Memento Mori

"What the hell? A level 0 God Tier weapon? Is this cheating?" I muttered as I checked the stats of the weapon again, but whatever I do, it's still a God tier weapon!

The equipment levels of the game comes with many rarities. There is the Scrap, Normal, Mediocre, Rare, Very Rare, Legendary, Mythical, Heroic, and God Tier.

Scrap is mainly scrap, usually used as ingredients for making new weapons and used as the main base. Scrap is still precious since Blacksmiths buy them for high prices after knowing their purposes. Normal are very normal, no properties and only normal stats. Nothing unordinary to state. Rare are weapons with double base stats than Normal tiers. Also, there are chance that a Rare Tier weapon might contain additional skills or stat bonuses when equipped. Very Rare are much better than Rare due to their excellent stats. Much better than the stats of the Rare Tier. Legendary is one hard to obtain weapon in the game. You need to earn a few titles that might help to obtain one. For normal players, it's only a dream to obtain one but for the elites, they have a chance to get one. Most of those weapons are items in legends of the game, usually from a dark lore. Mythical are much difficult but much easier to obtain than legendary tiers since they can be randomly given by looting a treasure box in Ultra Hell mode dungeons or above. I managed to obtain one in the past which made me really powerful during that time.

Heroic tier weapons are comparable to God tier however they are much lower. They are earned usually if you get a chance to raise your favorability, contribution and affection to an Npc or a village, obtaining a Heroic one. From what I can remember, Excalibur, a weapon for Swordsmen and Holy Knight is one of the Heroic Weapon. Gae Bolg, a spear of Cu Chulainn can be equipped by paladins who are hammer and spear users are also one of the heroic weapons. Heroic weapons cannot be underestimated and they cannot be replicated by anyone as it is the only one weapon existing in the game.

God tier is the rarest of them all. Said to be forged for the gods. Cannot be obtained easily and most of the time, a weapon usually used by God Tier Npcs. They cannot be obtained in market and usually, are bound to players and cannot be dropped even in death.

However, I frowned on this weapon that I got. It's an evolvable weapon, which means it consumes experience points or experience points of other players to evolve. Moreover, the skill "Devour" means it can devour weapons to fortify itself! Its one of the best weapons and has a huge potential! However, what I got confused of is the second skill, "Versatile Weapon". It can change form?

I quickly equipped the weapon and yeah, it looks like the beginner equipment given by the system however, I can feel something different in this weapon. After I got to equip the weapon, I can now access the skill and use it. Since I can use this skill using my mind, I don't need to chant the skill to activate it. For some reason, my surroundings seems to slow down and a selection list of weapons appeared before me. Sword, Katana, Hammer, Hook, Guns, Staffs, Brass Knuckles, Ax, Spear, Magic Swords, Maces, Dagger and Bow. Since I prefer magic and I am more familiar with this class, I choose the Magic Sword which is the weapon of the Magic Knights. The normal sword turned into the normal Beginner Magic Sword form though the stats are the same. The skill also has no cooldown and doesn't consume mana so I used it again to change it into staff and just like before, the weapon changes into a staff!

"This is an awesome weapon!" I grinned and decided to keep it. This weapon is too precious for anyone to learn upon and I am lucky since my class can use any weapon and every weapon that this piece can transform is basically usable for me! I can't let it be known to the public. I quickly unequipped it for now and equipped the beginner weapon. I need to earn a title first. With my advantage as a time traveler, I can quickly solve the problem of experience consumption that the Versatile class has.

I did not equip my armor and haven't distributed my AP. I quickly trek far from the area of the newbie leveling spots. In my first time here in the game, I was constantly bullied by my guildmates that time, getting free kill experience. They always kill me in the same spot of the field where the respawn bug is implemented. Usually, being killed in the game results on being sent into the cathedral to respawn, wherever you are. However, a certain spot to where I am heading into has the respawn bug. The are is full of level 5 monsters and Level 0 players will die in one hit there. The respawn bug is a bug where once you died in that area, instead of being sent into the cathedral, you will respawn in that same area. This area is not discovered until most players reach level 5 and this where many players tried doing the kill tactic to earn free experience points and in the past, I was a victim, stagnating myself for Level 0 for two years.

