Photoshopped Photo?

Zhang Yu Han was giving some instructions to his secretary when his phone pinged. At first, he decided to ignore the notification as he was in the middle of dealing with an important matter.

However, the notifications from his phone did not stop coming, and his secretary's attention seemed to be disturbed by the continuous ping.

In the end, Zhang Yu Han threw the pen on his desk and reached for his phone. His expression showed his irritation once he saw that there were a few messages coming from his sister. He clicked on the messages and felt an urge to strangle his sister. After all, Zhang Yu Ying had not said anything important other than asking him to look at her Wechat moments.

With a groan, Zhang Yu Han clicked at the tagged notification. Once the picture showed up on his phone, Zhang Yu Han felt as if everything around him had disappeared. His attention was focused on that one picture.

Zhang Yu Han double-clicked at the photo to enlarge the photo and he continued to stare at Li Qin Yao's smiling face.

This… this is not a photoshopped photo, right?

"Director Zhang? Are you alright?"

When he heard the secretary's voice, Zhang Yu Han snapped out of his thought. "Huh?" He shook his head and waved a hand. "Secretary Tian, you can leave my room now."

Secretary Tian looked at the documents on her boss's desk. "But-"

"We'll continue our discussion later," Zhang Yu Han cut off her words.

Seeing that her boss's expression had changed right after he looked at his phone, Secretary Tian thought that Zhang Yu Han probably received an important message. She then nodded and left Zhang Yu Han's office silently.

Once Zhang Yu Han heard the door clicked, he took another look at the photo. This time, he started to realize that his grandfather and his sister, Zhang Yu Ying was also in the picture. He took a closer look and realized where the photo was taken.

Was this not the Chairman's office? Li Qin Yao… with his grandfather?

Zhang Yu Han stood up abruptly. The chair behind him was forcefully pushed, causing it to bump into the window behind him with a loud noise. He took a step towards the door and stopped. Then he looked at his phone again and started to text his sister. However, it seemed that Zhang Yu Ying had decided to ignore him. She did not reply to any of the messages he sent.

Impatiently, Zhang Yu Han tried to call his sister's number. However, once he heard what the other person on the other line had said, his face turned a few shades darker.

This girl! He dared to turn off her phone once she had gotten the reaction from him!

Secretary Tian stood up when the Director's door swung open. She waited for Zhang Yu Han to give her an instruction, but that man merely walked pass by. With a puzzled look on her face, Secretary Tian sat down to ponder about her boss's strange action.

Zhang Yu Han peeked from behind the wall to look at the Chairman's office. There were a few secretaries outside, doing their job, but Assistant Huo was nowhere in sight. He tried to listen to voices coming from the Chairman's office, but could not hear anything.

A frown appeared on his face as he thought that perhaps, his sister was playing a trick on him. Just as he was about to come out from his hiding place and head over to her grandfather's room, Zhang Yu Han heard footsteps coming from behind him.

"Director Zhang?"

Zhang Yu Han felt as if his heart was about to leap out. He turned around quickly and cleared out his throat in an attempt to pretend that he was not doing anything suspicious. "Assistant Huo. Is my grandfather inside?"

Assistant Huo's lips curved into a smile. It was less than an hour ago that Zhang Yu Han had left Chairman Zhang's office. It was not hard to figure out why he had returned. "Yes. However, he was with a few guests."

Zhang Yu Han had a mixed feeling. Usually, when his grandfather had a guest in his office, Zhang Yu Han would turn around, not wanting to disturb his grandfather and his guests. After so long of working for Chairman Zhang, Assistant Huo should have understood his habit.

Now that Assistant Huo mentioned that there were a few guests in the Chairman's office, it did not seem right for him to walk in.

Sensing Zhang Yu Han's hesitation, the smile on Assistant Huo's lips grew wider. "Young master, you can go in and meet the Chairman. The others have been waiting for you for quite some time."

Zhang Yu Han cleared his throat again. One glance at Assistant Huo's face, and he knew that the old man was trying to tease him. It looked like his grandfather has been discussing his matters to Assistant Huo.

However, he had no time to think about what did his grandfather had told Assistant Huo. He was impatient to meet the guest in her grandfather's office. After knocking on the door for a while, the door swung open, and Zhang Yu Ying's face appeared with a mischievous smile.

"Brother, we waited for you long enough. I sent messages to you ages ago. The food we brought has turned cold!" Zhang Yu Ying teased. However, once she noticed her brother's gaze, Zhang Yu Ying let out a nervous laugh.

Realizing that she will be in deep trouble if she did not pacify her brother, Zhang Yu Ying quickly pulled her brother into their grandfather's office.

She could not bear to have her brother holding grudges at her. After all, she needed to curry favor with her brother.

"Grandfather," Zhang Yu Han greeted his grandfather before he turned to look at the girl who stood at the coffee table just beside his grandfather. "Miss Li."

"Mister Zhang, you're here." Li Qin Yao smiled. "I met your sister by coincidence at my cafe. Then, I realized that I haven't come and met your grandfather to thank him for suggesting this collaboration. Therefore, I came here without any notice. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't. You are always welcome here."

"Right. We brought something from my cafe. Your sister said that you probably hadn't eaten anything for lunch yet," Li Qin Yao took the bag and placed the takeaway box on the table.

Zhang Yu Han walked over to the coffee table, peeked into his grandfather's takeaway box before he opened his takeaway box. His gaze was then fixed into that rice and lemon chicken dishes.

"I'm not sure about your preferences, but I remember that you ordered this dish once when you come over with your friend," Li Qin Yao said.

"Thank you," Zhang Yu Han swallowed, but not because the meal in front of him looked appetizing. At this moment, Zhang Yu Han felt as if something had bloomed in his heart, knowing that this girl has been paying attention to him.