Liang Sheng

After a few days of recuperating at Han Yue Xiu's place, Li Qin Yao returned to B City and went back to work as usual. On the day she returned to work, Li Qin Yao invited her barista, Qing Kong, to her office after the crowd has lessened. The two of them chatted briefly before Li Qin Yao mentioned her intention to train her Qing Kong as the manager of Lilium Cafe.

"Me?" Qing Kong pointed at her nose. "A manager? Boss, I don't think I'm capable. If you're looking for a manager, I think Sister Mei Xuan is suitable."

"I talked to Mei Xuan about this matter. You know that Mei Xuan cannot stay too long at the cafe because of her family," Li Qin Yao smiled. "It was Mei Xuan who suggested me to offer this position to you."

Qing Kong opened her mouth to speak, but her boss raised a hand to stop her from speaking.

"I know what you're going to say," Li Qin Yao said. "But I have been watching you for the last few days, and I think with a bit of training, you can do this job. I hope that you can think about this promotion before you give me your answer. Of course, if you agree to take this job, your work increase will double, and so will your salary."

After the brief chat, Qing Kong exited her cramped office, and Li Qin Yao went back to her work. After she had looked at the cafe's invoices and order form, Li Qin Yao began to research on the new development project in B City. Fortunately, Li Qin had agreed to work at this project; at least, she could take her mind off her break up.

Surprisingly, Chen Hao did not come to look for her. Not a phone call or a message on her WeChat. Seeing that Chen Hao did not try to contact her, Li Qin Yao felt a pang of disappointment.

Although she was the one who initiated the breakup, Li Qin Yao hoped that Chen Hao would at least try to coax her. She had thought about their relationship for the past few days and decided that, if Chen Hao tried to contact her, then she would be willing to try and change his mother's heart and opinion towards her.

Unfortunately, after a few days has passed, Chen Hao did not attempt to contact her.

Just as she was busy reading a few reports on her computer, Yin Mei Xuan knocked on her door and peeked inside.

"Yao Yao, someone is here to look for you. It's a guy," Yin Mei Xuan wriggled her eyebrow and gave her friend a flirtatious look.

"Who? Did he say who he is?"

"He said his name is Liang Sheng," Yin Mei Xuan said. "Although he was not good looking, you can tell from the way he dressed that he probably made a lot of money!"

Li Qin Yao laughed at her comment. She walked out of her office and peeked at the man from the kitchen.

The man sat elegantly by the window as he sipped on his drink. He dressed neatly in a suit. From his side profile, Li Qin Yao could see that he was wearing a black-rimmed spectacle. After staring at him for a while, Li Qin Yao still thought that she had never seen his face before.

"Didn't they say not to judge a book by its cover? How do you think that this guy made a lot of money by looking at his suit? It could be rental."

"Of course, but I talked to him earlier. His manners showed that he was someone from a good family."

Li Qin Yao watched her friend speechlessly. "I think it's good that you're married to your husband earlier. Or else, I would worry about the way you judge man."

Yin Mei Xuan snorted. "Anyway, why do I think that recently, there were a few good looking men around you? Your luck with good looking men is pretty good."

"Didn't you said earlier that he's not that good looking? How did you change your mind so fast?"

"He probably falls into the category of people who looks better the more you look at him."

Li Qin Yao decided to ignore that comment. She heaved a long sigh before she stood up straight and walked towards the man. She cleared her throat to catch the man's attention and said. "Good afternoon, sir. I heard that you were looking for me?"

The man turned around when he heard her voice. Their gaze met, and the man quickly stood up with a polite smile on his face. "Miss Li, I'm glad to meet you finally."

Li Qin Yao looked at him with a slight frown. "Excuse me, but do I know you? Why are you looking for me?"

"Ah, right," the man patted his coat before he pulled out a card. "My name is Liang Sheng. My father sent me to assist you."

"Your father?" Li Qin Yao took the card and read his contact details. However, she still had no clue about the person in front of her.

"My father, Liang Xue Ming," Liang Sheng hinted.

"You're Assistant Liang's son?" Li Qin Yao blinked twice as she finally figured out who he was.

Liang Xue Ming worked for her grandfather from the first moment he graduated college. Everyone in QL Group knew that Assistant Liang was Li Ren Xin's most trusted man in the company.

"That's right," Liang Sheng nodded.

"Please, have a seat," Li Qin Yao gestured towards the seat. Then she sat on the opposite of Liang Sheng. "You said that your father sent you to assist me? What do you mean by that?"

Liang Sheng smiled. "My father mentioned that you were working on a project on behalf of Chairman Li. He mentioned that this is a secret project. Before you win the tender, you cannot receive help from the headquarters. This is why Chairman Li and my father send me to assist you. After all, I am not someone from QL Group."