However, due to my excessive deaths, I obtained two precious titles needed for Versatile Players. The titles are Death's favorite and Memento Mori. Death's Favorite can be obtained by dying for 100 times, obtaining this title. Death's Favorite allows the players equipping the title to raise their weapon proficiency 100%. Weapon Proficiency allows players to master a weapon and learn additional skills based on the proficiency points. The other title is the Memento Mori which can be obtained by dying 500 times has an effect where the additional Exp earned is raised to 200%. This title is totally OP and I am the lucky player who owned both titles. Titles effects cannot be stacked however, this two titles' effects can be stacked and used even if not being equipped which is really convenient for hiding it to the public.

However, obtaining this is a pain in the ass so I needed to finish earning this titles in one go while everyone are still struggling to level up. This time around, the players in town might be looking for quests now and are also trying to level up now so I have to hurry up. While running from the long clearing, I checked my stats.

Player Name: Bladeheart

Level: 0

HP: 200

MP 100


[ATK]: 5

[DEF]: 5

[DEX]: 5

[INT]: 4

[AGI]: 5

AP left: 10

Title: N/A


Beginner Sword






Just as expected, my stats are trash. However, it can be remedied later on in the game and as I level up.

I quickly evade most enemies with my agile reflexes. I know how to reach the area without engaging any hostiles and I had no problem for PKs for now. In a few minutes of traversing the clearing, I finally reach the forest where the Respawn bug is present.

"Player have discovered a new location, Death Forest"

I quickly entered the area and due to my level, monsters strengths are suppressed into one level, however, I will still die in one hit by the monsters here. The respawn bug is aroun the main entrance where the big stone is located and most monsters are gathered. Traversing the tall bushes, I quickly saw the said rock. Just like the usual, the monsters here are normal.

Black Wolf (Normal)

Level 5

Hp: 1000

They might have a measly amount of 1000 hp but their bites are totally devastating and can quickly devour the HP bars of level 7 players without difficulties. Entering their aggro range, they quickly attack me after reaching their range. I didn't bother to defend and evade at all.


And just like that, my Hp bar fell to 0. My respawn timer appeared which is only 5 seconds. If it is the normal death from other places, my body should have been sent to the cathedral immediately but due to the effect of Respawn bug, my body stayed in the area. Death has penalties in the game, reducing a level to your current level and also clearing your exp bar, however, since I am Level 0, i don't need to worry about it since I have nothing to lose. After 5 seconds, I rise up again and just like the usual reaction of the Black Wolf, I died once again. This is basically suffering since the pain sensitivity in the game is set into 50% so that the damage is bearable for players, however, you can reduce it though not below 20% but you can increase it to 100% which is basically real pain that your body can also feel the pain too.

I repeated the cycle of my death. This is rather boring but I have no choice but to persevere. If I want to rise higher than the achievement in my past life and trample the enemies of mine, I have to persevere. I need to obtain the Memento Mori title.

I lost track to my death but from my last count, its around 80 odd times. Which means, I can now get the first title, Death's Favorite soon. With the proficiency of my death in this area, I can quickly get to earn the next title soon. After my last death, I managed to obtain the title at long last.

"Death's Favorite"

"After dying and reincarnating, Death finally notices you. This beauty is trully hard to conquer and you are lucky enough to meet her many times! Are you courting death?"

Effect: 100% Weapon Proficiency growth

I nodded and continue my death streak. As usual, I forgot to count how many times I died this time but I am sure that I am closer to my goal. After a few deaths and how many hours of dying, I realize that the highest level a player have right now is level 3 and the lowest should be level 1. However since I am still level 0, it should be considered that the lowest level is level 0.

After my last death, a notification rang in my ears, making me grin.


"Memento Mori"

Remember, we are mortal and we must accept death since it is our only destination. You are the fated one to accept it countless of times, giving you your past lives experiences into your current life,

Effect: 300% EXP increase.