Juggling Between Two Jobs

With the help of Liang Sheng, Li Qin Yao hired four people to help her with the project in B City. Liang Sheng had stayed with his father for years and knew very well what the company needs; therefore, it was not hard for him to adjust to his new job and find a few help.

Because the company could not find a suitable office, the new workers set up a small office in Lilium Cafe. When the customers saw that the cafe allowed them to stay longer and do their job, some of them began to copy the trend and work from the cafe.

Although people started to buy more coffee, Li Qin Yao knew that they have to find a place as it was not suitable for them to continue working from her cafe. Li Qin Yao thought that she should rush Liang Sheng to find a temporary office.

First of all, it was not appropriate or comfortable for them to do their work in the cafe. Secondly, Li Qin Yao thought that if their project were approved, the others would be given a chance to stay with QL Group and oversee the project.

"Qin Yao, are you not tired running around here and there, juggling between two jobs?" Auntie Yu asked. She picked up a tray of hazelnut cakes and handed it to another employee as they began to restock their display.

The employee from her cafe all knew that the four people who occupied the seat near the kitchen entrance were working for their boss. Li Qin Yao had explained that she had to help her grandfather to arrange a few data, and it will take them a few months before the work completed.

When they saw how their boss had to entertain the customers while looking over the cafe and her new project, everyone started to worry. Moreover, Li Qin Yao was still training Qing Kong as the manager. Therefore, her workload had increased a lot.

"I'm fine, Auntie Yu," Li Qin Yao replied with a smile. "Just ask them to bring me coffee later."

Auntie Yu shook her head and sighed. "This child. You shouldn't drink too much coffee. You have to look after your health as well." Although she was complaining that Li Qin Yao drank too much coffee, in the end, Auntie Yu asked the barista to bring Li Qin Yao and the other some coffee.

"Don't worry. I know."

Li Qin Yao returned to the table to study a few documents on her laptop. She turned to the girl beside her and asked, "Have you guys visited the site yet?"

The girl, Xiao Lian Yi, nodded. "Assistant Liang Sheng took us to the site when we first started."

"What do you think about it?"

"Hmm," Xiao Lian Yi thought over it for a while before she answered, "Currently, there a few lots of abandoned factories and shops around. Not many people visited the area since the factories are now shut down. But the surroundings and roadways are good. There were a few tourist spots around, and the foods are pretty good. "

Li Qin Yao took a look at the documents again. However, she still could not get inspired and imagine what the city was going to look like. After a while, she decided to visit the site and take a look around.

The small bell chimed when someone walked in. Li Qin Yao tilted her head up and saw Liang Sheng entered the door with a file in his hand. She stood up to greet him and noticed that there were two familiar faces behind Liang Sheng.

"Miss Li, I have the documents," Liang Sheng said, waving the file in his hand.

Li Qin Yao nodded. "You can join the others first. I will be with you soon."

Noticing that his boss has another matter, Liang Sheng obediently walked over to their usual table.

Once Liang Sheng walked away, Li Qin Yao greeted the two men with a smile on her face. "Mister Zhang, Mister Wei, welcome to Lilium Cafe. I haven't seen the two of you for a while."

Wei Jun Hao glanced at his friend before he looked at Li Qin Yao. "We have been busy with work these past few weeks. Did you miss us?" Just as he finished, Wei Jun Hao felt a sharp jab on his waist. He immediately stared at the culprit with hostility.

Li Qin Yao laughed and did not put his words at heart. "Of course, we miss you. Please come in." she ushered her guests inside, and in a few seconds later, she stood beside the table and hand over the menu.

Wei Jun Hao did not even look at the menu before he said, "the usual." As Zhang Yu Han was busy deciding on what to eat, Wei Jun Hao took the chance to chat with Li Qin Yao.

"Miss Li, is it alright for you to wait for us like this?" Wei Jun Hao asked. "If you're busy, you can always get back to work."

"It's alright. There weren't many customers anyway."

Wei Jun Hao smiled. He glanced at the table where Liang Sheng and the others sat, and his gossipy nature came forth. However, before he could say a word, Zhang Yu Han had kicked him under the table. Just as he was about to complain, Wei Jun Hao received a warning glance from his friend. In the end, he decided to shut up.

Zhang Yu Han hurriedly ordered his food, and once Li Qin Yao retreated to the kitchen, Zhang Yu Han stared at his friend and frowned. "Just what do you think you're planning to do?"

"That guy looked suspiciously close to sister-in-law, of course, we should get gather information before another rival popped up," Wei Jun Hao said in a low tone.

Initially, Zhang Yu Han was ready to give his friend some scolding, however, when he heard the word, 'sister-in-law,' his heart softened, and he decided not to say too much about it.

"Don't tell me you're not curious?"

"Even if I'm curious, what can I do about it? We're not that close," Zhang Yu Han leaned on his seat and sighed. "Besides, let's not forget that she still has a boyfriend."