Chapter 4: 5 Kingdoms

" WHAT YOU MEAN YOU LOST TRACK OF HER? DIDN'T I SAY TO NEVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF HER? " a very angry voice filled the study room. Three black hooded shallow creature is floating infront of the angry voice.

" Sir, we followed her everywhere. But a mysterious man came before we could even go near her. He took Lady Camila with him. And that mans aura is really dark. The immense blood thirst is sorrounding him. I assume his a top ranked vampire. We followed them but as we go futher our energy got drained. Every part of the place on the way is sucking every life and energy. Even us crawlies can not defy that." one of the hooded creature said.

" A top ranked vampire huh?! and who might that be. This country is divided into 5 parts. I for one hold the 3rd part. And King Alastor of Wicherzia holds the 4th and 5th. The first is under Prince Vaizen of the vampire kingdom which has a strong connection of the 2nd Empire of Lord Lezie. We dont know much about the 2nd. Alright i have a new directive for you." the man of the 3rd kingdom said.

" Five more days before she awaken. And we have to get her before she realizes what she truly is. If she will take the sides of the vampires then every kingdom will follow the one who owns her. One wrong move and half of the kingdom will be wiped out. That was 400 years ago when a great war of vampires, mages, wolf, elves and humans had broken out. The vampires almost entirely loss and the mages. The humans were very clever and more stratigic. They have control of the golems and have strong pact with half breeds. Even they control the witches. When a half mage half vampire came out of nowhere. In split seconds almost all kingdoms had been defeated. A powerful elf of the highest rank gave up his life to seal the unwelcomed breed. And now its been 200 years and the witches premonition about the awakening is very close by. " the Elf King of the 3rd kingdom recalls. Its about time they should make a move. Already the humans had done their part after they viciously dismembered her parents to the point its even recognizable. It was a complete blood bath all over the house. Those humans are merciless. Something that evening is unexpected. Lady Camila is protected with a transparent sheild. And no one can even go near her. So everyone back out and waited for the right time to strike again.

But since they only have days left. They needed to find an alternative to lure her out of Prince Vaizens lair. Only then they could proceed with the plan of eliminating her for the better this time. And it looks like the cunning vampire knows exactly what had been going on. A potential threat to other kingdoms is under his wing. And he sure is enjoying the presence of other kingdoms assasins.


The sight of the withered leaves is everywhere. As if life comes and left instantly. When was the last time this place had actually grown plants that stayed alive for awhile. It's a castle with no such living things to be insight. As she go around to see more of a castle's inside she wandered into a place were it was immensely dark. She couldn't even see whats the place looks like. When suddenly she heard a voice speaks.

" Curiosity can kill, you shouldn't wander around especially near my room" a voice said. She got shock as the voice comes nearer she could only see a bright red eyes glowed in the dark and as the voice reached the light from where she stood. She saw Count Vaizen standing infront of her.

She let out a small gasps. The sight of him made her heart stop, his definitely good looking. " I'm sorry if im wandering around. I just wanted to see the whole castle so i wont get lost." she stuttering said.

" Sure thing you have to. This is the place where you will be living for the rest of your life. Treat it as your own." he said in a husky voice. As he comes more closer to her. His breathe suddenly grows rapid as he comes behind her and speak near her neck. He wanted to sink in his teeth into her neck just to feel that frenzy. He's sure she have something which not any normal woman have.


Lord Laize had sent his messenger to Count Vaizens castle. Asking his aide to rescue a certain woman the Location and her whereabouts have been enclosed. Count Vaizen and Lord Laize are half brothers. But only those who are serving the family for thousands of years know all about this. That includes the butler in the Counts castle.

" Mmmhhh... if you will excuse me. I have to go back to my room now" he heard her said starting to back away.

" Why such in a hurry? C'mon, ill show you something." he told her, and grab her wrist and leads the way.

