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I forgive you, I love you

Y/n's POV

Valentines is around the corner, after this exam week, Valentines is next. The boys wanted to celebrate the Valentines in our place at Daegu. Where Yoongi, and V's hometown.

They planned it without me knowing, i just heard it from my brother and Jungkook yesterday.

" Okay! time's up! Please pass the paper now!" Our teacher shouted and the other students groan including me, but except Namjoon and Jin.

"This is the last day of test so have a good rest and Happy Valentines to all!" She and she dismissed the class after.

The boys walked out of the not waiting for me but Jungkook stayed.

"Just go with them, I still need to finished checking this papers." He scratch  the back of his head and nodded but i heard him whispering.

" Having a President best friend is hard, but being the youngest is not easy too"I chuckled but continue to check all the papers of my classmates before i got up and walked to the cafeteria with the boys.

As the months passed, i felt my body changed a lot. I feel like I'm being re born. I feel energetic everyday.

And I'm not having nightmare anymore too.

I shrugged off my thoughts and seat with them. Yoongi stood up beside me and walked to the food station.

He does that everyday. He still waiting for me response on him. He knew that I can't forgive him that easily. But in my side, I'm just containing my heart and filling it with positive word that He's really alive and I'm not dreaming.

"Here Y/n!" Yoongi said as he place my favorite on the table

"Thanks" I said then I started eating

But I stopped and get the paper on my bag and give it to him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Just read it, idiot" I muttered.

Dear Yoongi,

So I'm not dreaming right? You're live and breathing the same air with me?

And if you are, I'm glad.

I'm glad that you are alive and breathing the same air with me. I'm glad that you're here beside me, trying to get back what we were.

But why don't you try to speak and ask for my forgiveness again this day? Maybe i'll forgive you now. But nah, don't do it... I'm happy that you're here giving everything what I need.

I forgive you now. So try to talk now. I hate you being quiet please let me here your voice, more than saying 'here Y/n, Eat'  i want to hear you calling my name 10 times than you being a shy gummy bear beside me!

Okay?! I love you. Happy Valentines Day!

Love, Your Princess,


Yoongi's POV

After i read her letter my smile grow widely. I close it and hug her  who's eating beside me.

" Thank you, and I love you!" i whisper to her.

" Yah! What am i seeing?!"

" Get a room!"

" No! My poor eyes!"

" Yah! Did you just forgive him like that noona?!"

The boys throw a comments but I decided to ignore it as i heard Y/n's laugh.

" Oh come on, It's already 2019 guys, and you guys should move on! I'm glad i have him back! i'm tired getting to see your face  for the whole one year!" Y/n tease the boys and laugh when the boys acted crying.

"You're bad!" Jungkook said.

"Yah, child! After I pampered you with foods and love that's what I'm getting?!" Jin hyung rant at her.

" Shut up, you old man!" Y/n  shouted back.

Then our laughter will hear inside the cafeteria.

Flashback ( Chapter 7)

(Yoongi's POV)

After she kissed me to cut me off. She said.

"Shut up,  You gummy monster! Seat beside me now! you missed a lot!" she cried the she ordered me to sit with her on the bench.

When I saw her crying  I rushed to  wiped her tears, " I'm sorry princess, I didn't stay by your side when you need me." I said.

"I'm here now, shh, shh" I hushed her and wiped her tears.

Flashback end.