"My Lord, an invitation to both of you and Miss Camila had arrived today." the old paled butler said. After a slight bow he went forward and hand over the letter.

" Ha, ha, ha, they started really fast." Vaizen said while handing the letter to his brother Laize.

" For sure that incident at the banquet arouse their suspicion. " Laize said never leaving a fox smile on his lips. Looks handsome but dangerous.

"Let's abide to their invitation, and see what can they do best. They are taunting us deliberately." Vaizen slyly said while a look of murderous intent flash his eyes.

The invitation stated that both the brothers and Camila are invited for a flower viewing in the Hennigan's hectares of wilderness. Known to everyone, the mansion held two flower viewing every year. With different kinds of exotic and rarely seen blooming flowers, all who heard this had been anticipating to be invited. But as always only few people are previledge, as some part of the hectare of wilderness flowers are sensitive to human presence.

Camila who was sitting in the balcony was approached by a maid servant, relaying a message about the flower viewing which the Master of the house ordered her.

"What did you say? HENNIGAN'S MANSION?" She was startled for a moment and gave a sigh. 'Fate brought us together to meet again. What are you Scheming this time you torturous of a woman.' Camila smiled indifferently. To be invited by the one she despised the most and doubted to be her parents killer. She sure won't let this rare opportunity to slip. A surge of tinged energy comes forth to Camila' s senses.

"I guess it has something to do with my emotions." she muttered to herself. Camila unconsciously look at her hand and clench it them lossend it. Her palms are burning hot and from being pinkish. It turned into hot blood red.


She stood up and run to the bathroom. She opened a bucket and splash her hands in it. The cold water soothes her burning hand.

'Let's see what's going to happen in the flower viewing. I might get lucky to get a taste of my power.'

Long before Camila had accepted her fate of having a power. Shes still unaware of her origins. And as to why she is being pursued by unknown forces. Even both the vampire brothers had been protecting her. The mages that she saw before was actually allying themselves to that lecherous vampire 'Vaizen'. But whatever it is. As long as they don't do any harm to her. She would cooperate. And to think that they are protecting her, is enough for her to understand that she's on a good side. Hence, she never troubled herself to be suspicious to them.


"So that sadistic human had actually agreed to cooperate. Just how badly he want that Succubus to be in his hands." the fake human King said.

"As long he do he's job to catch and suppress that Succubus it will be our advantage." the Elf Queen said with a sneer.

Those malicious intent they are planning was though to be impenetrable. But little did they know. They would fall hard after they made their moves. Divine retribution only awaits them.

" Your Highness, I have a word from the Hennigans Mansion. Everything is prepared according to plan. It's only Your Highness orders is being waited." one of the dark spies appeared and was kneeling to the King.

"Very well. We will proceed as planned when the flower viewing day starts." he coldly said and dismissed the dark spy.

The Elf Queen on the side sat and listened. A hint of glimmer cross her face. She will find out the truth about the real identity of that succubus. Her doubts are never wrong. From that day she vomited mouthful of blood. She's definitely sure, that's no ordinary play thing of that vampire. To possess such powers. Only them, the royal family of the direct bloodline can detect how strong it is. And without doubt. It's something familiar.