Update: I Will Be Back!

Hello everyone who has stuck around, or those of you who are new and just reaching this point.

As everyone knows by now, I started a new job and things were hectic for a while, however, I have begun to get back into the swing of things. As of late, I have been managing my time outside of work better and I feel like I am comfortable enough to attempt writing once more.

Some of you may have noticed but I started writing some concepts in an attempt to get used to writing once more. If some of you have written you might be like me but when I write its almost like I'm in this 'Zone'. Yet with me taking so long of a break that 'zone' is no where to be seen. As such I don't want to just jump back into writing FFS and end up messing it up.

To get used to things once more, this weekend I started up another concept which is a Log Horizon Fanfic ('Void Blades' story as well slightly earlier) and I plan to test and see if I can write a chapter for it every day, or if I will need to adjust my writing schedule to 4 chapters a week or whatever I need to do. I will post the chapters I manage to write next weekend.

With writing the Log Horizon Fanfic I hope to get back into my zone I had before my break and I plan to begin writing for FFS starting next weekend (If the chapters turn out to be off though, I may post pone posting it until sometime in the week).

During this week before I begin writing FFS once more, I will be going back and attempting to fix some issues I have found with the earlier chapters.

(Example: I felt that the 'Trip' part was kind of boring so I plan to revisit that and change it up. Mainly let them be on their trip while I tell the Pov of another character, and ill jump back to their trip during important moments, but for the most part let it act as a time skip rather then telling everything that happens. Although I initially had wanted to do that, I wanted to write more chapters introducing Zen to you guys and i ended up, in my opinion, messing things up slightly.)

Overall just know that the schedual looks like this:

04/22 - 04/27:

-Writing LogHorizon Fanfic.

-Fixing FFS slightly.

04/27 - 04/28:

-Begin writing on FFS once more. Post LH Fanfic.

04/29 - 05/05:

-FFS chapters will be posted. (Some time in here depending on how things go. No later then 05/05 though).

05/05 - 05/11:

-Fix Watcher of Reality as originally planned. (Already have them pretty much done but going to focus on getting FFS back up and running before hand)

-Get a set upload schedual going.