
Harmless Sparrow

For some reason, this woman is somehow a mystery. In my past life, she never revealed that she is the lucky person to gain the free Reality Verse Nexus despite the urge of the community and the others. Her secrecy is too good that even private investigators hired by some rich and proudful players cannot even dig up a single clue to her identity.

"You are also same as me, you also got the machine for free right? Its been a long time," she smiled.

I continued eating. She is somewhat a mystery to me and I am sure that she has a big backing of a huge company or a powerhouse guild from other games. These kind of people are not that easy to find and are not even going to participate in conferences for powerhouses players.

I am just wondering if this girl is somehow just had a carefree life and can do what she want.

"Not a talker are we?" she combed her hair and looked again to me.

If other guys in novels like these are attracted to her beauty, then don't count me in! I already have enough of the girls in my past life. I'm not going to do it here and I will make everything straight.

"Need something?" I quickly asked as her.I

"Does it need something to talk about to strike up a conversation?" The girl seems confused.

"Of course, that is obvious. How can you even talk something if there is no topic?" I coldly said. I have to stop her from striking up conversation with me, otherwise, the world will go on haywire. In the past, I have not interacted with this woman and if I will do so in this life, everything will change in the future though I still intend to stop my impending death, interacting with her is not necessary.

"Okay, since you insist to have a topic, I shall introduce my name to you, I'm Rika Tsukinara. What is your name?" this woman sure is persistent.

"Tch, too bothersome, I am not asking for your name," I coldly retorted.

"So cold, then let's talk about Alternate World. I know you are playing this game since you got the machine. It is impossible that you don't play the game since what will you do to the machine except to play it?" the girl said.

"It should be a good thing to gift to my nephew or my uncle who loves games, its quite expensive, I can also sell it secretly," I quickly replied.

"Stop lying, I know that you can't do that since you signed up a contract," she said. This girl is quite sharp.

Her food seems to arrive so she quickly accepted the tray. She seemed to order a few appetizing meal and a bowl of the special Meat bowl where apparently, you can only see meat on it and not a single piece of rice can be seen.

Her other food are some Chinese cuisines and Japanese Cuisines that are too expensive for me now to buy.

Seeing me look at the food in her table with a gulp, she smiled and pushed a lobster soup in front of me.

"You can have this! You seemed hungry and seems to lack the food you have just eaten," Rika smiled.

I groaned. I basically wanted to grab the food and eat away, however, I have my own pride. I can't do so.

"I can't accept-" I did not get to finish what I was about to say due to the fact that I felt a murderous intent. It was an intent that I can do in the past but I can't do for now. Normal people experiencing the murderous intent will basically tremble and run away out of fear.

However, since I have the mental fortitude and have experienced this kind of feeling many times in the past, I am practically resistant to it but due to my body lacking the proper training, I practically trembled. However, she revealed a surprise look seeing that I toughened up.

"Oh? I never expected you can toughen up despite having experienced it," Rika looks at me curiously. She must be scanning me if I am training my murderous intent. However, that will be useless since I have not done it yet.

"Bullsh*t," I groaned. I am not a stranger to murderous intent.

"I was right. You seemed to be capable enough. I knew you are playing the game. I wish to recruit you into my guild!" she smiled.

It's another bullsh*t. I knew that no one arrived the capital to establish the guild. So if she says she has a guild, that is practically impossible unless it was a guild that exists in other games.

"Not interested. I am a solo player," I quickly declined her rumblings.

"Not so fast, friend. You might change your mind if you have heard my game account and guild name," Rika said.

"..." I stayed silent. Actually, I am also curious but I never have the intention to join the guild.

"My name in the game is Harmless Sparrow and our guild is none other than the Blue Sky!" she excitedly said.

Deep inside, I was stunned. That guild is one of the twelve guild powerhouses in the past and Harmless Sparrow, a Magic Knight is the exquisite guild leader of the guild who is said to be one of the top beauties in the game. However, she left the guild after a conflict to her boyfriend who is the vice guild leader and after leaving, her boyfriend became the guild leader of the game. She broke up with him, ending the two year relationship they had. Today, she has no boyfriend yet and she is still available to be conquered.

"Not heard of it, stop bothering me," I flatly said.

She was stunned for sure. She might be one of the best players in the game but I have no intention to get close and leech off on her. I will only rely on my own.

After finishing the food, I stood up and looked at her.

"If you are trying to hook any player to your nonexistent guild then fool other people!" I said before leaving her baffled.

I did not look back and jog back home. I may be a dick in attitude but I prefer doing that. My plan will get too messed up. Friends are not my type here. They usually backstab you so I don't care who they are. I am not interested. I don't have any friends in the past either except for the NPCs that treat me better than usual.

I arrived back home without much trouble. I also felt refreshed and I have not felt like this back then before I was this age until I arrive the time where I learned the meditation.

After resting a bit, I drank a few bottles of water before logging in back. When I arrive back in the game, my avatar is still inside the room that I rented. I checked my profile and saw a few of the AP accumulated and are now 18. Every level I earn will allow me to earn 2 AP per level and since I have not used the AP, it got stacked.

I used 9 AP to agility and 9 to intelligence, reducing the 18 AP back to 0. I also checked the SP I earned. Unlike the AP, I can only earn 1 SP per level, which is hard to manage especially for me who is a Versatile Class that needed to learn a few different skills from other class, making Versatile Players to have trouble learning skills as they have to carefully plan their SP to avoid complications.

