It has been one week since the family had arrived in the city of Cologne, Germany.
At the hotel, Ryker was currently sitting alone in the room holding Zen.
Every time he carried Zen, Ryker liked to study his face and point out which features he got from iris and which he got from himself.
Zen had Ryker's nose, ears and overall facial structure, but he has his mothers eyes and mouth.
Gently Ryker laid Zen on his stomach onto the bed, before carefully grooming the tiny pair of black wings which were poking through slits in his shirt.
Zen's wings and tail had come in two days ago, forcing Ryker to modify all of his current clothes so his wings were able to not be constricted.
~Two days ago~
Ria took a sip of her tea while enjoying her time watching the Illya and Ryker play in the pool.
The family had decided to spend the day swimming In one of the hotels many pools.
Thankfully for them, no one was currently at the one they had picked, leaving the entire pool for them.
Ria was enjoying some tea while sitting in one of the pools chairs as she watched Ryker teach Illya how to swim. Iris was next to her holding Zen.
The two conversed with one another while enjoying the mid day sun.
Ria had enjoyed their time in the city. Although she had been given information about this era when she was summoned, it was an entirely different thing to experience it, and was thankful that Ryker had brought them on this trip.
The first few days were spent just walking around and sight seeing, while also doing some shopping here and there, mostly clothes and some things for Zen and Illya.
Thankfully they had Ryker to store all of the things they bought, making things very convenient.
They enjoyed eating out at different places, while trying new foods. Overall it was a great time.
She had even been able to spend some alone time with Ryker and go out on a date. Ryker pampered her a lot during their outing together and she for once in her live felt like she was a normal girl causing her no small amounts of happiness.
Although there were also some incidents when her and Iris had gone shopping on their own.
While they had been on their way home, some men had tried to hit on them, but they had soon found Iris' foot in their 'special area'. Although Ria had also though of doing the same thing, Iris could turn quite ruthless in regards to strangers.
This event lead Ryker to create Runic Wards that the family would be able to carry around. The wards made it so when others looked at them, they would only see an average person, and would soon forget about ever seeing them.
After that there was no longer any incidents and many men where spared from having to experience excruciating pain that day.
As for the reason they were are the pool today, was the fact that Illya had wanted to learn how to swim, and truth be told, Iris didn't know how to either.
Although Ryker had planned to teach them both at the same time, Iris had told him to teach Illya first and spend some time with her alone while her and Ria watched over Zen.
Ryker had quickly agreed, because although he had already spent some quality time together with just Illya, it was always fun being able to spend time with his daughter.
After watching the two play around for around an hour or so, it was finally time for Iris to learn, so she passed Zen over to Ria before removing the white robe she had been wearing.
Iris was earing a two piece, white bikini with red laces, which showed off her figure quite well. Although she had originally been slightly apprehensive about showing to much skin, when Ryker had heavily complemented her on it, when they had originally bought it, she decided to go with it.
Her bathing suit matched her daughters as well, except Illya was earing a white one piece with red laces.
As for Ria she was wearing a rather frilly light blue bikini with white ribbons.
Once Iris entered the pool, she quickly held onto Ryker before he begun teaching her how to swim.
After a while, far longer then it took Illya, Iris finally managed to get the hang of it. At one point she had even summoned her long white wings and tail, before trying to get the hang of moving with them in water.
Making use of her wings, Iris gained momentum before exiting the water and propelling herself into the air.
After striking a pose in the air, she dove back into the water.
Ria chuckled at her sisters antics before she suddenly felt Zen squirming in her arms.
Looking down, she noticed a pair of tiny black wings suddenly rip through Zen's tiny shirt, and a small black nub appear in his dipper.
Lost and confused, Ria didn't know what to do and just sat there blankly until Zen suddenly started crying.
Snapping out of her daze she quickly yell, "Ryker, Iris come here!"
Fearing that something bad had happened, both Ryker and Iris instantly appeared next to Ria before she even finished her sentence.
Looking down at the tiny black wings that resembled Iris' in appearance, Ryker immediately knew what happened.
Suddenly, Ryker's eyes turned from ruby red, to a rose gold color as he used his [Eyes of the Watcher] to look at Zen's nerves, muscles and skeletal system to check if there had been any complications.