They went to the top most of the castle. The strong breeze of air made her dress flaps. " Can you see clearly the whole place? From where your sight could reach is my property. Beyond that plains are a big community of Vampires under my command. That side on your left straight ahead you will find a fortress. All 4 corners of this castles with enough distance is being protected. The ruins from where i pick you up is an old fortress being abandoned decades back. Its never safe to stay there. Let alone sleep like what you did. You became a potential prey for those tainted dark souls." he explained to her while looking to the vasness of his domain.

Camila was so busy looking all over the place. When suddenly Vaizen ask her something she never understood.

" Do you remember anything from your past life of what you truly are?" he asked her out of nowhere. Her brows furrowed and turned her head to him with a big question mark written on her face.

"Im not getting what you mean. What is this past life all about and what it has to do with me?" she asked him looking straight at his eyes.

" You will soon find that out on the day of your 18th birthday. And by that time everything will be clear to you." he just told her. " I will arrange a party and invite the Kingdom of Lord Laize. You will meet him soon. And he will explain to you everything." he added while brushing off some dry twigs. She just nodded her head even though she doesn't understand what he is saying. A few moments of silence had passed when Vaizen spoke.

" The sun has almost set. We should get in or you will catch a cold." he told her while leading the way inside. She cling her head to the left. It seems just moments ago it was still early morning. And now the sun has almost set. That's really stranged. And she remembers they didn't even had their lunch yet. So how on earth its almost set? She was busy thinking when suddenly they heard a loud scream outside.

Fear had strucked to her face. That was the most blood curling scream she ever heard apart from her parents on the day they were murdered.

" Oh ignore that. Its only Letty. A screaming banshee. She probably recalled again the horrific memories that happened to her." He just simply shrugged his shoulder as if its already common to hear in the castles premises.

"Is she gonna be alright?" She asked in a concerned voice. He only nodded his head and wave his head saying like don't get bother with it.

" My Lord a messenger came from the Fifth Kingdom ruler I placed it on your study table." His butler said as they reach the corridor going to the hall. Bowing his head with left hand just below his chest. She looks at him wondering why he looks so pale and his eyes are a bit sunken. Then the butler shifted his head to her "Madam? Is there anything that you need?"

"Ayy ahh- No no nothing. I'm all good here thank you." She stammered while waving her hands .She's still not used to the kind of treatment she's getting.

" Camila.. You can go ahead in the hall. I'll just see what the king wants." He shortly told her. Again she nodded her head like a loyal puppy wagging  its tail to her master.

- you are invited to a masquerade ball."  The last words of which the letter contains Vaizen has been reading. He folded and placed the letter and stood up. "Now what does this human trying to play again this time, they are making their moves now." He told to himself as he walk the corridor going to the hall.

He saw Mila talking to the servants she looks so busy and happy while they are discussing about something that she didnt notice he was there already. When one of the servants felt his presence they went back to their lines with head down. " Oh hey, you're back. Everything's okay?" She beamed at him.

" Yes everything is okay. No worries. " he just shortly told her. " By the way tomorrow go to the town to buy a new dress and a mask for the masquerade ball. I will bring you with me." he added then proceeded with their dinner.

" mhmm can i just stay here? im really not a fan of such gatherings. Besides im not well trained when it comes to functions like this. Even greet.,dance,hand shake,or to even hold the utensils and proper etiquettes." she worriedly explained to him the struggle she will be having if she goes with him.

He looked at her and gave her that smile like you're not gonna be staying here. " You will be coming with me either you like it or not. You are fine already as what you are now. No need to be conscious with it." he told her, leaving her mouth slightly open as if to reason out more, but she only realize that it won't be of a help as he is already finalize his words. Oh crap!  now what! she told herself and just give a sigh. And they just continued with their food.

After dinner she ask one of the servants if there is any libraries or place where she can read some books. Hilda the oldest lady told her that she must ask Count Vaizen about that because no one is allowed to enter the library if not permitted by the Count. She smiled and said that she will talk to him. The servant bowed her head and went to the kitchen.

