Keep Bumping into Each Other

Li Qin Yao and her mother arrived at the airport and walked over to the departing hall. Seeing that they have got some time, the mother and daughter sat at the bench and chatted a little bit.

"I did say that I will give you my support if you're planning to return to QL Group," Xu Yilan said with a soft sigh. Then, she reached out her hand to pushed a few strands of hair behind her daughter's ear. "But if things get too tiring and difficult, just give me a call and I will come and pick you up."

Her mother's words turned Li Qin Yao's nose soured. However, she forced a smile and pulled her mother into a hug. They parted after a while and glanced at the screen to see that she can head into the lounge.

"Call me when you arrived," Xu Yilan patted her daughter on her shoulder.

Li Qin Yao nodded slowly.

"What is it?" Xu Yilan naturally noticed that her daughter had something she wanted to say.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Li Qin Yao asked, "Ma, about the thing you said before."

"What thing?" Xu Yilan raised a brow.

"Chen Hao. If Chen Hao and I get back together, will you really not agree to it?" Li Qin Yao asked.

Xu Yilan stared at her daughter for a few seconds longer and spoke, "Yao Yao, do you really like Chen Hao that much?"

Li Qin Yao did not know how to answer her mother's question. She liked Chen Hao and at that moment, she had not gotten over her break up yet. However, Li Qin Yao was not sure if she liked Chen Hao that much that she wanted to date him even without her mother's approval.

Back then, after her parents' divorce, Li Qin Yao had live with her father in Capital City, while her mother lived separately and would only meet on a few occasions. However, her relationship with her mother was still good.

Li Qin Yao knew that in this world, she is the most important person in her mother's life. Therefore, there was no way that she would do something that would hurt or disappoint her mother.

Xu Yilan's expression softened. "Yao Yao, I may not like it, but if you really like him that much, I will give you my support." A soft laugh escaped her as her daughter stared at her with her wide eyes. "However, staying with someone like Chen Hao will not be easy. As your mother, I do not want you to face the same thing as I did. But, I understand that though I had faced some hardships after I married your father, it doesn't mean that you will face the same fate as mine. Yao Yao, I only wanted you to be happy. Of course, I hope that you will meet someone who will love you and treat you well. At the same time, I hope that you will be accepted well by his family as well."


Li Qin Yao sat silently in her flight to the Capital City. Her mind was preoccupied with her conversation with her mother throughout the journey. It was not until the plane has touched down did Li Qin Yao snapped out of her mind.

As she walked over to the arrival hall, Li Qin Yao took out her phone to give Liang Sheng a call to announce her arrival in Capital City.

"Miss Li, weren't your flight supposed to be tomorrow?" Liang Sheng spoke.

"I decided to come over a day earlier. There are still a few things that I need to prepare," Li Qin Yao said.

"I will send someone to pick you up," Liang Sheng said immediately.

"No need. I am not planning to stay at Li's Residence this time. I don't want the others to pester me during my visit this time," Li Qin Yao said. She clipped her phone between her ears and her shoulder and slowly massaged her head. Her other hand was pulling at her luggage.

Li Qin Yao could imagine what will happen if her aunt, Zhao Wei, and the others heard that she came to Capital City just a few days before the shareholder meeting. There was no doubt that they will try to cause a scene when they see her.

"I have booked a room in a hotel," Li Qin Yao said. "I'll send you the details later. Tomorrow morning, you should come over and we can continue our discussion."

Li Qin Yao ended the call after giving Liang Sheng a brief instruction and walked over to the taxi area. Just as she was about to grab the last taxi, a middle-aged man rushed through and entered the car. Li Qin Yao watched as the last taxi left and sighed.

Just as she was wondering what she should do, Li Qin Yao felt someone tapping on her shoulder. When she turned around, her gaze met with a person's chest. She tilted her head up and saw a familiar face. Why is it him again?

"Miss Li, I did not expect to see you here. I thought I was mistaken, but it really is you," Zhang Yu Han said with a smile.

Zhang Yu Han had noticed Li Qin Yao the moment she walked into the arrival hall. However, he had thought his eyes were deceiving him. After all, it would be almost impossible to see her again the moment he arrived from M City.

"Mister Zhang, what a coincident," Li Qin Yao said. "If we keep bumping into each other coincidentally like this, I might suspect that you were stalking me."

Zhang Yu Han burst into a hearty laugh as he heard her word, making Li Qin Yao turned into a daze. It was as if she was enchanted by his deep laughing voice. Li Qin Yao always thought that Zhang Yu Han had a nice speaking voice, but she did not expect that his laughing voice would be even better.

"Miss Li, I could say the same thing to you," Zhang Yu Han's lips curved into a smile. "Are you sure you were not stalking me?"

Li Qin Yao merely smiled at his teasing.

"But really, this is a coincidence. I just arrived from M City." Zhang Yu Han said as if explaining that he had no intention to stalk her. Then, he glanced at the empty taxi stand. "Your grandfather did not come to pick you up this time?"

"I didn't tell him that I'll be coming today," Li Qin Yao said.

"Well, if you don't mind, I can give you a ride," Zhang Yu Han said and pointed towards a black Cayenne not far away from them.

Li Qin Yao hesitated. She glanced at the empty taxi stand, and then, back at the black Cayenne. After her flight and meeting with Chen Hao's mother that morning, Li Qin Yao was pretty exhausted. Right now, there was nothing she wanted to do but to lay down on a nice bed and sleep.

"Where are you heading to?" Zhang Yu Han asked when the girl in front of him did not reply.

"The Orchid hotel."

The smile on Zhang Yu Han's face widened. "Well, it seemed that we are heading to the same destination."