WebNovelTHAT DAY70.00%

Explain yourself, i'll give you 30 seconds

Y/n's POV

I woke up early as the school will start at 7 am and it's already 6:00 am right now.

I pulled my covers off my body and walk to my bathroom and take a bath.

As I take a bath, my thoughts wander around on Yoongi's coming back alive and living well...

"I wonder if he ate well for the whole  one year" I whisper to myself.

I shrugged off my thoughts and continue to take a bath and preparing for school.

After  30 minutes, I already wear my clothes for school, i heard that he will be back again to school, meaning he will be in my class and my seatmate.

Not that i hate being with him again, it's just, I felt weird. I feel like I want to jump at him when i see him again. I feel like my emotion will be burst at the time I see him.

*knock knock*

"Noona?" I heard Jimin's voice outside the door.

"Yeah, I'll go out now" I said as I get my bag and my phone.

As I stepped out off the dior the other members are there, including him.

"Good morning noona!" Jungkook waved at me so the others did.

"Let's go we will be late" Namjoon said.

"It's still early, Mister Bookworm" I said, rolling my eyes.

" You really doesn't like to read book Y/n, I hate you." Namjoon walked passed by me and walked with Jin oppa instead.

Me and Yoongi left at the back as the maknae line walked with Hobi.

" Let's talk after class at the garden, I'll explain everything you want to hear." He said then walked with the boys.

"Still the same, shy gummy bear" I muttered then walk with them.

Half day...

Lunch break.

The eight of us walked together to the cafeteria and seat on our place and the arrangements of the seats too.

on the left: Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok,Jungkook

On the right: Jimin, Y/n, Yoongi,V.

All of us got our lunch and started eating quietly, until Yoongi stand up and run over to the bathroom.

I looked at him as tge rest of the boys looked at him too. He came back and I asked.

" What just happened?" I asked.

" I just vomited, I don't like the food." He said, seating next to me again. Ignoring the fact that we are still staring at him.

" Yoongi." I called him. He looked at me.

" Let's talk" I said and left the table first, not caring if I didn't finish the food or the others are staring.

After we both reached the place, I seat on the bench but he stayed standing.

" Explain yourself, I'll give you 30 seconds to explain everything." I said looking at him then his eyes got widen.

"What?-" I cut him off before he started complaining.

"Now, Yoongi" I said.

" I told the members that I jumped out of the car before the accident. I know what he planned and I felt weird as i drive the car. I stayed at Gangwon Province for a year. You know  we have a place to stay there right?  I stay there because I am in coma for 9 months, as I jumped at the wrong place that time. My head bumped into a rock that made it bleed, and Gangwon Province is near to the place I land. I'm sorry for not trying to call you, I've been staying there for so long, and for not waking up early Y/n, I-"

I cut him off by  pulling him into
