Though that night she made a ruckus, she wasn't even scolded about it. The fact that she said such threat to the Queen Elf, everyone's action seemed normal at all. As if nothing happened. This made Camila wonder and surprised about that matter.

Maybe if she went all out and just wreck havoc in that banquet, they wouldn't actually mind at all. She felt remorseful wenever she remembers that incident and just let the Elf Queen slap her. She wasn't able to counter attack as she felt a strong surge of energy trying to explode, thats why she went completely blank. She tried her best to suppress that unfamiliar feeling in many ways she could. She wasn't even aware of her surroundings. Until Laize went forward and force a kiss on her.

'holy mother of bugs. Does that mean everytime she experience those surge of exploding energy she would get that forceful kiss over and over again?' she thought to herself, which gave a creepy feeling all over her. ' I must learn and control my powers.' having said that, and after analyzing the whole situation, she already got an understanding half of the situation she's in now.

She tried to recall the feeling she felt that night. Maybe even a little she would be able to atleast feel that same energy. She quietly sat down and close her eyes to focus, not even doing a cross leg thingy to meditate. But no matter how she tried. She couldn't get a single result.

'does that mean I should get beaten first before I'm able to experience it again?' she thought to herself. Having a thought of it she went running out of her room to look for Vaizen. She won't allow anymore to get beaten. Under this heavens she won't let them live and be remembered that even their names won't even exists.

Vaize who was sitting in his study was talking with Laize, the moment she burst open the door, she froze for a moment.' ugh? The view is simply blinding. Where all this Godly figure and astonishing looks came from.' she was gaping for a moment.

Vaizen who had totally ready her mind just smirked. Keeping a cold face he beckoned Camila to come closer. As if possessed she walk towards them never blinking. Afraid that when she blinks the Godly images would disappear before her.

Laize who was just watching smiled in amusement, looking at her bewildered face he cough.

"uhumm, do you know that you can get your eyes gouge out if your just someone else?" Laize teasingly said. After that Vaizen click his two fingers and Camila came back to her senses.

"I--ah- I -- want to ask something." she shy said. Feeling herself burn with embarrassment.

"speak" both of them said in unison.

Camila trembled for a bit hearing both said at the same time and the presence of cold and domineering air circling on those two.

" how can I waken up my powers? I felt it. But it was just too strong I was even lost in my senses trying to control it. I feel that if I let it lose I'll explode." she seriously said. She needed an answer. And she wants result. She wants to be strong so she can crushed that person who bully-slap her.

" your powers are sealed, the only one who knows better to unseal it is you. If you wait few more days it will be undid on its own. So you just have to wait." Vaizen patiently explained.

"Right, all you have to do is wait. And when it's unsealed. Then that's the time you can meticulously train yourself to use it." Laize also said.

With this two Godly figures of vampiric decendants , how can she complain more?, just by them assuring her, makes her feel shy, remembering how Laize had forcefully kissed her. She want to slap herself.

" anything else?" Vaizen coldly snorted. Obviously he read what's rumbling in to her mind.

Camila shook her head vehemently, remembering that Vaizen can read her mind clear as day light, her eyes widened, and gave him and apologetic look.

" if what the two of you said are true. Then I'll just wait and see for myself when the seals comes undid." she thoughtfully said, after excusing herself. She ran out of the room where the two left with a look of amusement all over their faces.