When Zen was born, Ryker had noticed his body was different compared to a humans and more so resembled Iris'. At the time he had attributed it to the dragon blood which flowed through them.
Although Ryker also had dragon blood and could even go as far as transforming into a complete dragon, he was used to a human form due to his past life being human, and had never attempted to modify his body aside from when he mimicked different combat styles.
Ryker had been curious what Zen's dragon blood would result in, seeing as how not only did Ryker have a pure dragon blood bloodline resulting in him being a True Dragon but Iris as well had a decent percent making her a Half-Dragon. So when he had seen that Zen only inherited their dragon bloodline and none of their other bloodlines, Ryker expected him to also have a pure bloodline, resulting in Zen being a True Dragon as well.
So when he grew older, Ryker expected Zen would be able to transform into an actual dragon.
After making sure nothing was wrong with Zen, Ryker comforted the two worried women before deciding to bring an end to their pool fun and get ready for dinner.
~Present Day~
Remembering that time, Ryker couldn't help but chuckle to himself, as he finished up grooming Zen's wings. Although Zen's wings and tail, which had now grown slightly in just a couple days, wouldn't need grooming every day, it was a good idea to keep them clean while he was still a infant so nothing unexpected happened.
When he grew older he wouldn't need to be groomed as much, and at one point he may even be able to do it himself. Yet until then, Ryker took great pride and satisfaction in taking care of his child.
After having a child and seeing how adorable Zen was made Ryker want even more children, a statement which was shared by Iris.
Seeing as how they had both wanted more, Ryker felt that there was no reason not to, and the two had been working hard the last few days.
Causing Ryker to feel glad at the fact that he had booked an extra room.
Breaking free from his thoughts, Ryker picked the now asleep Zen up off the bed, before laying him down into his crib which they had brought from the Einzbern castle.
After laying Zen down, Ryker went to the living room where he saw Iris sitting on the couch.
Sitting down next to her, Ryker released an exhausted sigh before snuggling up to iris. Feeling her place her head onto his shoulder, Ryker felt at peace before closing his eyes and asking something he had been curious about.
"Where are Ria and Illya?"
With her eyes closed as well, Iris didn't bother opening them as she answered his question, "Ria had gone to wash up before bed and Illya decided to join her."
Nodding his head slightly, Ryker stated "I'm glad their getting along well together. I've noticed Ria opening up more and more to the idea of being an aunt to Illya as the days pass and it makes me happy."
Giggling softly iris wrapped her arms around his waist before opening her eyes and looking at Ryker.
Noticing her look, Ryker gave her one back before asking, "What is it?"
Once more releasing a bell like giggle, Iris said "Hmm? Nothing, I just was thinking that I love moments like this and I'm going to kind of miss this place when we leave in a couple days."
Leaning his head down, Ryker gave her a passionate kiss before saying, "Don't worry, we can always come back in the future. I've already purchased some plane tickets towards out next destination. The flight is scheduled to leave in two days so before then lets check out anything else you may want to do. Our next stop will be quite the romantic one so prepare yourself."
Once more the two got into it, as their lips were locked in a heated exchange until they heard the sound of a door opening and knew it was time to break things off.
Feeling in the mood Iris swore she would get Ryker back later that night.
The two snuggled back up together before Illya came bouncing out of the bathroom and hopped onto Ryker's lap.
"Daddy, guess what??" Illya said with enthusiasm.
Giving her a tight squeeze, which earned him a giggle, Ryker said "What is it my little princess?"
With a beautiful, angelic smile on her face, Illya said gloatingly, "Hehehe, Aunty Ria said I've grown taller, hehe."
Amused at how happy his daughter was over growing taller, Ryker chuckled while giving her a kiss on the check before saying, "Wow! Soon you'll be as tall as daddy you know?"
It was at this time that Ria joined them, sitting to Ryker's right.
Having two beautiful women on each side, and an adorable little one on his lap, it was at moments like these that Ryker felt truly blessed at having a chance at another life.
The family spent the rest of the afternoon just chatting and playing around.
Ryker spent some time playing with Illya, using her toys, before they all settled down for a movie afterwards.