Camila was walking the corridors looking for Vaizen's study room. She was opening all the rooms she could past by and still couldn't find his study place. When she opened one particular room and was amaze with whats inside, the whole room is being decorated with different kind of paintings she never seen before. One particular painting caught her attention. It was a a shape of a person but it was blurred so she can't determine if its a man or a woman,in the painting the person is in the middle of somewhat a war and on her side are dead vampires and mages to her front are humans and elves ready to cast their powers. Looking at the paintings she felt nostalgic. It was as if she was there when it happened. Then a sudden strike of pain from her head made her grab the nearest thing she could hold on. When a hand hold her tight. Still in pain she looked up to see who it was but before she could see the face she passed out.

Camila had woken up and as she looked at the ceilings she realize that its not her room. She snapped and sit straight and looked around. She saw Vaizen reading something on his table.

" How you feeling now?" he looked at her when he notice she is moving already.

" I feel better, but what happened?"she asked him in a very confuse face. Last she remembers it was a cruciating pain and she blacked out.

Vaizen just shrugged his shoulders putting away the papers his reading. He stood up and came near to her.  He touch her temple and neck thinking maybe she got a fever. " I was wondering why you fainted. What happened back there?" he grinned while coming close to her. She moved back a little trying to avoid his gaze. Those deep red eyes is burning her. " I.. i.. t-think that has something to do with the painting i saw." she stutteringly said.

"hmmm... the painting. Does it reminds you something?" he said while coming more closer. "Im not sure if it reminds me of something or was it a dream." she looked at him and met his menacing eyes.  "You will find out soon honey." he said. " Do you want to sleep with me tonight? i dont mind watching over you." he said teasingly. " oohh no no thanks. Im fine now. i should be going to my room. We will leave early tomorow right." she said while hurriedly fixing herself and get up. Bowing her head after saying goodnight and fled the room.

The following day she woke up early and joined the Count for breakfast. After he gave instructions to his servants they went out and headed to the town to get her a dress for the masquerade. As they look around. She saw some shops that gives her the creeps. And it seems all the people there looked very pale and drained of color. "Oh yeah i forgot this is a vampires kingdom and everyone here is a vampire."  she stupidly told herself.

She was facinated by one of the shops as they walk through the alley, she stopped for a moment and looked at what seems to be an old painting that was hanged on the display window,  she felt so entranced how it was being painted, it was as if she was there when that happened, it was a blood like colored skies with mountains on the left and a dark portrait of the forest from the right, it was as if the painter was sitting at the edge of the cliff over viewing the whole landscape, and far from the bottom is a total darkness that seemed to be emitted by the blood like skies.

A small tap from her shoulder made her came back to reality, she looked on her side and saw Vaizen raising one of his brows, ' if you want that painting badly you could just tell me rather than daydreaming about it'.

' Oh no! its fine dont bother about it, i just got mesmerized how the painting was done'. she told him while moving her feet away from the shop.

They enjoyed the rest of the day and bought what was needed, they visited every shop and Vaizen introduce her to the towns people who came to them and greeted the Count. Some of the vampires gave her that hungry look as they smelled that she is human, but Vaizen is quick to act, he probably talk to them through their minds as what a sudden silence means and they apologized after. Vaizen never left her side except for one particular shop where he told her to wait for him in the carriage, when he came back after taking some time, they went home already and shared the dinner, before she left the table the Count told her about the upcoming event that will be taking place in the other Kingdom tomorrow. She nodded her head and went to her room, excited to open all the stuff Vaizen bought for her.

As she lay on the bed, she cant help herself but think how it could have turned tings if her parent were still alive, either they are enjoying this kind of life or not, remembering them brings tears to her eyes, she moved from her side and hugged one of the pillows and she falls asleep.