
Fetching Materials

The dungeon is easy to unlock though it is troublesome since you need to collect a few items that are bit hard to obtain if you don't know which monster has the highest drop rate of these items in which I luckily know a lot since I became a runner boy in the past to fetch the items needed to open the dungeon. Due to that, I can memorize what items are needed with my eyes closed.

I move towards the streets and everytime I encounter an NPC, I greeted them Good Morning which makes them happy. To raise the friendship points, doing those simple things can raise you friendship points easily.

When I arrive at the Headquarters, the NPCs seems curious to me. There are NPCs who are also an adventurer class like me, however, unlike me who will resurrect once killed on the cathedral, they will die since they are the people in this world and dying means dying for real. And since I am the first player to reach the Capital, many NPC is curious on me. In the past, NPCs call players as the Blessed Ones as we players can learn skills without trouble and can resurrect when killed which the NPCs envied the most to us.

The time that I arrived the Headquarters lounge, the lady in the counter noticed me. She smiled and beckons me to go near her. This NPC is Simona, a receptionist in the game and gives task to players everyday without failure. She sometimes gives tasks which are legendary and Epic rank that allows you to play with strong NPCs in the capital.

"Is it your first time here? Welcome to the Headquarters. I am Simona, the receptionist. You can ask me on whatever things that troubles you," Simona smiled as she put a bit of her orange hair to the back of her ear.

"Oh, Good Morning, I am Bladeheart. I would like to apply as an adventurer," I said. To unlock the dungeon, you need to become an adventurer. And everything will happen to proceed to the requirements.

"I see, its Bladeheart, Good Morning too. You want to become an adventurer? You are in good timing! I needed someone to fetch something for me," Simona put out the paper parchment in front of me.

"What is this for?" I asked, though I know what it is really for.

"Its the items that are needed to be fetched to make the Pole of Weakening necessary to weaken the dungeon that recently opened near the capital. We need someone to fetch these items immediately," Simona said.

A system notification appeared in front of me.

"Pole of Weakening: 1/3" Story Quest


Simona has given you a task to fetch the items to make the Pole Of Weakening. Getting all of the items will greatly help the capital reduce the danger of the dungeon that just opened up.


Lizard Man Claws: 50

Green Spider Fang: 30

Orb of Relic: 40

Feather of Flames: 40

Reward: Pole of Weakening(Quest Item)

Copper Treasure Box

200 Silver

10,000 Exp

Do you accept the quest?"

Of course I accept. To get access to the dungeon, this quest is needed to be cleared. This quest is unique. Once it is cleared, no other players can obtain this same quest. Many players who came late can only get the remnant quest to unlock the dungeon. From what I remember, the Pole of Weakening is only an entry pass for the dungeon. I never knew that the Pole of weakening is used to weaken the dungeon, making it accessible to any players. Also, the rewards are not this lucrative from what I can remember. It might due to the fact that it is a story quest. The players who will obtain the quest to unlock the dungeon will only get the permission quest instead.

After obtaining the quest, I looked at the Player Leaderboards. I am still in the top place followed by none other than Harmless Swallow who is level 7 already. I did not get surprised that she arrived to level 7 already. She might be already trying to pass on the Gate Guardian though. The other players are still level 6 or below. They still needed tough grinding work for them to reach level 10.

I closed the player leaderboards. I never cared about them. I needed to find the items immediately.

The easiest to obtain in this quest is the Lizard Men Claws. Its a drop from the Demonic Lizard Men. Many players confused them from the Friendly Lizard Men that is just nearby the town of the capital. Slaying the Demonic Lizard Men allows you to gain a favorable rating to the Lizard Men since in the lore, Demonic Lizard Men came from corpses of the Lizard Men's brethren that died in the past, only to be possessed by demons.

I arrived first on the Lizard Men Village to accept the quest of slaying the Demonic Lizard Men. It will be usually issued by Sodoma, the Lizard Men Village chief. He was delighted when he heard that I will be slaying the Demonic Lizard Men around their vicinity.

"That will be truly fantassssstic! We of the Lizard Men tribe will be truly grateful to you Sssssir Bladeheart. You will help put to resssst our possssssesssssed brethrenssss. I will reward you for thissss," he said.

I almost broke to laugh due to his way of speech. Everytime a letter S is in his sentence, the letter S is prolonged in the very word which is a bit ridiculous, however, I still kept my serious face to avoid dropping the respect rating of mine to them.

