
The Expected Call

I have no idea how long will the Pole of Weakening can be made. In my past life, after I give the Pole of Weakening materials to Simona, she will procure one immediately without having the help of her Vampire Butlers. Maybe it is due to the reason that I am the first person who have triggered the quest must be the reason that they have not procured the Pole of Weakening.

And since I have no choice but to wait, I decided to wander around. There are several areas where it is still off limits to players for now but accessible soon once the update will get patched. Anyway, there are still some things I found to be worth looking.

I approached the Quest Board. Just like the name, this board is filled with quest. Since many beginner players will be having trouble on acquiring a quest, the Quest Board comes handy. The Quests here are all easy and straightforward, perfect for beginner players who struggle to gain money and has no capability much like players who focus on extra jobs.

Now that I think about it, I can get to earn extra job for me to get focused on. Since my plan is to be a solo player, I need to properly organize my time. Like many MMORPG games, players can choose to specialize on making customary products. Players like these are called Extras. Usually, they focus more on making items, equipments and other kind of assorted goods which are beneficial to players who do dungeon diving and for NPCs. However, most of the time, players in those games can only choose one profession and cannot have two profession at once. However in Alternate World, that idea is scrapped.

After putting the "Reality" system, many things that are not achieved in old games are achieved in this game. Players can choose to specialize more than one profession. That means, if you want to be a blacksmith but you also want to be a cook, players can do so. It follows the principle in real life that a single person can have multiple profession.

Back to the Quest Board, Extras has a good chance of prospering using this. They don't need to gather items by themselves anymore and they will only do quests that rewards those specific items they need, in addition, they can also post quest of gathering certain materials.

The quest board contains different quests and it was categorized from Gathering, Conquering, Subjugation, Errand and Assassination.

Gathering is one of the two easiest quest forms in the Quest Board, as it only need to gather different materials. However, the difficulty escalates the rarer the materials that is needed though the rewards are also lucrative that even dungeon players thirst to have.

Conquering is a quest that involves of conquering a village or a city that is invaded by monsters or bandits. Depending on the size of the location, the quest needs one to seven players to complete the quest.

Subjugation is the most common task in the Quest Board. Tasks like killing a certain amount of monsters is considered Subjugation Quest. Depending on the monsters needed, the rewards also vary from petty to lucrative.

Errand is the one considered to be considered to be the easiest of all the quest and much easier than gathering. This quest do not involve you in beating up enemies or gathering materials from dangerous areas, its just a simple running back and fort to certain NPCs to do their bidding. Extras who hated fighting but wanted to earn experience points goes to this method.

The last one is the Assassination which is considered to be the hardest quests in the Quest Board. It usually asks for a certain character to be killed but usually it only appears depending on an NPC becoming corrupted or discovered to be not human but a demon. Assassinating one means to face against that NPC and fight which can be considered as a boss fight.

As I scan through the quest board, I didn't find any particular quest that interest me which is disappointing. I decided to leave and sit on the lounge. I looked at the Rankings once again. Of course, my name occupies the top spot. I grinned on this and I have no intention giving up the throne yet. Let them suffer and try to catch up my leveling speed. The second place is still occupied by Harmless Sparrow in level 8 however, I never expected another player to catch up is the legendary assassin, Flaming Cutie. The others are also catching up and most are in the threshold of level 7 which is a surprise. However, they will still suffer for a few days even if they play overnight.

Looking at the time, it was almost morning in the real world. I guess I won't be opening the dungeon today. But I should wait for the Pole of Weakening first.

After waiting a few more minutes, Simona finally came back to her post and is carrying the small pole that I always see whenever someone tries to open the lesser purgatory dungeon.

"Sorry for the wait, it took some time to make the pole and my servants even exhausted their mana before it was formed. However, this is a success, you can now use this to weaken the seal of he dungeon and beat the enemies inside," Simona babbled before handing out the Pole of Weakening.

Pole of Weakening (Quest Item)

"A pole with the power to weaken the seal of the Lesser Purgatory. However, it is still imperfect and can only be used to open the dungeon once."

I was a bit confused. This is not the description of the Pole of Weakening that I got. I quickly asked Simona about this.

