The Right Height

Li Qin Yao winced at her best friend's question. It was then that she recalled how she had coincidentally met Zhang Yu Han at a restaurant before. Back then, Li Qin Yao thought that Zhang Yu Han was an insurance salesman, and later, she introduced him as such.

"I was mistaken," Li Qin Yao whispered back. "He's not an insurance salesman."

Han Yue Xiu stared at her friend with a questioning gaze, but before she could say a word, the boys had approached them. Han Yue Xiu had no choice but to remain silent.

"I thought I saw wrongly, but," Wei Jun Hao said to Li Qin Yao. He glanced at Zhang Yu Han with a mysterious smile on his face. "Surprisingly, it is you."

Zhang Yu Han narrowed his eyes dangerously in return, warning Wei Jun Hao not to try anything funny.

Earlier, it was Zhang Yu Han, who recognized Li Qin Yao when she stood behind the fence. For a moment, Zhang Yu Han was distracted from the game. He thought that he had seen it wrongly. It was until Wei Jun Hao decided to call her name out loud that Zhang Yu Han was sure that he was not hallucinating.

"Mister Wei, Mister Zhang," Li Qin Yao greeted them with a smile. Her gaze went towards the ball in one of the men's arms. "You guys are here to play basketball?"

Wei Jun Hao nodded. "Did you came here to watch?"

"No. No. We were just passing by," Li Qin Yao answered quickly. She felt the continuous nudging on her waist and frowned at Han Yue Xiu.

Wei Jun Hao noticed that Li Qin Yao was trying to escape the meeting as soon as possible. Despite Zhang Yu Han warning that he did not wish to disturb her relationship with her boyfriend, Wei Jun Hao, wanted to create a chance for his friend.

So what if she had a boyfriend?

As long as Li Qin Yao was not married, Wei Jun Hao thought that everything is possible.

"Miss Li, how about you and your friend try and shoot the ball into the hoop?"

"No. I'm alright," Li Qin Yao answered.

"Can we?" Han Yue Xiu answered at the same time.

The two girls exchanged their glance for a while,

"Actually, I'm horrible with basketball," Li Qin Yao admitted.

Han Yue Xiu pulled at Li Qin Yao's sleeve. She looked at her friend with her full, bright eyes and said, "I haven't played basketball for years! Come on. Just for a while."

Li Qin Yao felt the corner of her mouth twitched as her gaze met with Han Yue Xiu's pleading gaze.

"Five minutes!" Han Yue Xiu lifted her hand and showed her five fingers.

Li Qin Yao heaved a sigh and nodded. She was about to decline, but as Li Qin Yao thought that her friend might be in a bad mood after her sudden resignation, Li Qin Yao gave in.

She watched her friend ran towards the court after picking up the ball from one of the guys. Li Qin Yao thought that Han Yue Xiu had suddenly turned into a child. She followed Han Yue Xiu to the court and watched as her friend dribbled the ball clumsily. It didn't take Han Yue Xiu a long time to get used to the game.

Looking at the smile on Han Yue Xiu's face, Li Qin Yao took out her phone and texted her mother that it would take them a while before they returned. Xu Yilan replied immediately and told her that she was going to shop around for a little while.

When Li Qin Yao looked up from her phone, Han Yue Xiu had successfully shot a ball into the hoop.

"Why do I feel that your friend seemed familiar? Have she played basketball before?" Wei Jun Hao asked. He had been watching Han Yue Xiu for a while and thought that the girl was definitely someone who used to play basketball before.

"That's Han Yue Xiu," Li Qin Yao introduced. "She played basketball in high school and quit in college."

"Han Yue Xiu," Wei Jun Hao mumbled her name and frowned. Seconds later, he looked up again when a thought crossed his mind. "LH High School?"

"How did you know?" Li Qin Yao watched Wei Jun Hao with her eyes full.

"So that's why," Wei Jun Hao laughed. He looked at Zhang Yu Han with a knowing look.

At last, the mystery of how Li Qin Yao appeared at the basketball competition years ago was solved! Han Yue Xiu was the key. She was a player in LH High School, and Li Qin Yao had come to watch the game. It was then that Zhang Yu Han first saw Li Qin Yao and fell for her at first sight.

"I probably saw her at one of the basketball competition," Wei Jun Hao said. "We used to play basketball in high school and met LH High School a few times."

Of course, Wei Jun Hao would not tell the truth. He had never paid much attention to LH High School basketball members. The first time he saw Han Yue Xiu's face and learned her name was during the time he was looking for Li Qin Yao. Zhang Yu Han gave him no other clues, except for LH High School basketball club.

Han Yue Xiu scored another ball, and some of the boys started to surround her to block her movements.

"Although your friend hasn't been playing for years, I can see that she had good skills," Zhang Yu Han said.

Li Qin Yao had goosebumps as she heard his voice. It was then that she noticed that Zhang Yu Han had stood behind her for a while. Li Qin Yao rubbed the back of her neck and smiled at his praise.

"Are you sure you're not good at basketball?" Zhang Yu Han asked. He could never forget the first time he saw her. He watched her as she shot a three-pointer, and the ball went in.

Li Qin Yao winced at the thought of countless balls that did not go in into the ring. "My friend tried to teach me a few times, but I'm just not good at it. Probably because I'm too short."

"You're not too short," Zhang Yu Han said.

Li Qin Yao lifted her head to meet Zhang Yu Han's gaze. Although she was wearing a high heel, Li Qin Yao thought that she was still too short when she stood next to Zhang Yu Han. Without her high heel, her head reached his chest area. With her high heels, her head was an inch away from his jaw.

"I think you have the right height," Zhang Yu Han continued.

Suddenly, Li Qin Yao felt warmth crawling all over her body up to her face. Swiftly, she looked away to watch Han Yue Xiu.

This man… What was he trying to do? Was he encouraging her not to give up or something?

Although Zhang Yu Han had an intimidating aura around him and did not talk too much, Li Qin Yao thought that he was pretty good with his words.

"Yao Yao!" Han Yue Xiu waved her hands.

Li Qin Yao snapped out of her thought and quickly went to her friend's side. "Are you done?"

"Un," Han Yue Xiu nodded happily. She passed the ball to Li Qin Yao and said, "Come. Try and shoot this ball. Just once."

"You know that I'm not good at this."

"I know. But since we're here, you might as well try to shoot once."

Li Qin Yao sighed. Standing at the center of the court in her high heel, Li Qin Yao took the ball, bounced the ball on the floor a few times, and shoot. She stared at the ball in agape as it hit the ring and then went in into the hoop.

What just happened?