But since I came in the past, I have already prepared how to solve this trouble. There is an SP farm quest in this town and you can keep on getting the SP for quite a while until you reach its quest cap which will be the 200 quest acquisition time. Acquiring the same task for 200 times will stop you from doing so to avoid exploiting it. Also, to trigger this quest, you need to be well known by the NPCs and has a friendship level of Friend of all.

Friendship level comes with 7 levels. Worst, Bad, Neutral, Friend, Friend of all, Best Friend, and Relative. Relative is the highest part of the level a player can get on NPCs. To raise the friendship level, chatting, helping them out and doing some frivolous quests are the best and the best would be to slay a boss which will be usually issued by the Mayor or highest leader of the area. Killing the boss allows to earn the Friendship Level of the Town to Friend of all immediately. This method was revealed by none other than Harmless Sparrow as they are the first guys who have gotten this good information in the town and the first guys to discover the hidden quest which allows players to earn the SP without leveling which will be laborous if you want to get it.

I returned to the usual lounge where Lily is currently wiping the dishes. She look at the stairs where I am currently using and smiled.

"Did you sleep well?" Lily smiled.

"Yeah, it is really comfortable!" I answered though I don't know if I my avatar slept in the bed. When I look at the miscellaneous stats, my sleepiness value is 0 which means my character is okay, though the hunger and thirsty value are almost getting lower and the stomach of my avatar is growling.

Miscellaneous stats are unique in Alternate World. The game put a stat on how your character is hungry, thirsty, sleepy or fatigued. These stats are currently making the game more different than other MMORPG games. These stats also indicate on how your character can survive. Failing to notice these stats can cause burden or death to your avatar without the player noticing which is a common mistake of the new players. I quickly grab a seat and raise my hand.

"I will order your special today!" I shouted.

"Sure! One special coming right up!" Lily smiled and go directly to the kitchen.

Unlike the other games where the food is just tasteless and appears immediately, Alternate World food are not. They are cooked meticulously and they tasted food which is something that many people love in the game as they can also experiment and cook their own food, not just the NPCs.

After 3 minutes of wait, the special order arrived. It was a Demonic Buffalo steak which is accompanied by Carnivorous Plant's sweet honey which is a delicacy in the game. It's been a long time I have eaten this delicacy since I have not visited this place in the past for a very long time.

"This food is really delicious!" I exclaimed.

"Glad you like it! Hope you come again!" Lily nodded.

I toss a Silver Coin to her and she swiftly catched and when she looked, she seems startled.

"I will come again here later. Serve me the same food later!" I grinned.

She immediately nodded and grinned.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" she returned to the counter to continue her job.

My conversation with her is the natural way to get closer to an NPC. Getting close to anyone is similar to making friends in the real world. That is why, loners who feel outcasts in the real world felt like they are born in the wrong world and the Alternate World is the world they are really born with.

I leave the inn after eating my fill. It is time to begin my quest. I need to get the clue to open the first dungeon. To earn the AP quest, unlocking the First Dungeon is the best way. I swing my weapon and I just remembered that this weapon has the Devour ability that devours weapon to grow stronger. Since I have the beginner sword, this is a good way to test the weapon's ability to grow.

I immediately go to the secluded area of the place. Though there are no players around, NPCs might discover you and will fear you for owning legendary weapon like that. It will get you hard to earn friendship points if it happened which is bad. When I am sure that the area I was in is secluded, I pull out the God Tier Versatile Weapon.


A system notification appeared in front of me.

"Please select a weapon or armor to devour. Please remember that the same weapon with the same quality is devoured previously by the weapon, the same weapon with the same quality cannot be devoured again."

I did not expect that even armors are also good to be devoured. Also, it seems that once a Normal tier Beginner sword is devoured, no normal tier Beginner sword can be devoured again which seems limiting the growth of this weapon. However, it will be too powerful if it is not restricted so I guess it is alright to have such restrictions on it.

I selected the Beginner sword in my inventory without second thought and immediately, the God Tier Weapon produced a Golden Dragon that looks like the one of the Celestial Beast Kohryu. The golden dragon devoured the Beginner sword before diving back to the God Tier weapon. That time, the Beginner Sword look of the Versatile Weapon turned into something different. If I am not wrong, it is the Ryloz Sword, a sword normally acquired when you are level 5 or 6. It is a bit stronger than the Normal Tier and Rare Tier Ryloz Sword. I never expected that this weapon can change like this just by a single devour. I quickly look at the stats the Versatile Weapon got after its evolution.

"Ryloz Sword"

Atk: 30

Level: 7

Rarity: God Tier

Weight: N/A

Can be equipped at Level 0


1. Devour - can devour weapons to level up the power and change it's appearance.

2. Versatile Weapon - can change at will to different weapons needed by the player.

Evolve the weapon to see unbind the seals of the abilities.

3. Vampiric Trait - Weapon can cause a life steal everytime it was successfully triggered. The damage can be converted into HP every successful critical hits.


Evolve further to unbind the locked skills of the weapon


A weapon forged by an unknown material from unknown civilization. Can devour and change it's power at will. Will grow along with it's owner. Said to be a weapon made by the gods that holds tremendous power. Cannot be dropped. Cannot be traded. Cannot be sold. Bound to the Owner.

Bound: Bladeheart

I was glad that the weapon got a weapon trait. Weapon traits are totally rare and more rare in the lower levels. I never expected that I can earn a trait like this. This weapon is too strong. Once it devours a good weapon, it might be too overpowered to be called as a weak weapon. With this weapon, I am quite sure that I can clear and get the first clear of the dungeon, alone.