Chapter 5: The Gathering

It was a fine morning when she woke up, a soft breezed of cool air are dancing with her window curtains, the morning feels so different from the previous days she had woken up, the atmosphere is giving her that aura of something she cant understand, though confuse she went to the bathroom and took shower and got ready for breakfast, before the servant came knocking to assist her, she was already all done.

" Madam, im very sorry for being late and not being able to assist you this morning." Her servant said while bowing her head as she speaks.

"NO dear its okay, i know you have lots to do and prepare, no worries, besides im a grown up, i dont wanna be baby sit".  she said and chuckled. The middle aged woman smiled at her and motioned her to go out of the room already as the breakfast is being served.

She was wearing a plain dress with a yellow floral print, something different and refreshing. Vaizen is sitting on his place already when she got his attention from her dress, he looked at her for a moment before he realizes his staring at her already with admiration.

"Something different on you today." He said while looking at her intently.

She was feeling uneasy of the way he looked at her.  Was it because he doesn't like the color of the dress I wore? I hope he doesn't mind the vibrant colour. She told herself only then she realize that he can read her thoughts.

"No I don't mind the colour at all. It suits you well actually." He told her while giving a crooked smile. "Lets start our breakfast now as you have a long day of preparing for the ball tonight, we will be leaving at 4pm. As it will take 3 hours to reach the other kingdom."

She looked at him and nodded her head. They started having their breakfast and no one spoke a word until they finish. Vaizen got off his chair and left her still eating motioning the butler to follow him.

She was left alone and thoughts again coming to her head.  what its gonna be after all this?. I don't see anything that would benefit me in all the things that has been going on now. Though i know its inevitable. She sigh wondering what's next.

She finished her meal and stood up.. just when she's about to leave the dining room a butler came in. And ask her to follow him outside. As the carriage is waiting for her already.

When she reached the ride.  She saw Vaizen already sitting inside. Waiting patiently to her.

"Where are we going? " she confusingly asked him.

"Just come inside and you will find out. We wont be taking time." he shortly explained.

The carriage started running and Mila was sitting opposite of him feeling awkward. She wanted to say something but decided to keep silent. 30 mins had pass by and it seems like an eternity until they stopped. The door of the carriage opened. And Vaizen step out first followed by her.

The place looks eerie. Not far from them are 2 pillars of an ancient greek design. In the middle of it is a marbled table that was surrounded by a red water that endlessly streams.

Vaizen walk ahead followed by her and the butler behind her when he stop inches before the pillar and spoke.

" You may find this ridiculous and unbelievable but you have to trust me." he told her while his back is still on her.

"follow the butler, everything will be okay. We will do this for your safety for the upcoming ball tonight." he dryly told her.

Camila followed the butler, not even daring to say a single word. Sure she trust him. But she still observe her surroundings. She knew its something serious.

The butler motioned his hand telling her to lay on the marbled table. She did as what she had been instructed. Looking at the bright sky she heard some chantings and a ray of magic arrays suddenly appears on the 2 pillars and another 2 opppsite of it was drawn out once the chanting had started. She looked to her side only to find that Vaizen is not there anymore, but instead she saw a few male and female mages dressed in hooded red robes. A pentagram with a Sigil of Baphomet Goat Head appeared above her slowly descending to her body as it gets smaller. A seal? A mark of what? she stayed motionless pondering whats going on. When she heard tje butlers voice asking her to get up so they can leave and prepare for the ball. Still mouth-shut she nodded and went to the carriage with him. From then on until they reached the castle no one spoke a word. Only then after they got off Vaizen told her that they will leave at 4 in the afternoon as it will take time to reach the other kingdom.

Camila was standing infront of a full length mirror and slowly took off her dress. Standing before her is a naked self but this time it has a clear mark of pentagram on top of her navel. A mark of Vampire Royalty. Though in her mind the pentagram symbolises the underworld. She still dont understand why she was mark by Vaizen. And what are his connections. How big it is. How powerful is he.

After taking her lunch alone. She started to prepare herself for the ball, with the help of Diane and 5 more servants who are tasked to help her. before 4pm she was already done. The servants are in disbelief seeing her wearing an elegant evening dress and showing her porcelain like skin from shoulders to her uncovered back, with a perfect top bun that was surrounded with a small tiara covered in black diamond. Shes stunninly look like a goddess that has come down ready to take down all the man and kill them with desire. And lastly. She put on the white and black feathered masked that covered her half face.

She slowly walked down from the stairs accompanied by Diane following her back. When she saw Vaizen standing at the foot of the stairs.

' Oh my... he really looks devilish handsome in his black tuxedo' she told her self holding the stairs wooden railings tight. As if she said those words loud. Vaizen smiled and said thank you, which made her blush and remember he can read her mind.

"Im sorry i can't help but to admire the beauty infront of me." Vaizen said. " i have something for you. So if its okay to let me put it on you."

Vaizen opened the locket and showed an aval shaped scarlet pendant.

"Its so beautiful, i never seen one like this before." she said while stroking the pendant softly, and as though it felt her presence it glowed for a bit.

Vaizen took the pendant necklace and put it around her neck. "perfect" is the only word he could say. And they went to the carriage setting off to the human kingdom.

After a long journey that was filled with long silence and a little serious talks they reached the kingdoms front gates. It was a long line which has consisted of Royalties and a few invited aristocrats.

' There's sure alot of Royals around, its gonna be a long evening ' Mila told herself as she sighed. When she almost casts her glance away. She saw a familiar figure going out the carriage. The built of a the man and from the looks on the side gave her a chilling effect and made her shiver.. isnt that..

Carson Hennigan?