The next morning, Ryker went on a 'date' with just Illya, as the two spent some quality time together.
The two girls, Iris and Ria, took Zen to do some last minute shopping in preparation for their trip the following day.
Walking down the sidewalk while holding onto Illya's tiny hand, Ryker asked "So where do you want to do first?"
Tilting her head in an adorable fashion Illya thought where she wanted to go with her daddy before a happy smile graced her face as she came to an answer. "Can we go to the park with the duckies?"
Ryker chuckled to himself before answering, "Sure, do you want to stop and get some bread to feed the duckies?"
Watching her eyes light up, Ryker already knew the answer before he even heard her say, "Yeah!"
The father daughter pair stopped at one of the local bakeries and bought some bread before they slowly made their way to the park.
Once there Illya quickly skipped over to one of the pounds.
Spotting some ducks nearby she couldn't help but turn back with an excited expression before saying quietly so as to not scare them, "Daddy! Look, look!"
Following behind her at a leisurely pace, Ryker turned his attention towards the ducks before telling her to go fed them.
Ryker stood not to far behind her as he watched on as she fed the ducks and a few squirrels which came seeing the food.
Seeing how happy and excited his daughter was over such a simple thing caused Ryker to also feel happy that he had brought her out of the castle.
He remembered during his past life that the Illya in the Fate series was a very lonely and sad person. She had been separated from her parents at a young age and manipulated by the grail.
So being able to see her happy and living life how she pleased, filled him with joy.
Ryker had at first just came to this world because it was one of his favorite stories, yet after coming here he quickly realized that it wasn't just some 'story' anymore. It was his life now, and he wanted to live a life without any regrets while also bringing happiness to those he felt deserved it, yet couldn't achieve it in the Fate series.
Although he knew it wouldn't be easy, as there were many hidden factors at play that he needed to be warry of. Regardless though, he would try his best to ensure that he could at least make some peoples lives better, while also caring for his loved ones.
After Illya ran out of bread to fed the animals, the two took a stroll around the park, as they enjoyed the rest of their time together.
The day seemed to pass by fast, as before he knew it was already time to head back and rejoin the others who by now should have also returned to the hotel.
Although Ryker could tell that Illya was upset that their fun was coming to an end, she knew that she would be able to spend more time having fun with him in the future and got over it quickly.
Illya had always been a good, sensible girl and it often caused Ryker to wonder what raising a normal child was like
Something he would probably never find out due to the fact that his children were all bound to be special.
Returning to the hotel, Ryker noticed that he was correct and the girls had already finished up their shopping trip. So after storing the bags into his [Heaven's Toybox], Ryker and the girls all sat down for dinner, while Zen was currently asleep having just had his own dinner.
After eating the meal that Iris and Ria had prepared, the family got ready for bed.
They all decided to sleep in the same bed today, while telling stories about what they enjoyed the most about their first stop on their long journey.
One by one the girls drifted off to the land of dreams leaving Ryker as the only one left awake.
Although he didn't need to sleep he had gotten into the habit of going to bed at the same time as the others.
The reason he was currently still awake was due to him thinking about the future and how things might progress on their trip around the world, before settling in Japan for the grail war.
Honestly, Ryker couldn't say he was looking forward to the grail war because he knew that it would be the start of a trying time for their family, but he was also looking forward to it at the same time.
The reason being that he knew once the grail war was over, he would be able to enjoy the rest of his life with his family while watching his children grow up in peace.
Once this thought crossed his mind, Ryker felt a sudden chill creep its way up his spin. He wondered what the meaning to such a sensation was and what fate had in store for him, before allowing himself to join the rest of his family in the land of dreams.
(Author's Note: Sorry it's slightly late, I had some stuff to do today and wasn't sure if I could get a chapter out but I didn't want to miss another day so I tried to write this really fast before I went to bed. It's currently 10:00pm and I'll try to get up at 4am give or take, in order to write another chapter for tomorrow before I leave. Thanks again for all of you who are being patient with me, and supporting the novel. It means a lot. Ps: Can anyone guess the next major stop on their trip? There was a clue in the chapter lets see if anyone can guess it.)