"That Cunning and Coniving Elf Queen and Human King sure wants their plots to be carried out on the same day of the flower viewing." Carson Hennigan snorted. He didn't thought that they wanted that succubus also that he had been eyeing since the banquet. Surely they won't let this chance slip and wanted to use him to lure that woman out. But for what purpose that they show interest on her?

Tomorrow's flower viewing will have a great show. For humans to co-exist with different kind of races and powerful inhuman existence. It should be entertaining. But he wanted that succubus to be his play thing. A devil woman. On those cold steel bed and chains, to never die however he torture her, gave him the thought of satisfaction already.

He went deeper inside of his mansion and once again opened the heavy steel doors. He looked at his equipments for torture. He picked up a rigged stainless saw a size of his palm. He looked at it in different sides with a look of expectations. These are his treasures. If he pulled out that woman's finger nails. How fun would it be?

"HA HA HA HA, Oh dear succubus, this Lord is waiting you to join him in this cold mansion." Carson laugh maniacally. It was so loud it vibrated through out the room. The guards who stood near the entrance heard it and trembled.

Their Lord must have set his eyes to someone. How unfortunate the victim will be. To make him laugh like a mad man, his interest to that woman surpasses the previous victims he had. They feel sorry for that unknown person. And just silently lit a candle on themselves for that woman.


"--- the other party had set their plots for tomorrow. And we have arrange some people all over the place already in advance." a non-emotional look of a young vampire clad was standing in front of Vaizen. They had been given the task to carefully spy on both the Kings palace and the Hennigan's mansion.

" that's great. We will see if they can move and succeed on their plots." he smiled evilly, then touches his chin. " you sure all have guts to provoke this Vampire."

" rest assured Master. We will carry out your orders precisely." the young vampire said taking a quick bow before disappearing in an instant.

" your intelligence network are pretty much reliable and trust worthy." the Prince Laize chuckled. He knows when it comes to obtaining information. He's brother is more suited to this task. Whereas he's advantage is to mobilize his entire vampire mix breed with mages to slaughter which ever kingdom his little brother would want to disappear.

" I put all the best and elite people for this mission this time. We have to be cautious, even though the enemy instigated the first move against us we will not retreat." he solemnly said giving his older brother Laize a stern look.

"in that case I have a good show to watch tomorrow." Laize said, brimming with unexplainable amusement. What could that girl do for tomorows' event. She's unpredictable and not easy to read.

This time all four major races will be present. The wolves half breeds had been summoned by the Human Fake King, while the Elf Queen's people of elite elves are present, this time they go all out to have that succubus in their hands. It's no ordinary lustful woman. The wolves Half Breeds are oblivious to this information, hence they just assume and carry out the plan that had been set. It's been long time since they smelled war between their enemies. For a hot blooded breeds like them. This kind of rare opportunity won't be missed. The vampires are their sworn enemies. If given a chance they would shred them to pieces.

" we have an important guests tomorrow, all of you here present now should be aware that they are out sworn enemies. Our task is to divert their attention and keep them busy. Don't halt or slack off. Attack rigorously as possible as you can." the leader of the wolves half breeds said with an authorative voice.

The whole pack of half breed howld. Sending chill to some guards who had been stationed to watch the night. An omnimous feeling had risen.

Camila who already had been sleeping suddenly opened her eyes, a flash of purple appeared on eyes. She smiled wickedly and just comfortably tuck herself back to sleep. Leaving a trace of smile on her face. Both the brother vampires felt a chilling murderous intent within the premises. They quietly look at each other and smiled.