Call Him by His Name

Zhang Jing has been watching his grandson's act once he entered his office. Although his grandson was trying to play it cool, how can he not notice how Zhang Yu Han has been stealing glances at Li Qin Yao, while his hand was gripping at the chopsticks tightly. Zhang Jing thought that it wouldn't be strange if the chopsticks suddenly broke.

Seeing the scene before him, Zhang Jing heaved a sigh. He could see that his grandson really liked this girl. However, he could not understand how did his mind work. Zhang Jing thought that his grandson was too slow to pursue the girl he liked. If he wasted more time, it was possible that someone would steal this girl away.

Now that he thought of it, Zhang Yu Han was a bit similar to his son, Zhang Xi. Back then, it took Zhang Xi a few years to court his daughter-in-law, Mo Hui Lan and proposed. If he did not meddle in and help, Zhang Jing did not know when will his son will bring home his daughter-in-law.

Zhang Jing could not figure out where did the father and son got that trait. When he was pursuing his wife, Zhang Jing was very quick and decisive. He knew his wife for two months before he proposed.

No. He cannot let that happen. He cannot let history repeat.

Zhang Jing knew that if he did not meddle in into his grandchildren's affair, he might not see Zhang Yu Han bringing home his granddaughter-in-law. Without a granddaughter-in-law, how was he supposed to see his great-grandchildren?

At the thought of small kids running around the Zhang residence, a small smile appeared on Zhang Jing's lips. Zhang Jing thought that Zhang's residence was too quiet. His son and daughter-in-law moved abroad to manage their hotel there and his wife has passed away for a few years. Zhang Yu Han had returned to keep him company these past few years, but his grandson too had moved out to in his own house and only come to accompany him on certain days.

Suddenly, he missed his late wife and the lively house they once had.

"Right, Miss Li, since you're here, after lunch you should go with Yu Han and continue the talk about the cooperation," Zhang Jing said. "I might be the one who suggested this cooperation to happen, but Yu Han is the one who will be in completely in charge of this project."

Li Qin Yao nodded. She turned to Zhang Yu Han and asked. "Mister Zhang, are you free later?"

"Of course. If you don't mind, I will show you around our hotel." Even if he had works to settle, there was no way that he would miss his chance to spend with this girl. Moreover, this was the first time she had come over to the company.

Zhang Jing cleared his throat as he listened to the two's exchange. "Miss Li, why do you still call my grandson, Mister Zhang?"

Li Qin Yao turned to Zhang Jing with an apparent confusion on her face. "What's wrong?"

"No," Zhang Jing quickly said. "Since the two of you are around the same age, you shouldn't be too formal. Moreover, when you called Mister Zhang, I thought that you were calling me. It was a bit confusing"

Zhang Yu Ying thought that her grandfather was talking nonsense. She had never heard anyone who would call her grandfather as Mister Zhang. Unless if her grandfather was abroad, most people would call him Chairman Zhang. Although their family did not stand out too much, the number of people who recognized her grandfather on the street was not that little.

Of course, Zhang Yu Ying did not dare to say anything after her grandfather had given his warning through his stare.

"Then…" Li Qin Yao glanced at Zhang's family with a hesitant look.

"Just call him by his name to avoid this confusion," Zhang Jing said.

Zhang Yu Han peeked at her with anticipation. At this moment, Zhang Yu Han decided to go easy on his grandfather's diet if his grandfather's plan worked.

"Then, I will just call him by his name," Li Qin Yao turned to Zhang Yu Han and continued, "Zhang Yu Han. Is it alright if I call you like this?"

"It's alright." Zhang Yu Han nodded. Then, he tilted his head down to stare at his meal to hid his embarrassment. He thought that his heart was almost exploded. It was a simple thing to hear the girl he liked to call out his name, and yet he was too excited to this extent.

Zhang Yu Han scolded himself for acting like a bashful schoolboy. However, until he had finished his meal, Zhang Yu Han did not dare to lift his face to look at Li Qin Yao in fear that she would notice that his expression was a bit strange.

After they have finished their meal, Zhang Jing sent the three of them out with an excuse that he got an important conference later.

Li Qin Yao took this chance to head over to the ladies' room and let the two Zhang's siblings wait for her at Zhang Yu Han's office. Once Zhang Yu Ying saw that Li Qin Yao had walked out of his brother's office, she immediately looked at her brother with a mischievous smile.

"Brother, I did good today, right?" Zhang Yu Ying said.

Zhang Yu Han looked at his sister and frowned. "Okay. What do you want from me?"

"Grandfather gave me a few company documents and asked me to point out the mistakes and summarized everything to him," Zhang Yu Ying said. "I took a look at those documents and it was too difficult for me. Since I did you a favor today, then you should do this for me."

"I can help you to figure out the problems, but I cannot help you to do everything," Zhang Yu Han said. "Yu Ying, once this cooperation between Zhang Group and QL Property begins, I will be too busy. You need to study well and help grandfather here."

Zhang Yu Ying closed her eyes and groaned. "Fine. I get it. But you promise that you have to help me."


Zhang Yu Ying was about to leave her brother's office when a thought crossed her mind. She turned around and spoke to her brother in a hushed voice. "Brother, I have something interesting to tell you. Something happened when I was at sister-in-law's cafe today."

"What is it?"

Zhang Yu Ying did not answer. She held out her hand and smiled.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother, if you want this important information, you will need to pay."

"What do you want?"

"Just give me some money to spend. You know that I didn't have much on me after returning from T Country."

"What? You're trading for information now?" Zhang Yu Han complained and took out his wallet with a deep sigh. He pulled out his black card and placed it in his sister's palm.

Zhang Yu Ying gasped at her brother's generosity. She wrapped her arms around her brother's neck to hug him and squealed happily.

"Return my card to me tonight. Don't spend too much," Zhang Yu Han said. "Now tell me, what happened at her cafe?"