought a large smile to her face as she waited for Ryker to continue.

Not disappointing her Ryker stood up from his seat and moved to the other side where they say before he said with a calm yet emotional voice, "Would the two of you be willing to marry me?"

After speaking Ryker brought out two open box like objects from his storage.

Within one of the boxes was a pure silver ring with golden rune like symbols running across it. On top of the ring was a red ruby, like crystal that seemed to glow brightly.

The second box contained a ring as well. This one was golden in color with silver rune like symbols on it. The gem on top was similar to a green emerald, rather then a red ruby like gem.

Both rings, although different, seemed to have been made from the same mold and were almost identical except for their coloration. Something which the two rings also had in common was that they both seemed to radiate power, as an ancient aura surrounded them.

Ryker had been experimenting with creating jewelry just for this day, but that was a story for another time.

Hearing his words and seeing the rings both girls couldn't help but have their eyes light up in joy and astonishment.

Although Iris had some ideas, when she heard him actually ask, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by emotions. She had been awaiting this day for a long time, and knew that they had both been ready for this step for a while just that there seemed like there was always something to do.

Although they lazed around a lot, almost every day something was going on, whether it was a need to train or study, anything. Today felt like the first day in which they were totally free, aside from looking after Zen and Illya which they did every day and enjoyed.

So when she heard him ask the question she was extremely happy and excited, at first she wanted to say yes immediately, but she knew her sister actually may need a second to think as it was in her nature to worry about things, on top of the fact that it had only been a few days since she entered into a relationship. Looking towards her sister she reached out and held onto her hand gently.

Ria's thoughts had been in a mess ever since he asked the question. She still wasn't sure exactly what 'love' was or what being in a relationship really initialed as her relationship was Guinevere had been purely political and ended with Guinevere leaving her for best friend Lancelot.

When she was with Ryker she felt happy and like all her worries were blown away. There was a constant giddy feeling, and her heart beat faster. Iris had told her that it was love but she still couldn't understand.

Hearing Ryker propose caused her heart to race and it felt like her mind was screaming at her to say yes but she also felt slightly scared.

Was it okay for her to marry again?

They were both Servants, what of after the war?

Iris was with him first, is it alright to be put at a similar status as her?

Should Iris be his Wife while she remained as a mistress until the war ended?

Her mind was racing. She felt lost and confused.

It was at that time that she felt someone hold her hand.

Breaking out of her thoughts, she looked down at her hand before tracing it back to Iris.

Seeing her sister smiling brightly and happily as if telling her 'Everything will be okay', she felt herself renewed with confidence.

'That's right...didn't you already resolve yourself for this the moment you accepted to love Artoria? I cant see myself being with anyone other then Ryker, so why worry so much? Just like Ryker said I need to follow your heart more not my mind.' Finished thinking to herself Ria nodded her head to Iris before turning back to Ryker with determined eyes.

Ryker had waited patiently, he knew by the looks in their eyes that Iris immediately wanted to say yes but Ria hesitated. He didn't blame her as honestly he wasn't to sure they were ready for marriage, yet it felt wrong to ask one and not the other. He wanted to marry Ria, but they had only been dating for a short time and knowing her personality Ryker felt like she would say that she wanted to keep their current relationship.

Yet seeing Iris grab hold of her hand and then the change in her eyes from lost and confused, to that of a warrior about to charge into battle, Ryker knew she had come to a decision.

Simultaneously the two looked Ryker in the eyes.

One gentle and youthful yet mature looking.

The other, serious and determined yet innocent looking.

Yet both beautiful and angelic like women.

They spoke their words together,

"Please take care of me, my Husband~!"

"Please look after me, Ryker…"

Smiling gently, Ryker placed their respective rings onto their hands, before embracing them both.

Feeling them return the embrace, Ryker turned his head to right and gave Iris a passionate kiss, before turning to the right and passionately kissing Ria as well.

Surprisingly Iris' return kiss was the more tame one while Ria's kiss had contained a small battled of tongues…that was something Ryker would need to look into in the future…

For now though, the three spent the moment in each other's embrace.

Baby Zen in Iris' arm, was looking at them from below with wide eyes as if asking what was going on, and why the giant people were suddenly surrounding him.

All he wanted was some milk you know?


(Author's Note: First things first, I decided to stop taking my meds, I feel like they are making me feel worse mentally then the pain hurts physically so I feel like there is no point. Yesterday I just had no desire to do anything and even writing felt like it was a pain. I don't enjoy feeling like that, and I love writing so when the meds wore off this morning and I re-read yesterdays chapter I felt like it wasn't one of my best and wanted to keep the quality high for you guys. So just going to deal with my knee which wont be hard because I've been dealing with it since high school ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (For those wondering I had a partial tear in my ACL when I was in my senior year playing Varsity soccer. I had planed to try out for a college scholarship to a local D1 college about a 30 minute drive away from where I had lived but it didn't go well after I messed up my knee. I still have to get it looked at every now and then because there are moments after I work out when it starts hurting pretty bad hence why I went the other day.) Next thing, shout out to D_Hero for the Ria suggestion, I wasn't going to call her that at first but after looking up nicknames I had seen what the meaning of the name Ria was and I fell for it instantly! I was like 'Yes! That's Saber!' and that was all she wrote. So shout out again!)