Laize successfully infiltrated Carlsons' domain. He leisurely stroll through the inner corners of the mansion without being detected. As he went deeper. He could smell a strong stench of blood. Laize felt drooling. How long has it been since he tasted blood? He suppressed his desires and continued to move forward investigating and familiarizing the whole areas. He did a quick round and because he is of a royal descend its an easy task for him to remember every nook and corner of the whole mansion. Even the most treasured torture room of Carlson wasn't spared. After had been set. He casually re-appear to where he was sitting without being notice by the enemies. Vaizen look to where he was and gave him a nod.

"Come now, you don't have to be scared. It's only a prick. You won't die from a loss of drop" Vaizen teasingly said to Camila. Giving her a charming smile.

Camila suddenly held her head up. Looking at Vaizen with a confused look. What this Vampire is saying suddenly? She unconsciously craned her neck to the side with a face of 'huh?'

Vaizen looked at her intently. Giving her a knowing look, that she needs to tag along with the script.

Camila sure is smart and was able to pick up what he meant.

"Who actually over react and came running here?" Camila said in a loud voice followed by a smug face.

Vaizens' smile froze. How domineering to actually get even with him she purposely say it loud and make it appear as though he was overly reacting from her small scratch. He was given a start and was shock. The corner of his lips arc up. And a faint glow of red flash through his eyes.

Dear Camila how you will handle this proud vampire.

Vaizen with his face abruptly change into a soft and caring look which made Camilas' eyes widened. She knew he is up to something.

" Sweetheart don't be so harsh on me, you know how sensive i am when it comes to your smell, especially your blood. I fear that you purposely did it to seduce me, havent i satisfied you enough lastnight?" Vaizen mischievously said while looking at her as if he was being scolded by her master. Vaizen is so shameless.

Boom! Camila felt like being struck. Vaizen words reminded her that she's still on a cover as a succubus. And for him to say such lustful but pitiful words. It appears that she havent had enough of his service last night.

Camila turn pale. From white to a bright red that flush all over her face.

On the other side. Carlson clearly heard everything. He knew it. This woman really did purposely prick her finger to get that blood suckers attention. He clench his fist so hard that it turned white. He sharply turned around and left the balcony.

Carlson was so furious. He was pacing back and forth in his big library. He was biting the back of his forefinger. When suddenly he stop and saw the Elf Queen slowly walking in.

" Your favorite prospect is acting so flitatiously like what she did on the gathering." the Elf Queen airily said. Giving Carlson a side glance.

With those words spoken. His eyes suddenly turned sharp.

" I need her! I want to punish her! This noble one won't be able to be at peace as long as she's not in my possession. " he selfishly said. Carlson might look well mannered and calculative. But in truth, he is actually having those anxiety days whenever he couldn't get what he desires. And this weakness. The Elf Queen surely knows.

That's why instigating him more and throwing some provocative words against Camila. She knows, he will make a move. By hook or by crook. Camila needs to be under his adorable knives and cold bed in the chamber.

The gust of wind send chills to Camila who was eyeing Vaizen infront of her. The atmosphere changed. Vaizen and Laize clearly predicted all this. After all, they planned this to happen. They just didn't expect it would be too soon with Vaizens' sudden provocation. Surely a vicious heart doesn't need a careful planning before executing the plans.