Causing a Scene

Earlier that morning, Li Qin Yao was busying herself with delegating tasks to her employees. Her flight to the Capital City will depart in the afternoon and before she left, Li Qin Yao needed to ensure that her cafe will be alright without her presence.

This time, she was expected to stay in the city longer to discuss a few things with her grandfather and faced the shareholders regarding the project in B City.

This would be the perfect chance to see how Qing Kong can manage without her supervising.

Li Qin Yao was giving a few instructions to Qing Kong when the small bell chimed and the door swung open.

From the corner of her eyes, Li Qin Yao watched as one of the waiters stepped forward to greet their customers. However, once her gaze fell on the customer, Li Qin Yao paused in the middle of her sentence.

"Boss? What's wrong?" Qing Kong asked when she noticed that there was something wrong with her boss's expression.

Li Qin Yao shook her head before she continued to talk to Qing Kong. However, a slight frown appeared on her face as she wondered why did the two people visit her cafe.

The two new customers were no other than Tang Ai Ling and Mother Chen.

Tang Ai Ling had visited her cafe and they both exchanged a few words. The first time that Tang Ai Ling came to Lilium Cafe with her friend, Li Qin Yao could let it pass as a coincident. However, now that Tang Ai Ling had come with Mother Chen, Li Qin Yao began to wonder about her motive.

Previously, when she was still dating Chen Hao, she had once told Mother Chen that she worked in a cafe. Although Li Qin Yao had invited Mother Chen to come over to Lilium Cafe a few times, the woman had never come to visit.

Li Qin Yao had broken up with Chen Hao and had no contact with him since that night. Why does it feel like the two of them came to provoke her?

However, Li Qin Yao was too lazy to entertain the two women and continued her task behind the counter and chose to ignore them.

Since she was no longer dating Chen Hao, Li Qin Yao saw no reason for her to come over the two's tables and greet them.

Right now, Mother Chen and Tang Ai Ling were treated as ordinary customers. If Tang Ai Ling came with Mother Chen to have some meal and bring her some profit, she was not going to complain about it.

But, it seemed that even though she did not want to pay attention to the others, it doesn't necessarily mean that the other party was willing to leave her alone without seeking trouble.

As Li Qin Yao was checking on the cakes behind the counter, Mother Chen and Tang Ai Ling sauntered towards the counter.

"Miss Li, we met again," Mother Chen said.

Li Qin Yao lifted her head and smiled politely. "Can I help you?"

Mother Chen sneered. "Miss Li, the last time we met, did I not tell you that you are not suitable for my son?"

Li Qin Yao frowned when Mother Chen suddenly raised her voice. It was as if she wanted everyone inside the Cafe to listen to her words. Li Qin Yao glanced at Qing Kong and signaled her to look after other customers.

"Even though you know that I will not approve of your relationship, why do you keep pestering my son? You're vicious enough to try and ruin his relationship with his parents!"

Li Qin Yao was speechless at Mother Chen's accusation. "I don't understand what you're saying. When did I keep pestering your son?"

"Stop playing dumb. If it wasn't for you, then why is it that Chen Hao has not returned home for a month."

Li Qin Yao was taken aback at the news. She knew that Chen Hao was very filial to his mother. To think that Chen Hao has not returned home to see his mother for a month… Why did this guy suddenly rebel?

"Excuse me, Mrs. Chen. After the last time we met, I have broken up with your son and had never seen him again," Li Qin Yao said. "If your son had not returned home for a month, shouldn't you be looking for him at his workplace or something? Why did you come here to make a scene?"

As Li Qin Yao finished, she glanced at Tang Ai Ling with a sharp look. She could guess that Tang Ai Ling had somehow made Mother Chen believe that she had something to do with Chen Hao.

Once their gaze met, Tang Ai Ling, shrunk behind Mother Chen.

Li Qin Yao was about to turn back and head back into her office when she felt someone grabbing her arms.

"If I can find Chen Hao at his workplace, do you think I would be coming here to find you?" Mother Chen was almost shrieking.

Li Qin Yao staggered backward as Mother Chen released her grip. Her body slammed against the wall behind her and she winced in pain.

"Qin Yao, are you alright?" Auntie Yu, who has been watching everything from the side, swiftly went to Li Qin Yao's side to checked on her boss. Then, Auntie Yu turned to Mother Chen in anger. "This customer here, if you continue to cause a scene here, I'm afraid that we will have to call the police."

Tang Ai Ling tugged at Mother Chen's hand while whispering words to calm her down. However, Mother Chen could not be appeased.

Mother Chen had raised her son for all her life and this was the first time that her son had not to listen to her words. Even during Chen Hao's teenage years, he was someone who would listen to her arrangement obediently.

Her son had not returned home and has not shown up to work for nearly a month. If Chen Hao did not give her an occasional call, Mother Chen would surely report him as a missing person.

Of course, Mother Chen would blame Li Qin Yao for Chen Hao's sudden change of attitude. Who else would influence the change in Chen Hao if it was not Li Qin Yao?

Mother Chen stepped forward to Li Qin Yao in anger, but before she could reach her, someone had pulled her back. Mother Chen turned around and her eyes widened as she saw a strange woman before her.

"What are you trying to do to my daughter?" Xu Yilan asked before Mother Chen could utter a word.

"Ma," Li Qin Yao was shocked upon seeing her mother. "What are you doing here?

Xu Yilan walked over to her daughter. The fierceness in her gaze while facing Mother Chen dissipated. "Didn't you said you're going to the airport later? I wanted to send you off." She gave her daughter a look over and frowned. "Are you alright?"

Li Qin Yao nodded.

"This crazy woman," Mother Chen spoke up. "Who are you? Why are you interrupting our business?"

"Mrs. Chen, right? Before you bully my daughter, you need to face me first." Xu Yilan crossed her arms on her chest. "I heard from my daughter that she had already broken up with your son. Why are you causing a scene here? Let me tell you. Even if your son comes back and begs my Qin Yao to be with him, I won't agree. You said my daughter was not suitable for your son? Well, you're right. Your son who was not worthy of my daughter!"

Xu Yilan had naturally heard about her daughter's breakup with Chen Hao. During Han Yue Xiu's stay with her, that girl had told her some details that her daughter refused to tell. Xu Yilan naturally heard the insulting words Mother Chen's said to her daughter.

Mother Chen clenched her hand on her purse. She wanted to retaliate, but she got scared upon meeting Xu Yilan's sharp gaze. Mother Chen turned around in anger with Tang Ai Ling behind her.

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Chen," Li Qin Yao called out as the two walked near the exit. "You haven't pay your bills yet."