Alternate World

I may be excited but I remained my composure on the outside, not revealing any sort of expression. I am quite experienced doing so since I keep on doing this to deceive enemies in the game. However, the girl beside me cannot contain her excitement since she seems fidgety looking at the old man.

"Hey, boy, you should have shown a bit of expression at all! You seem unfazed to my reputation! Look at the girl getting fidgety! Mwahahaha!" Nobuhiko said to me and also looked at the girl beside me, making herself get red in embarrassment.

I feel happy deep inside, since I fully mastered the deception skill and even the great Nobuhiko didn't notice my facade.

"So? What is the business of Mr. Nobuhiko?" I asked, getting serious.

"I see, what a straightforward guy! I like it! Okay, I won't beat the bush since I know that you two did not get to eat lunch yet and are delayed in the line due to my act earlier, I will compensate you two with the brand new Reality Verse Nexus! This models are not yet out in the market!" Nobuhiko said, giving us a contract in the table.

I felt weird hearing the Reality Verse Nexus. This model is limited since only ten models are made and there is only 9 available in the market in the past. The model costs 200,000,000,000 yen which is really expensive that even the normal and elite players pained to see these machines pass by.

What makes the Reality Verse Nexus unique to the normal Reality Verse is that the synchronization rate with the human mind and the avatar in the game is fully 100% unlike the normal one which only accounts 95% percent. What makes the Reality Verse Nexus more special than the normal is that, you can keep your body in the virtual cabin for a week without eating and still come out healthy. Also, you can bound it to you so that it will function only to you and won't work to unauthorized personnel. The price might be too high but its really worth it. Many huge families wanted to use one so they pooled their money to buy a unit. The units are eventually owned by the richest people in the whole world causing everyone who wanted to get it despair. However, they soon got confused since the news revealed to have ten Reality Verse Nexus but only nine appeared in the market. Soon, an insider leak revealed that someone got their chance to own it however, due to the secret super confidential and hard to crack, the owner was never revealed. Now I know that the girl beside me must be the one who earned the last Reality Verse Nexus in my past life.

Maybe due to my actions, I get to have the second Reality Verse Nexus, it must be the result of the Butterfly Effect. I approached on the contract on the table. It is a contract about the Reality Verse Nexus and how it should have been a secret into the public eyes for now. The owners of the two machines shall not say any information on how they got the Reality Verse Nexus or who gave it to them. I read most of it and all of it says about concealing the machine for now. I have no problem with that so I quickly signed up the contract without hesitation.

The girl hesitated to sign but after seeing me sign up without hesitation, she reluctantly filled up the contract.

"Good! You two can go home now and we will deliver the Reality Verse Nexus to your addresses. We will deliver it as soon as possible!" Nobuhiko said with a thumbs up.


The event ended uneventfully and I left the building, leaving the people struggling to get a Reality Verse. Since I secured the game cabin, I can now rest easy. The girl who signed up a contract with me seems to have something to discuss with me but since I avoided contact with her and quickly left the building, she didn't get a chance to do so. I have reasons for doing it.

I decided to go shopping for now. Since I only have 500 yen left with me, I should use my 450 yen to buy vegetables and meat since its a food necessary for my health if I have to build myself in the game. Due to my advantage in time, I know how to immediately earn money just in the first game so I am not entirely worried. I spend my 450 yen buying a few cheap vegetables and a few meat. I also bought cheap instant noodles so that even if my supply of food is already consumed, I can still have food for me.

After shopping, I decided to jog my house. Even though it is quite far, it's much better to do so. Practicing on running can also help me in the game. However, since this body of mine is not athletic, in only a few kilometers, I already felt so heavy in my body, accompanied by the fact that I have not eaten lunch yet, it made me weaker.

However, I decided to continue on and with perseverance and patience, I finally reached home. I felt so sluggish and immediately lay on the sofa. I didn't realize that I fell asleep, forgetting to eat my lunch...


I opened my heavy eyes and I realized that it's already dark outside. I checked my phone and yep, its already 7:49 P.M. I scratched my head in frustration and go to the kitchen, the food inside my grocery are scattered on the floor so I picked them up before going to the kitchen. I peeled a few vegetables and I washed a few pieces of meat before I fried them up. I ate my lunch and dinner together. Since the game won't be launching until next Monday, I have to workout for the duration of the days before I log inside the game.


The Reality Verse Nexus got installed the other day into my room and ready to use. I decided to configure it before I can use it. After I configured everything, once the game gets to launch, I can immediately log in. I spend the remaining time training my body and day after day, I can feel my body getting accustomed to the pressure of exercise. After a few days, the long wait is finally over and the game is finally launched. It's 7 in the evening and in the game it will be morning there. Before I log in, I decided to make final preparations so that I won't get hungry and thirsty while playing. After my preparations, I was about to go inside when I spotted the USB flash drive in my desk. I almost forgot about it. Since I have no idea what it is, I decided to put it on the Reality Verse Nexus USB port.

When the USB flash drive is inserted, the Reality Verse Nexus operated and scanned the contents inside. A mechanical voice rings out.

"Additional attachments for the game, Alternate World has been installed and bound to the player. Please enjoy the attachments after logging in."

