Camila and Vaizen stood in the middle of those exquisite flowers sorrounding them. The view of those colorful playful petals that sways as if enjoying the scenery infront of them was enticing. The few people near them, thought an immortal Goddess came down. And the peerless handsome cold blooded vampire with her is a Diety. They were so entrance that they didn't notice they were standing there for quite some time and look 'romantic'.

The awkward scene of people looking at them with admiration and envy to some womens are over flowing. Camila lowered her head and took a step back.

'uhh, why i suddenly felt shy.'

Laize was watching from afar. The corner of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

" hmmp! Shamless blood sucker" Laize muttered grievingly to the side. How can he not protest. He was talking loud and wide with actions. And just suddenly out of nowhere they felt a gust of wind and a faint smell of blood. Just as he was about to search the source. He saw Vaizen dashing towards Camila. And here he is sitting watching a good show of these two people who thinks they own the world.

Not far from them. Carlson was watching. Feeling agitated and annoyed he watch uncomfortably from the distance. The interaction of the two people made him itch to snatch Camila and punish her from her behavior. In his eyes he sees that she purposely prick her finger so she can get the attention of that vampire. What a cunning whore. She deserves a good dissecting.

The murderous aura of Carlson while intently looking at Camila was felt by the Elf Queen. Seeing him restless she smirk. Should he make the move infront of the blood suckers? Or will let the chance slip. She is in his domain. If he want her. He can snatch her. The Queen just silently watch the drama. She will be on the sidelines. Any chance given she will absolutely attack and take Camila as hostage.

Unknown to them even thought Laize was busy lamenting about those two he is well aware of the reactions of Carlson. How he see him restrain himself and the bulging of his veins on his forehead. How vicious his stares. A quite good show with bonus. It seems their trip coming to the flower viewing isn't a waste after all. And with a sudden dark swift. Laize disappeared from where he was sitting. Even the Elf Queen can't guess where his whereabouts. Much more the man wolves. Even the keenest smell can't detect him. As expected from the Direct Royal Blood Line of Vampires. They are more proficient and capable enough unlike those that were just transformed from human to spawn vampire. Needless much to say they are vampire armies that were carefully selected. They are known as Cold-Blooded ones. They attack mercilessly. Vicious. Dominant. But only acted by command of the direct lineage.

At the same time that Laize suddenly vanished the corner of Vaizen's eyes twitch. That brother of his is making it's move without waiting him.

'I never thought you would sneak out and leave me here Little Bro! '. Vaize blasted to Laize through telepathy. His face started to grew dark.

'hhmmpphh!, I'm merrily giving you a chance to act lovey dovey with Camila infront of the enemy. Rest assured my Brother, i am positioning our Cold ones in places.' Laize said in a teasing but firm tone. Though he and Vaizen are almost of the same age. Vaizen treats him as younger brother. Which actually annoys him when he use Little Bro.

Knowing Vaizen, he would use Camila as bait not only to apprehend Carlson and the Elf Queen but also to try and unlock Camilas' seal. Perhaps being confronted with danger. She might broke it off and undid the seal. Save them the time to rack their brains of ways to make her remember who she is and what she is capable of. Now that she got the possession of that Little Flower. The chances of bringing back the legendary mix breed is very close by. They waited for long time. They prepared for so many times wenever time and chance is favorable. They made sure that before her awakening they were the one's on Camila's side. They have to guide her until she awakens and utilize her power. If she happens to be on the Elf Queens side. She probably have long died and weeds would start to grow on her grave without knowing who she even was.