Hello, Auntie

Zhang Yu Han has started to feel a sense of danger when he saw the look on Li Qin Yao's face as she talked about Vice-President Mo. With that thought in mind, Zhang Yu Han knew that he had to step up his game.

For the past few days, he has been busy, staying up late for various overtime to settle the matters in the company before he can fully concentrate on Li Qin Yao, and of course, their cooperation in B City.

That morning, Zhang Yu Han head over to B City to look for Li Qin Yao under the pretense to discuss their collaboration. Seeing that it was still early, Zhang Yu Han thought that perhaps he could offer her a lift. Then, he can make an excuse to send her home later.

Although Li Qin Yao has a license to drive, she was someone who would often use public transport to go around.

However, who would have thought that he would see another guy around Li Qin Yao? Moreover, he had seen them around Li Qin Yao's apartment!

He had thought that there was only Chen Hao around her in the past. But, it seemed like there are more flies around her. Won't he be in a lot of trouble when Li Qin Yao finds one of the flies interesting?

In fact, Zhang Yu Han arrived in the area shortly after Li Qin Yao had helped Han Yue Xiu into Song Yi's car. When he noticed Li Qin Yao, the girl was talking to Song Yi. And this scene had created chaos in Zhang Yu Han's mind.

Before he could properly process what was going on, Zhang Yu Han saw that Li Qin Yao had noticed his car. He then decided to step down and walked over to her.

"Good morning," Li Qin Yao said as he approached. "Zhang Yu Han, why are you here?"

Hearing his name again, his spirit lifted a little bit. "I was on my way to meet Wei Jun Hao, but he told me that it would be better if you come along to look at the agreement. I tried to call you but I think there's something wrong with my phone. I couldn't make a call."

Of course, the lies came out smoothly through his mouth.

"Seeing that it was still early, I figured that you must still be at home," Zhang Yu Han continued. "So I come here hoping to catch up to you. I thought that if you're free this morning, we can go together."

"Fortunately, you run into me here," Li Qin Yao said. She glanced at her feet and saw that she was wearing rubber slippers. "I am free right now. But my stuff is still upstairs. Can you wait for me?"

Zhang Yu Han nodded. "Alright." He has waited to meet her again for ten years. To wait for a few more minutes would not do him any harm.

It was just a few days ago that Wei Jun Hao had reminded him that trying to pursue someone you like was like fishing. To catch that big fish, you have to reel in slowly. The most important thing is that it requires a lot of patience.

As he accompanied Li Qin Yao as she waited for the elevator to arrive, Zhang Yu Han took this chance to ask the thing that has been bothering him for the last few minutes. "Why are you downstairs?" Of course, he did not dare to straightforwardly ask about that man he saw earlier.

"Han Yue Xiu has been staying with me and my mother since that accident the last time, and just now, she had to return to Y City with her boss for something urgent."

Zhang Yu Han looked down to hide the relief on his face. He was worried over nothing. Since he had seen that man and Li Qin Yao together, various thoughts went through his mind, and each of them only dampened his spirit. Who would have known that he was Han Yue Xiu's boss and he came to pick her up!


The elevator slid open and both of them stood aside to let the crowd of people walk out the elevator. A few familiar faces stopped briefly to greet Li Qin Yao before they go on their way.

Once the elevator was emptied, Li Qin Yao walked in, pressed on her level button and waved at Zhang Yu Han as the elevator door shut, causing the man to be a bit stunned at her action.

Zhang Yu Han put his hands in his pocket and tilted his head down. He thought that the way she waved her hands at him was too cute and he was slightly shy.

Meanwhile, Li Qin Yao heaved a long breath as she stared at the number slowly rising. Li Qin Yao could not help but feel a bit strange as she thought of how Zhang Yu Han had shown up around her house.

Before she could dwell on the matter, the elevator stopped at her level and Li Qin Yao hurriedly went into the house to grab her stuff because she did not want to let Zhang Yu Han wait for her for too long.

Hearing that bit of commotion, Xu Yilan came out from her room with a handbag and a laptop bag. "What's wrong with you? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Li Qin Yao paused at what she was doing and looked at her mother. "A friend is coming to pick me up. He's waiting for me downstairs. Ma, you remember that I told you that the Zhang Group agreed to invest in my project."

Of course, Xu Yilan remembered. Her daughter has been facing a few setbacks to find some investors. When Li Qin Yao found that a company has agreed to invest in the project, she was too happy that she had talked about it the whole night.

Thinking of this, Xu Yilan was suddenly intrigued to know a bit about her daughter's business partner.

"Well, since you're going down, let's go together." Xu Yilan said.

Once Li Qin Yao was ready, she walked to the elevator with her mother and head downstairs. When the door opened, Li Qin Yao found that Zhang Yu Han has been waiting at the same spot where she had left him earlier. She walked out of the elevator and stood aside so that they will not be obstructing the path.

Zhang Yu Han was a bit puzzled when he saw Li Qin Yao moving aside, and a middle-aged lady beside her followed. Upon closer look, Zhang Yu Han felt that the woman's face looked somewhat familiar. He glanced at both Li Qin Yao and the woman and noticed their resemblance. Suddenly, his heartbeat accelerated.

This woman… Li Qin Yao's mother? His future mother-in-law?

While Zhang Yu Han was looking at Xu Yilan, the latter was doing exactly the same. Xu Yilan looked at Zhang Yu Han from head to toe as if to inspect him.

"Ma," Li Qin Yao turned to her mother and introduced them to each other casually. "This is Zhang Yu Han, my business partner. Zhang Yu Han, this is my mother, Xu Yilan"

Zhang Yu Han felt his heart skipped a beat. He was not ready for this! He could feel himself perspiring against her mother's scrutinizing look. However, his expression did not show the chaotic state he felt inside.

"Hello, auntie," Zhang Yu Han greeted politely.


Seeing that the man seemed to be very polite, Xu Yilan nodded at him and lowered her guard a little bit. Earlier, she was a bit curious when she heard that a guy had come to pick her daughter up. Her daughter had just broken up and as the mother, she was worried about the man that her daughter came in contact with.

Although her daughter did not talk much about her breakup, Xu Yilan knew that her daughter was hurting. After spending time and energy towards a relationship that did not meet a happy ending, of course, her heart would ache.

"Ma, you should get going now or you'll be late," Li Qin Yao hurriedly said before her mother could say anything unnecessary to Zhang Yu Han.

Xu Yilan glanced at her wristwatch and nodded to her daughter. Xu Yilan thought that Zhang Yu Han was lucky that she was in a hurry to head over to work. Or else, she would make him stay and asked him a few questions.