Reality Verse

After my breakfast, I looked at my outdated smartphone, it is still 9:30 A.M. 30 more minutes before the opening of the company selling the Reality Verse. I also looked into my wallet, I only have 1000 yen with me, and it is not enough to buy the Reality Verse which costs 1,000,000 yen. My money is not worth to look at. However, I won't be spending a huge amount of money just for buying one. I will go bankrupt before I can buy one. Also, I might have returned back into the past but I never paid attention much to the outside world, much more to the jobs and lotteries that fetch lots of money. I didn't mind to earn money that way but I will change too much of the history if I try to win one of the lotteries.

I hailed a cab to send him to the Reality Verse Company Building. The driver nodded seeing me as he looked at me from head to toe like scanning my full being.

"You buying the Reality Verse?" the driver asked.

I nodded. In reality, I have no friggin' money to use so how can I buy one?

The cab arrived not that long before I get in. I already expected the area to be full of people but never expected it to be this crowded. What is more, I can see a few fat guys and a few men with splendid shirts waiting outside. This fatsos and this bratty gentlemen might be one of the influential families, allowing them to purchase one Reality Verse cabin.

When I arrived on the area, the Reality Verse are selling like hotcakes and the clerks seems to be too busy to entertain any people. I decided to line also but I got nervous. This might not be the case but the first one is necessary to earn, however, I frowned when the representative of the Reality Verse Company announces.

"Congratulations to Shoto Takaki for obtaining free Reality Verse!"

This made everyone lining around get jealous to Shoto since he earned big time this time around. I also felt a bit of jealousy. Come to think of it, I didn't know that method on how to obtain the second free!

"Sh*t! I didn't know anyone who presented the way to obtain the second Reality Verse!" I groaned.

If I failed to obtain one, I have to wait for a month to get one on my on!

While pondering, an old man stumbles down, begging food for the people who are lining up to buy the Reality Verse. Of course, after seeing the old man, they quickly kicked the old man.

"Ossan, you shouldn't be here, peasants can't afford this baby!" A male teenager said.

"Just a little food, if possible," The old man persists.

"Scram!" Kicking off the old man off from him. Many are angry to him, some didn't mind and someone didn't care.

I don't have any grandfather or grandmother after they died not too long ago and I still remembered how I cried when they are sent to their graves. I, seeing them is hard and I can feel the sympathy to the old man.

After being kicked by most people around, I have no choice but to step in and help this guy. Whatever he did is just to beg for food, he doesn't need to be kicked by random people without any kind of reason. However, I am not the only one who came to rescue this old man. A girl in a ponytail, about the same age as me also broke off from the line to help the old man. However, since I am the most near person to the old man, I am the one who helped him stand and sit on the nearby couch. The girl just helped me carry the poor old man.

"Ojiisan, are you okay?" I asked.

"Thank you, young ones. I'm so hungry, I wanted some food and water," the old man said, evident in his eyes that he is really weak.

The girl approached us and smiled.

"Don't worry, we will buy you food and water," the girl said before she looked towards my direction and held her hand. She is asking for money...

I was stunned. I did not say anything at all about buying food and water and she is saying I will also contribute on buying food to him? However, since I still have a few money here with me which is a total of 1000 yen, I contributed my 500 yen and she also contributed 500 yen with her. She contacted someone from her phone then a someone from the outside came inside, wearing a butler outfit. I am not surprised at all since many people in this timeline are rich and most have multiple servants and bodyguards with them. However, I am just stunned on why she also asked me money if she is friggin rich!

The butler received the 1000 yen and just as how fast he goes inside is also how fast he goes outside and disappeared from my line of sight. The girl smiled and sat down beside me. The old man seems to be really hungry and since we are still waiting for the food and water that this girl beside me ordered, he still needed to endure. I pull out the biscuit in my pocket that I have been saving in case I have to spend my time to line for a long time, at least I won't go hungry. However, I have no choice but to give it to him, i'm not that hungry much yet though.

"Ojiisan, have some of my biscuit while we are waiting for the food," I handed the food to him and when he saw the food, his eyes seemed to glow. He nodded and look at me with gratitude.

"Thank you for your kindness!" he bowed and happily devoured the biscuit.

