Guilty Conscience

Actually, Li Qin Yao was planning to spend her time alone. After she broke up with Chen Hao last night, Li Qin Yao thought that she should sort out her thoughts and feelings before she can move on.

Who would have thought that she would meet Zhang Yu Han's grandfather once she came down to find something to eat. Because the old man had noticed her presence, she had no choice but to greet him.

"Miss Li, you're here to find something to eat too?" Zhang Jing asked with a smile on his face. He only came down to find something to eat and was not expecting to meet the girl again. Before Li Qin Yao could say a word, Zhang Jing spoke again, "Why don't we eat together? Eating alone was too lonely. Come on. It will be my treat."

When Li Qin Yao heard his words, she could not refuse the old man's invitation to eat together. She nodded and followed Zhang Yu Han's grandfather into the cafe. The two picked a seat and sat down.

"Grandfather, your grandson did not come to visit you?" Li Qin Yao asked as the waiter walked away with the menu and their order.

"Yu Han?" Zhang Jing's eyes sparkled as he did not have to work hard to initiate a conversation about his grandson. "I asked him not to come. Besides, I will only stay here for a night."

Of course, since Zhang Jing had the intention to sell his grandson, he could not let the girl think that his grandson was unfilial.

"Why were you hospitalized? Didn't you come for a check-up?"

Zhang Jing let out a long sigh. "The thought that there might be some problem with the report. So they made me stay for a night. I should be able to get out tomorrow morning. What about you? You looked too young to be here?"

Li Qin Yao laughed. "Grandfather, no matter how old or young, everyone will get sick sometimes. Actually, I had a bad stomachache. Last night I had a spicy hot pot with my friend."

"You should go easy with spicy food," Zhang Jing chided. "In the past, I loved to eat spicy food, as well. But at my age now, I can no longer eat spicy food, or else, my stomach would retaliate."

Li Qin Yao smiled. "Don't worry. I only ate spicy food on a special occasion."

Zhang Jing wanted to ask about the special occasion, but when he noticed the sad smile on the girl's face, he decided that sometimes, there are things that he was not supposed to ask.

"Eating spicy food occasionally should be fine," Zhang Jing said.

The two chatted a little bit, and when Li Qin Yao mentioned that she had a cafe in B City, she invited Zhang Jing to visit her place whenever he had free time. When the waiter brought their food, both of them immediately dug in into their food.

Zhang Jing sighed with satisfaction at the first bite at the beef noodle. Although the taste was not that delicious, Zhang Jing was satisfied. He abstained from eating meat for a few days, but it felt like it has been a few years.

"Does their beef noddle tasted really good?" Li Qin Yao asked. When she saw the way the old man enjoyed his noodle, she was curious. As a foodie, it was difficult for her to resist good food.

"It's not that bad, but definitely better than the food they served upstairs," Zhang Jing said.

Li Qin Yao laughed. After all, hospital food was often associated as tasteless.

Zhang Jing took another mouthful of noodles before he paused. "Miss Li, I have a favor to ask. If you met my grandson later, please don't mention that we ate together. It would be troublesome if he started asking what I ate."

Hearing his request, Li Qin Yao immediately guessed that the food was something that Zhang Yu Han's grandfather supposed to eat. "You can be assured. I won't say a word. Besides, eating occasionally should be fine."

The old man laughed, knowing that Li Qin Yao was repeating his words. He looked at the beef noddle and decided that he should not eat too much of it. Zhang Jing picked up his chopsticks again and paused when a thought crossed his mind.

"Miss Li, why are you coming to eat here alone? Your family members aren't coming to bring you food?"

According to the report he got from Assistant Huo, Li Qin Yao was living with her mother in B City, and their relationship should be good.

"I only have my mother, but she was away for a few days to visit a friend."

"And your boyfriend?" Zhang Jing decided to take his opportunity to test the water.

The chopsticks in Li Qin Yao's hand paused midair. She looked at the old man in front of her and said, "I recently broke up with my boyfriend. So, currently, I'm single."

Zhang Jing was silent for a while. Though his face showed no expression, he was secretly rejoicing the fact that his grandson might stand a chance. "Well, don't think too much about it. I'm sure you will find someone better soon. They said that when one door closes, another opens."

A smile curved on her lips. "Thank you, grandfather."

"Well, if another door won't open, you can just kick it as hard as you can," Zhang Jing added.

Li Qin Yao laughed. The two of them had a nice chat over dinner before they parted to head back to their room. When Zhang Jing arrived at his VVIP ward, he was surprised to see that his grandson was waiting for him. He paused at the door and looked at Zhang Yu Han with a guilty conscience.

"Yu Han, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I was worried that you might be bored. So, I came here as soon as I finished work," Zhang Yu Han said. "Who knows that when I came, you weren't here. You did not inform the nurses or doctors and did not take your phone. Where were you?"

"I was bored, so I took a walk," Zhang Jing said. He avoided Zhang Yu Han's gaze and walked over to his bed. "Didn't the doctor said it's good to exercise?"

Zhang Yu Han walked closer to his grandfather. He was going to help his grandfather to get onto his bed when his nose picked up a familiar scent. He looked at his grandfather and asked, "You went to eat beef noodles?"