He was Lying

After her countless attempts to shoot the ball into the hoop for the past few years, this was the second time that Li Qin Yao succeeded! When she thought about that, Li Qin Yao was astounded.

She stood in the middle of the basketball court while staring at the hoop in dumbfounded. It was not until Han Yue Xiu had pulled her a tight hug did she snapped out of her trance.

"Yue Xiu, I can't breathe," Li Qin Yao gasped.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Han Yue Xiu smiled sheepishly. "Yao Yao, don't tell me that you have been secretly practicing?"

As the person who tried to teach Li Qin Yao how to play basketball, Han Yue Xiu was the witness who saw Li Qin Yao's fail attempts to shoot the ball into the hoop.

Li Qin Yao shook her head. "I haven't. I was as surprised as you are."

Soon, the boys surrounded her and praised her for her shot. Gradually, Li Qin Yao's face turned red with embarrassment. However, not long after, Wei Jun Hao pulled the boys away to create an opportunity for Zhang Yu Han.

Zhang Yu Han narrowed his eyes dangerously at his friend. But once he turned his head to Li Qin Yao, his cold demeanor disappeared. "Where are you heading to next? Do you need a ride?"

"We're alright," Li Qin Yao was quick to decline.

"We're going to get some milk tea," Han Yue Xiu spilled. "We heard that the milk tea around this neighborhood was quite popular."

"Coincidentally, now that we have done with playing, we were planning to go and get some milk tea as well," Zhang Yu Han lied.

He was not a fan of those sweet milk tea and did not understand why people were crazy about this trend. However, he had spoken those words subconsciously once he heard that he had the chance to be around her a bit longer.

Han Yue Xiu stared at Zhang Yu Han for a few seconds longer before she said, "Then, let's go together." She felt how Li Qin Yao was poking her on her waist and pretended to feel nothing. "We are going in the same direction anyway," she spoke to Zhang Yu Han and turned to her friend with a smile on her face.

A hint of surprise flashed on Zhang Yu Han's eyes briefly. "Sorry. I haven't introduced myself. I am Zhang Yu Han. Han Yue Xiu, right?"

Han Yue Xiu shook hands with the man and nodded. "You know me?" she asked Zhang Yu Han while glancing at her friend.

"I've seen you before during the basketball tournament in high school. You're popular among the female player," Zhang Yu Han said. Of course, he was lying again. If Wei Jun Hao did not mention these things previously, he wouldn't know anything about Han Yue Xiu.

"Really?" Han Yue Xiu laughed at his praise.

Zhang Yu Han nodded. "I better tell the others about this plan first," he said. Then, Zhang Yu Han went to his friends and invited everyone to come along. In the end, his words left his friends dumbfounded.

Lin Xiao Feng, who was among the boys, poked Wei Jun Hao on his arms. "What's wrong with Captain? Since when did he drink milk tea? Didn't he look down on those drinks before?"

As the boys were previously from the same basketball team, the boys have gotten used to calling Zhang Yu Han as 'Captain.' The habit stayed although they have left the school for years.

Wei Jun Hao sighed as he put his arms on Lin Xiao Feng's shoulder. "You wouldn't understand." He turned his head and saw his friend, blinking his eyes in confusion.

"Jun Hao, what wouldn't I understand?"

"When the time is right, you will naturally understand," Wei Jun Hao spoke again.

In the end, because he was trying to be so mysterious about it, Wei Jun Hao received a few beating from his friends.

"Sorry, my friends have always been like that," Zhang Yu Han said to both Li Qin Yao and Han Yue Xiu as they watched how the others were fooling around.

"They were playful," Li Qin Yao smiled as she commented. She thought that the sight was quite refreshing. Though they acted childishly, it clearly showed how they were close to each other. Looking at them, Li Qin Yao felt a tad jealous. Growing up, she did not seem to have many friends around her.

After picking up their belongings, Zhang Yu Han and his friends then accompanied the girls to the milk tea shop.

As the girls were walking at the front, Han Yue Xiu glanced back and saw that the boys were walking behind them while keeping their distance. Han Yue Xiu tugged on Li Qin Yao's arms and spoke in a lower voice. "Okay, you didn't explain to me about the ex-insurance seller."

"It was a misunderstanding. I overheard him talking about insurance plan, and thought that he was selling insurance," Li Qin Yao said. "Turns out, he was in the hospitality industry."

"You seemed close to a few of them?"

Li Qin Yao knew that Han Yue Xiu was talking about Zhang Yu Han and Wei Jun Hao. "Mister Zhang and Mister Wei is a regular customer at my cafe."

Han Yue Xiu watched her friend with skeptical. She had observed at the side as Li Qin Yao chatted with that man called Zhang Yu Han earlier. Looking at them, she could see that the man was interested in her friend.

Didn't they say that those who were standing at the side can see things clearer?

However, although Zhang Yu Han seemed interested in her friend, Han Yue Xiu could see that the man was trying to keep his distance.

Han Yue Xiu decided not to share her thoughts. After all, Li Qin Yao had just ended her relationship with Chen Hao. If she shared her view, Han Yue Xiu was afraid that her friend would be scared and soon began to avoid that man. In the end, it was better to observe things quietly first.

"What is it? Are you interested?"

"Pfft… don't joke around. I didn't want to think of getting into a relationship right now."

After walking for almost five minutes, the group arrived at the milk tea shop. As there was quite a line, Zhang Yu Han volunteered to queue for the girls.

Lin Xiao Feng watched as Zhang Yu Han stood in line with his mouth slightly agape. He snapped out of his trance after a while and glanced at where the girls were sitting. Then, he went to Wei Jun Hao and whispered, "I think I understand now."

"What do you understand?"

Lin Xiao Feng glanced at Zhang Yu Han and then, to the girls. "The Captain..."

"Even if you know, you will have to pretend that you know nothing," Wei Jun Hao interjected. "Or else, Captain will be embarrassed and ignore you for months."

Zhang Yu Han was ignorant of what his friends were talking about. Once he bought a cup of milk tea for everyone, he went to the girls' table to deliver their drinks.

Li Qin Yao took out her purse to pay back his money but was stopped by Zhang Yu Han.

"It's my treat," Zhang Yu Han said with a smile. "Next time, you can buy me a drink."

Hearing his words, Li Qin Yao had no reason to decline. "Then, the next time you visited my cafe, I will give you a free cup of coffee."

Zhang Yu Han smiled to hide his disappointment. He only wanted to find an excuse to go out for a drink with her. However, it looked like his plan to make an excuse to go out with her has failed.