"This item is still imperfect?" I asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that. The pole of weakening should be gathering its power on the Lesser Purgatory. Since it acts as the item to weaken the dungeon, it needs too much power. Due to that, I tasked you to fetch another one item in the Lesser Purgatory this time. From the Intel, the boss of the Purgatory held the Crystal of Stabilization. To ensure that the dungeon seal is weakened and people can freely enter it, we need that crystal so that the Pole of Weakening can be mass produced."

I nodded. So that is how the production of the Pole of Weakening came. A window appears before me.

Pole of Weakening 1/3

Request Completed. The following rewards will be awarded to the player immediately.

Copper Treasure Box

10,000 Exp

200 silver

After receiving rewards, another window popped up once again.

Pole of Weakening 2/3 Story Quest

Simona handed you the Pole of Weakening. However, the pole is to weak to maintain the power to seal it. To maintain it, Simona asked you to fetch the following:

Crystal of Stability 0/1


10,000 exp

Holy Capital Prestige +100

I see, this quest is hard due to the prestige reward. Prestige is something hard to earn. Much harder to earn than friendship points. Prestige can change the views of the NPCs to you from a nobody into a noble. Most of the NPCs will treat you better if you have the highest prestige.

Accepting it, Simona nodded.

"I expect you to bring good news. However, now that I think about it, can you survive on the dungeon alone? Lesser Purgatory is not something you need to take on alone. I guess you need to look for a suitable party," Simona said.

"Nah, too bothersome. I will go on solo raiding and I don't need companions," I nodded at her.

"Wow, you want to do solo raiding? That is hard! Anyway, keep up your good work and I hope you don't die in the dungeon despite your abilities to revive in the Cathedral," Simona reminded.

"Friendship to Simona raised from 10 to 60! You are considered by Simona as a friend!"

I never expected to get a friendship points from her just like that! I took ten days in the past before I got to befriend her.

After saying goodbye to her, I returned to the Inn and settle down into the bed. Its a long day. I still have two quest ongoing and these quests all hold good amount of rewards. I hope that I can get more faster in leveling this time.

I opened the Log Out button before my consciousness fades away and I once again woke up inside the Reality Verse Nexus.

Looking around, the sun is already out, high up in the sky. There are no meditation session today but I can do a jog for the day. I go to the calendar to mark it. I quickly noticed that the school reopening is almost soon. From what I can remember, today will be the day I will be invited to play by those "friends" of mine to play the Alternate World. It would be a bit later but I am expecting it. In the past, this is the way I managed to play the game despite having no money to buy the expensive machine.

I thought they were sincere on letting me use it for free since we are friends, however, I did not know this in the past but after a few revelations, I found out that I was just given this to do a manual labor and as an errand boy in the guild. Also, the machine was meant for someone who is one of their very friends. After that guy declined since he already got one, they decided to make a good use to me since I was gullible that time. Since I came back into the past, I shall twist their path of certain victory. I won't let them taste the same luxury they got in the past nor I will allow them to rise into the game.

After my discovery about it, I decided to keep on working for them before I quitted. I still earned a new Reality Verse after one of my real friends offered it to me which is going to be on three weeks and gave it to me. Despite having my own cabin, I was still powerless that time and if I leave the guild that they made that time, I will be killed countless of times without rest though it actually happened causing me to earn the Memento Mori. I can only rely on myself that time and the person who helped me acquire the Reality Verse cannot do a thing since she was also a small time gamer that time. I can't help but blame myself for all the sufferings I have experienced in my past lifetime

I contact my parents back in vacation and hearing that they are still not coming back, I already expected that so I didn't say much and hung after that. I proceeded to the kitchen and cook food. While I was cooking, I was also doing my meditation. I am trying to practice to learn magic. The faster I can learn magic, the better especially that classes days are almost here. I can't let my experiences to cycle once again here in this lifetime.

I can already fluctuate a bit of flame after practicing a while however this is not yet enough. I guess I its not yet time. After cooking and eating my breakfast, I logged into my account in Facebook and look at the posts. The first post I saw is the post of those people showing their new Reality Verse cabins. Those are the guys who contacted me. I grinned. Soon they will contact me.

I was still thinking about it when my smartphone rings. I grinned seeing the name registered in the screen.

Sakujo Tamabe

This is the call I am expecting to receive. Now that you have called me, let's wreck your life starting now.