Attachments? I didn't know that the USB flash drive in the future contain attachments in the game. I pull out the USB flash drive and get inside the Reality Verse Nexus.

Once I closed my eyes, the machine sensed my senses and it quickly functioned, transporting me to the game interface. After a few flashing lights, I got teleported into the familiar hall. This is the Valhalla Hall, a place for warriors. It is similar to the Valhalla in Norse Mythology, it might be even the same concept. A woman veiled with beautiful cloth appeared before me. She still looks beautiful despite seeing her countless of times in the game. This woman is an NPC named Freya, the wife of Odin. She is a Mythological level NPC in the game, and one of the strongest with the level of 1000, which is the maximum level. Also, she is one of the prettiest NPC in the game making many players try to court her, only to get punished by Odin's lightning punishment.

"Welcome, Adventurer. Please state your name," Freya said to me.

"Bladeheart!" I changed my player name even though I knew that doing this might alter the future due to the Butterfly Effect causing me to lose control of the situation.

"Bladeheart, please choose the class you will be using on!"

Different Classes appeared before me, stating their uses. The classes are Swordsman, Samurai, Alchemist, Ninja, Assassin, Hunter, Cleric, Paladin, Holy Knight, Magic Knight, Magician, Fighter, Gunslinger, Druid, Berserkers and Versatile. This classes all have their advantages and disadvantages. In my past life, I was a Magic Knight. I prefer magic class characters since it's quite convenient. Magic Knights are known to both master magic and swordsmanship, making them strong against any enemies. In terms of strength, they are high Dps classes helping the tanks in game to survive. Also, they are a good range users since it also specialize the range magic that fills the normal swordsman weakness.

However, I am not going to choose this class. I already knew which class to choose as I already made my plans to rise up from the ashes.

"I choose the Versatile Class!"

Versatile is a new class. It is a class that specializes on many weapons, however, many players who thought that Versatile class are easy to use made a huge mistake. In the 16 classes of the game, the Versatile class is the hardest to level. The skills of the Versatile needed to be balanced out so it consumes huge quantities of experience points causing many players who hated grinding feel pained, leaving them to just restart. In the past, only a hundred players managed to properly use the Versatile Class into good use however, due to their slow leveling, it caused the class to stagnate a lot.

It has a lot of cons but what I wanted are the pros. Versatiles are versatile wielders. They can wield different weapons without any restrictions, making them really good classes when obtaining different weapon loots. Also, the skills are differentiated depending on the weapon frequently used. It can also do the dual class. It can use the play style of Magic Knights where swords skills can also be accompanied with magic. And since I will keep on using the magic in this game, this class is perfect for me. Also, to help alleviate the leveling process, the starting AP earned and after leveling up are doubled to raise stats a lot and catch up towards other classes. In short, its a perfect class for solo players. If not for the experience consumption problem, the Versatile classes will be totally overpowered.

"Do you want to alter your appearance? You can alter slight or alter your whole face not similar to your own face?"

"Slight Alteration!" Having to alter a lot of your face will randomly generate you a face that might look too handsome or too ugly, or worse, just normal face causing many players to regret doing so.

"Appearance is altered a bit for your character. Generating body... Congratulations to Bladeheart for creating your own character! You will be teleported to the starting town, effective immediately. Good luck adventurer!" And with that, my whole body was engulfed in white light.

In a few seconds, I was transported into the starting town. It is the Iron Town. Just like the name implies, this town is a good place to mine metals since the area is a minefield. Players who focuses on their secondary classes mostly starts their roots here especially those who will choose to become blacksmiths. Secondary classes are classes different from the main class. If there are only 15 main classes, there are countless of secondary classes that a player can learn making it really nice for players getting bored slaying monsters.

Now that I can control my body, I decided to familiarize my body on my body. Since the game is just beginning, and many are still stuck on choosing what class they are choosing, I decided to move around first. The experience in using the Reality Verse Nexus is really nice since you can really feel your body moving instead of your mind only. The movements are also smooth which is not that smooth in the normal Reality Verse. Since I get to familiarize on my movements, I look around the place and saw countless of players trying out their bodies for the first time. Soon, the town plaza that we are in are getting crowded so I decided to go away from the busy streets and go outside town.

I am familiar with the outside town and since many new players are still grasping their movements, they will be delayed for a while. I then opened my inventory and then I suddenly got my eyes fixed on the first slot of my storage bag.

"Attachment Box"

Contains a random item that will generate base on the class that player is using. Consumed once opened. Cannot be dropped. Cannot be traded.

It is the only peculiar item in my inventory aside from my basic armors and weapons that I haven't equipped yet. And since I am curious, I decided to open the box. A small glow appeared out of the box before it shows the item generated.

"Beginner Sword"

Atk: 10

Level: 0

Weight: N/A

Rarity: God Tier


1. Devour - can devour weapons to level up the power and change it's appearance.

2. Versatile Weapon - can change at will to different weapons needed by the player.

Evolve the weapon to see unbind the seals of the abilities.


A weapon forged by an unknown material from unknown civilization. Can devour and change it's power at will. Will grow along with it's owner. Said to be a weapon made by the gods that holds tremendous power. Cannot be dropped. Cannot be traded. Cannot be sold. Bound to the Owner.

Bound: Bladeheart