Song Yi Appeared

After almost a week of staying with Li Qin Yao with her mother, Han Yue Xiu made her decision to return to Y City. After all, the swelling around her ankle has gotten better and she was worried about leaving her job for too long.

It wasn't too long ago that she had taken a week break when she threatened her boss with her resignation. If she took a long break, then it would not look good on her reputation. Even though she did not like her eccentric boss that much, Han Yue Xiu really liked her job right now.

Her boss, Song Yi had mentioned that it will be fine if she worked from home and concentrated on recuperating, but Han Yue Xiu did not feel good about that.

"Wait until this weekend," Li Qin Yao said as she cracked a half-boiled egg into her bowl.

"Un. Un. Auntie would worry to let you take public transport to go back with that foot," Xu Yilan said. "It might look better, but if you're not careful, it will affect you in your older days."

Seeing the concern on the mother and daughter's face, Han Yue Xiu could only nod to agree. "Alright. I'll listen to your arrangement."

As the three of them were enjoying their breakfast, the doorbell suddenly rang. Li Qin Yao placed down her cutlery and stood up. "I'll get it." Li Qin Yao grabbed the napkin to wipe her mouth and went to the door. "Who is it?"

Li Qin Yao looked through the camera and froze momentarily when she saw that familiar face. This man... she had seen him once at Han Yue Xiu's apartment!

When the doorbell rang again, both Xu Yilan and Han Yue Xiu turned towards the door. A questioning look appeared on their face as they saw the strange look on Li Qin Yao's face.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yilan said. "Why didn't you open the door? Who is it?"

This time, Li Qin Yao's gaze went to Han Yue Xiu. "Yue Xiu. It's your boss!"

Han Yue Xiu was drinking some water when Li Qin Yao spoke. Instantly, she started to chock on the water, and a few of them spewed from her mouth. Han Yue Xiu looked at her friend with her eyes wide. "W-what?"

The doorbell rang again.

"What is he doing here?" Han Yue Xiu tried to stand up and walked slowly towards the door.

"What am I supposed to do? Should I open it?" Li Qin Yao asked.

Han Yue Xiu looked at the camera. In that small screen was the image of her boss, dressed in a long, brown coat. Because he was looking down at his shoes, his fringe fell to cover his face.

Then she pushed at the button beside it. "Boss Song? What are you doing here?"

Song Yi looked up and waved an envelope in his hand. "I have an important document for you to check."

Han Yue Xiu turned to Li Qin Yao. Her expression showed that she was puzzled over her Song Yi appearance in B City, in front of her friend's door. However, seeing that her boss brought a document with him, Han Yue Xiu signaled Li Qin Yao to open the door.

Li Qin Yao put her hand on the door and paused when she noticed that Han Yue Xiu was dressed in a body-hugging T-shirt, a short and a pair of fluffy unicorn slippers. Because there were only girls in the house, Han Yue Xiu was not wearing a bra.

The corner of Li Qin Yao's lips twitched. "Yue Xiu, are you sure you wanted to show up in front of your boss like this?" she asked in a hushed voice.

Han Yue Xiu glanced down to look at herself and gasped. Swiftly, she turned around and ran towards her room to change.

"Don't run!" at this time, Xu Yilan has not forgotten that Han Yue Xiu's foot was still hurting. Seeing that a guest was going to enter her house, Xu Yilan quickly tidied up the house a little bit.

Once Han Yue Xiu closed the door to change, Li Qin Yao turned around to open the door. "Mister Song. We meet again," Li Qin Yao said.

Song Yi peeked into the house before his gaze went to Li Qin Yao. He nodded politely to greet and asked, "Where's Han Yue Xiu?"

"She went to get change. Her attire was not very presentable right now," Li Qin Yao moved her body aside. "Please come in. Yue Xiu will come out when she's ready."

Song Yi nodded. He walked into the house and sat down on the sofa. His legs shook impatiently as he waited.

"Would you like anything to drink, Mister Song?"

Song Yi shook his head. "I'm fine."

Seeing that the man did not seem to want to talk to her, Li Qin Yao stepped aside and waited for Han Yue Xiu to come out. Fortunately, it did not take Han Yue Xiu too long to come out, or else, Li Qin Yao thought that she was going to spend a long awkward time with her boss. When Han Yue Xiu came closer, Li Qin Yao tacitly walked away to the kitchen.

"Boss Song, how did you know I'm here?" Han Yue Xiu said as she came out.

"I told you that I will send you some documents and you gave me the address yesterday, remember?" Song Yi spoke. He put the brown envelope on the table and watched as Han Yue Xiu, who was sitting across him to pick it up.

"I thought you were going to send this through a delivery boy," Han Yue Xiu said as she took out the document. "I did not expect you to come personally."

"Well, this is urgent. You remember about the matter I emailed you about last night?" Song Yi said. He leaned forward slightly as he continued to watch Han Yue Xiu read what was on the documents. For a while, only the sound of rustling papers could be heard in the living room.

As she read through the documents, Han Yue Xiu's face gradually change. When she looked up at Song Yi again there was a hint of anger on her expression. "You waited this long before you come to look for me?"

Song Yi's face was calm. "You were recuperating." When he saw that Han Yue Xiu suddenly stood up, a frown appeared on his face. "What are you doing?"

"Boss, we need to return to the office now and correct this error or else, it will take us months to repair this system," Han Yue Xiu said impatiently. "Do you want to go bankrupt?"

Hearing that bits of commotion from the living room, both Li Qin Yao and her mother came out from the kitchen.

"Yue Xiu? What's wrong?"

"Yao Yao, I have to return to Y City right now. There's an important matter at the office," Han Yue Xiu explained. She turned to Xu Yilan and continued. "Don't worry. After work, I'll ask my colleague to send me home, alright. I'll call you when I get home safely."

Seeing the way Han Yue Xiu was panicking, Li Qin Yao then helped her to gather her belongings. When everything was done, Li Qin Yao helped Han Yue Xiu downstairs and into Song Yi's car.

Just before Song Yi got into the driver seat, Li Qin Yao had stopped him. Glancing at Han Yue Xiu who was inside, Li Qin Yao then gave him a warning. "Yue Xiu's foot is not completely healed yet. You look after her."

Song Yi frowned impatiently when Li Qin Yao stopped him, but when he heard her words, he immediately nodded and promised to look after her.

As the car drove away, Li Qin Yao heaved a sigh. Just as she was about to turn around, she noticed a familiar Cayenne parked not far away from her. When turned to look properly, Zhang Yu Han stepped out of the vehicle.

Li Qin Yao watched as he walked slowly towards her with her mouth gaped open.

What was he doing here early in the morning?