The girl beside me keeps on observing my movements. Now that I get to look at her, she is quite beautiful. Her body is well proportioned and she has a beautiful face, thin lips, well proportioned nose, and her sparkling eyes that are accompanied by her long eyelashes. Her outfit also looked good to her. She wears a striped shirt and a female jeans. She is your typical pretty girl. If I was like in the past, I might have fallen in love at first sight, however, after remembering the betrayal that the b*tch did to me, I can only feel hatred instead.

Not too long after I gave the biscuit to the Old Man, the butler once again appeared carrying boxes of food that came from different restaurants from which I know to be really expensive. I was stunned on this, since when did the 1000 yen get to buy that much food in luxurious restaurants? However, I am not the only one who is stunned, even the pretty girl was stunned.

"Richard? What is going on? I only gave you 1000 yen! How come you get to bring this much food?" the girl asked, marveled from the food he brought.

"Little miss, I contacted your father and he sends this to me via drone carrier," The butler named Richard said.

The pretty woman slap her forehead in disappointment and received the food and hands it out to the old man.

"Sorry for the wait, here is the food and water we ordered," the girl smiled.

The old man nodded and received the food before sprinting outside the building, while carrying the food. Strangely, the guards didn't seem to mind that the old man exited the establishment. I returned to the line and since my original location is gone, I had no choice but to return to the last line. The girl returned to the line who are buying the Reality Verse and the butler named Richard also exited the establishment.Seeing her original position is no longer available, many boys wanted to switch positions with her to gain a favor and chance to flirt on her, however she goes directly to the very last of the line, just behind me.

"Hey!" the girl tapped in my back and when I turned around, she smiled at me, which made the boys earlier who seemed to try flirting with her look at me with murderous eyes.

I received the gesture but I didn't show any emotion. I lightly nodded my head in return, before returning to where I am looking. I don't know her reaction but she seemed like she was stunned by my attitude of ignoring her though I am not sure since I didn't pay attention to her face.

The line seems long and when I looked back into my phone, it's already 12 noon. No wonder I feel hungry. I don't have any idea how to obtain the second free Reality Verse and also I have no money. I should have dug deeper in my past life if I have known that it will be useful to me today. There is no purpose for me on staying in the line to buy the reality verse. My only chance to get one is through that "friend".

I decide to break off the line and go home. I saw the girl earlier currently looking at me in confusion. I didn't mind her and proceeded to go to the exit when the announcement inside the building ring through my ears.

" To the people who helped the old man earlier, please go directly to the main counter and meet the attendant there," an announcement said.

Wait, did they just said that the people who helped the old man earlier? Does that mean, me and that girl? I looked at the girl earlier and even she, looked confused.

Since they called me, I decide to go to the counter and sure that an attendee holding a holographic figure of mine and the girl looked at me and into the hologram repeatedly before nodding. The girl also arrived beside me and just like how she looked at me from head to toe to the hologram, she also did the same to the girl and nodded.

"Okay, follow me," She smiled and walk towards the room, beckoning us to follow. Since I have no choice, I decided to follow also. The other people who are lining up seems to go on riot since we successfully reached the forbidden area for commoners and other people.

The two of us followed the woman to the long hallway and the girl beside me glances at me curiously before focusing into the road. I did not care much and continued walking until we arrived on the door similar to those doors in the courtroom, class and elegant. The door opened and when I saw the old man earlier who seems to be really hungry and thirsty, you cannot seem to think that a person like him can get here without problem and most of all, he is wearing a formal attire.

"Ojiisan?! What is going on here?" i asked to get an answer to this weird old man however, he only smirks.

"You two must be stunned why we announced you two to follow the attendee in the counter. I did not expect that there are still people who are good people among the teens today," the old man who is now wearing a suit and a necktie said.

"Can you please elaborate, to us?" the girl also looked confused. seeing the transformation of the old man.

"Hahaha, sorry. I failed to introduce myself. I am Nobuhiko Kasaguchi, the creator of the Reality Verse and one of the creator of the game, Alternate World. The other guy who created the game is Tojiro Akisame but he is still in final touches of the game so he is not here," the old man introduced himself.

I was stunned and even the girl was visibly shaken since the person before us was one of the important figure in the society! He contributed a lot to decipher the tablet of ancient civilization that caused to the creation of Reality Verse! Nobuhiko Kasaguchi never appeared to media at all and only a few lucky individuals get to meet this person. In my past life, I have not seen this guy at all, not even a glimpse. He worked together with Tojiro Akisame to make the game, Alternate World though mostly on testing and not fully on the programming which is fully done by Tojiro Akisame. This is truly unexpected and it makes me totally excited!