How did they Became Friends?

After a few seconds, Li Qin Yao finally nodded and accepted the offer. Zhang Yu Han then led the girl towards the vehicle, and his assistant, Xiao Ye descended from the car and help them both with their luggage.

Xiao Ye glanced at Zhang Yu Han with an inquiring look before the later introduced them to each other. "This is my friend, Li Qin Yao and this is my assistant, Xiao Ye."

The two of them nodded politely. Then, Zhang Yu Han opened the door to the backseat for Li Qin Yao and then, sat at the front passenger seat. Xiao Ye then drove into the city.

Almost an hour later, they arrived at The Orchid Hotel. Zhang Yu Han stepped out before he gave Xiao Ye an instruction. Then, he helped Li Qin Yao and the two walked into the lobby together.

"Do you have a reservation?" Zhang Yu Han asked.

Li Qin Yao nodded.

"Give me your ID, Xiao Ye will help you to check-in."

Li Qin Yao took out her ID and passed it over to Xiao Ye. Then, the assistant went towards the reception desk, while Zhang Yu Han led Li Qin Yao to sit at a corner.

As they were waiting, Li Qin Yao grabbed a pamphlet on the table and looked at it casually. Her eyes glinted as she read the company's information. It was then that she recalled the conversation with Zhang Jing - The Orchid is one of the hotels under Zhang Group Worldwide.

Her face turned slightly pink as she tilted her head to Zhang Yu Han. She then understood why he told her that they were going in the same direction. To think that she had initially suspected that Zhang Yu Han had invited her for an ulterior motive!

"What's on your mind?"

Li Qin Yao tilted her head up as she heard his deep baritone voice to meet his gaze.

"You were in a daze," Zhang Yu Han said when she did not answer.

"Nothing," Li Qin Yao shook her head. "I just recalled that The Orchid is a property under Zhang Group. So, this hotel should be one of yours, right?"

"You… know?" Zhang Yu Han stared at her with surprise on his face.

"I met your grandfather last week and we both shared a meal together," Li Qin Yao said. "Then, he mentioned about Zhang Group and its business."

Zhang Yu Han had a slight frown on his face.

His grandfather and the girl he fancied had shared a meal. Why didn't he know about this? How was it that his grandfather had a meal with her when he himself had never shared any meals with her?

"You and my grandfather had a meal together?" Zhang Yu Han watched as she nodded. "He never mentioned it. Miss Li, when did you become close to my grandfather?"

Li Qin Yao chuckled. "We accidentally met a few times after the last time we were both admitted to the hospital. I guess you could say that after those brief encounters, the two of us are friends now. Your grandfather is a sweet person." A smile appeared on her face as she recalled that cute grandfather and his assistant.

Zhang Yu Han felt the corner of his mouth twitched at her comment. His grandfather is a sweet person? Why didn't he know about this? Moreover, how did they became friends? Even if he had met Li Qin Yao a few more times more than his grandfather, Zhang Yu Han would not dare to say that they were close enough that he could call her as his friend.

At those thoughts, Zhang Yu Han felt as if something was pressing heavily on his chest. His expression froze momentarily at the ridiculous thought that he was jealous of his own grandfather.

After a couple of deep breaths, Zhang Yu Han then made a mental note to ask about their outings to his grandfather once he returned to Y City.

Soon, Xiao Ye returned to their side with their keycards. Li Qin Yao glanced at the room number and looked at Xiao Ye. "Is there a mistake? I remember that I booked a standard room, but you're giving me a key to a suite."

Xiao Ye glanced at his boss before he spoke, "It was not a mistake. Miss Li, since you are a friend of our boss, I asked them to upgrade you to a suite. You don't have to worry. You will only be charged for the price of a standard room."

Once he finished, Xiao Ye let out a breath of relief. His boss, Zhang Yu Han, had given him instruction to give Li Qin Yao one of the best rooms available. Initially, his boss wanted to give a room for free.

However, knowing that she would definitely decline his intention if he told her that the room will be free of charge, Xiao Ye was instructed to say that she will only be charged for the price of the room that she booked.

"Just take it," Zhang Yu Han said when he saw the hesitant look on the girl's face. "Since you are a friend of my grandfather, don't reject this. I'm sure that this is what he wanted me to do as well."

Li Qin Yao pondered over it before she nodded. "Then, I'll have to thank you, Mister Zhang. If next time, I will treat you to a meal."

A glint of light flashed through Zhang Yu Han's eyes when he heard her invitation. His lips curled into a smile as he said, "Good."

The two of them headed to the elevator and went to their respective room where Zhang Yu Han was arranged to be on Li Qin Yao's next door.

Once Li Qin Yao entered the room, she surveyed her surroundings and sent a message to her mother to announced that she had safely arrived at the hotel. Then, she sat down on the sofa and looked out the ceiling to floor window to watch the sunset view in the city.

When she opened her eyes again, the sky has turned dark and the sunset view has changed to the view of the illuminated city at night. Li Qin Yao stood up quickly and saw that it was five minutes to ten. It was then that she realized that she had fallen asleep due to fatigue.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound came from beside her. Li Qin Yao turned and saw that her phone was buzzing. A slight frown formed on her face as she studied the unknown number.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Li Qin Yao slid her finger on the screen and pressed the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

For a few seconds, there was no one on the other line. Just as Li Qin Yao was about to hang out the call, she heard a familiar voice. Though it was only a sound of distance coughing, Li Qin Yao could still recognize the voice.

"Chen Hao? Is that you?"