After accepting the quest, I immediately go to the surrounding area of the village. I opened my skill tree and go to the Cleric Class. I spent five SP to unlock the skill "Purify the Dead". It is a skill that allows to exorcise the former undead creatures and kill them. Making less trouble to the player. This strategy was only discovered by a newbie who have a skill Purify of the Dead accidentally casted on the Demonic Lizard Men which one hit killed all of the targets of the skill, raking up exp for that cleric and becoming one of the highest leveled cleric and strongest of the cleric class players due to her achievement. This time, I will be using this strategy to finish gathering the Lizard Men Claw.

Its not a problem to look for a Demonic Lizard Men since they are totally abundant outside the town of Lizard Men. I saw a group of wandering Demonic Lizard Men.

Demonic Lizard Men

Level 9

HP: 5000/5000

Class: Undead

Changing my class into cleric and weapon into a mace, I cast the Purify the Dead to the group of Demonic Lizard Men who did not notice me due to the fact that I am far from their aggro range. Purify the Dead is a skill that is an AOE which is also good for tackling undead enemies. Many Cleric Class did not know the purpose of this until later on the game once the first expansion pack is revealed. Only a small amount who can be counted only by the hand can be considered to be able to notice the importance of the skill. Despite being a sure one-hit kill against undead, there only exist two dungeons that possessed an undead creature until the expansion.

The skill I casted drained my mana immediately. Since I only have a maximum of 150 mana capacity and the mana cost for the Purify the Dead is also 150 it will be hard. However, this is much better to raise the recovery speed of the mana regeneration.

The skill hit 8 Demonic Lizard Men. When I searched the drops, there are only 2 Lizard Men Claw and a piece of shoes. I picked it up and a familiar shoe appeared.

"Shoes of Razuas"

Def: 3

Agi: 12

Eva: 12

Rarity: Rare Tier

Special: Movement Speed increased for 10% every speed enhancement casted. Effects stacks

Description: A piece of equipment of the thief named Razuas. Famous for allowing the wearer to run with the speed of the lightning.

Alright. I still remember this shoes since I actually use this for escaping the PKs I always got. The Shoes of Razuas allows the players to move fast due to the movement speed addition for every movement enhancement casted. Also, the effects stacks, making the players move faster than usual. It's actually one of the best shoes for agility based players. This shoes is possible to be worn by every class, however, the best classes that can unleash their effects fully are the Assassins and Ninjas since these class has the most movement enhancement skills in their skill tree.

I nodded and equipped the shoes. Not bad for the beginning harvest. I also got 90 copper for that. I also look at the Exp bar and it did not even fill for 3 percent which is normal. The leveling speed will get to bad this time around even with the effects of Memento Mori. However, its fine since I have no problem on Exp farming. Mobs are easy to dispose and by gathering the materials, it will take too much time to gain all of it.

After my mana bar goes full, I aggroed the nearby Demonic Lizard Men and run to the direction where there is another group of Demonic Lizard Men. This monsters are so thirsty for the living and won't stop unless caught. After aggroing at least fifty od them, I activated the Purify the Dead once more to the Demonic Lizard Men, causing them to turn into ash. The Lizard Men fell one by one and my 50 Demonic Lizard Men slain is fulfilled. I also managed to pick 36 Lizard Men Claw along with the 2 earlier, resulting to 38 Lizard Men Claw. I needed only 12 claws left.

I waited to let my mana bar to go into full before getting the aggro of the Demonic Lizard Men. After getting a few aggro of the Demonic Lizard Men, I casted the Purify the Dead which has the cooldown of 2 seconds and in just a few moments, all of the dead that got killed are all packed up in the area. And in just that method, I got the 50 Lizard Men Claw without trouble. I also managed to fill my Exp bar with 30% which is awesome. This one doesn't break a sweat for me.

After checking in my quest to Sodoma, my Exp Bar rose from 30% to 40%. I also obtaining 200 silver coins and friendship points to them. I will be visiting them later for another quest. However I still needed to process my quest for opening the dungeon. Its a bit easy to do now though.

Travelling to the nearby ruins lives the Living Relics. They are good defenders but lacks the power to retaliate and has weak magic defense, making them exp farm for Magicians, and other classes.

"Living Relics"

Level 10

HP: 10000/10000

Attribute: Earth

These guys drops the Orb of Relic which I needed 40 of them. These guys are still easy to deal with and with my Magic an sword skills for the Magic Knight, dealing them is just a piece of cake and in just a matter of time, I earned 40 Orb Of Relic and my Exp bar rose from 40% to 89%. Now I have serious problem which are the acquisition of Feather of Flame and Green Spider Fang.