
How to PK your "Friends"

Sakujo Tamabe is the guild leader of the guild I was in during my past self. He might be a guild leader but many secretly hated him, which also included me. I know him in real life since he is one of my classmate. I was a good MMORPG player in the past and they somewhat saw my "potential". They befriended me and when the Alternate World was released, they ordered a few cabins. They wanted to build a strong party first which they succeeded in the past. They plan to use all five to all of their elite players but one of them is able to procure one so he didn't need to use the one given by Sakujo. Since it is a waste to have no use, they called me to use it in which I call a bullish*t hospitality. For whatever reason they wanted me in, I regretted it.

Now that I know their schemes, just f*ck them all. You can't fool me. I picked up my smartphone and receive the call.


"Hey Manato! You doin' well?" Sakujo's manly voice rings in the receiver. Just by his voice, I wanted to beat him up. He have faceslapped me many times in the public and I wanted to thwart his plans.

"Just fine, I am getting bored at home," I said to the phone. This is my exact response. I won't change some of my responses as I was about to change something crucial.

"I see! How about we play a game today?" Sakujo's voice is enthusiastic.

"Oh? What game?" I asked, though I already know, just trolling him.

"Have you heard about the Alternate World? You know,.the virtual reality game?"

"Of course, I keep on seeing it on the news," I said. Who the f*ck doesn't know? Even a hermit will know. Also, who do you think I am? I am the top player in the ranking.

"We should play this game brother!" He said on the other end. F*cker, don't call me brother, I am not a brother to you who is a dogsh*t.

"I don't have money to buy the cabin, its freaking expensive!" I mumbled. I know that you are already looking down on me you piece of sh*t!

"Don't worry! We have an extra cabin just for you! You can use it!" he said to me.

Okay! This is it. This is the choice that made my life turn from normal to worse. This time, I won't be turning my life here with you. I will go with my own life! And this answer will now have an impact to the butterfly effect but I am not going to regret it.

"Sorry, I am still not ready to play that game. I am still not touching a single game since I am still trying to relax and feel my life," I said.

"Oh, come on! What a lousy excuse! You should not do that. You should live your life to the fullest!" Sakujo's voice has a hint of anger but he is suppressing it. If I was similar in the past, I might not notice it but now that I already knew how he gets angry, I know that this guy is just suppressing it.

"Its final and I won't change my mind," I shut down the call without even thinking too much. Just keep yourself angry. You can't change my mind, I already have my game.


On the other side, Sakujo throws his phone away, destroying it to pieces.

"That f*cker! He just wasted a huge opportunity and we lost a good training dummy!" Sakujo gritted his teeth.

"We have no choice, he didn't know what he just missed," one of the guy said.


I already change a huge change in life. Now, my future is unclear and the future that I got lots of suffering in the game disappeared.

After making sure that everything is settled, I checked my schedule and seeing it free, I returned to the Reality Verse Cabin and once again log in to my account.

I know that they will be starting top play this hour. They will appear in town right now I guess. I have a plan to stagnate their progress and to do that, I should let them level up to level 5 so that their loss will be totally big. This is the biggest loss I got in the past. And now I will let them experience despair.

After I appeared in the same room, I took my breakfast in game and once again ventured out. Since I have money to spend, I can now buy something beneficial.

Wait, now that I think about it, I did not open the Copper Treasure Box that I received yet. Copper Treasure Box randomly gives an equipment or item depending on its quality. Since this is different from equipment box, I might earn a godly item or a sh*tty equipment. Anyways, let's do it!

"Congratulations to Player Bladeheart for earning Earrings of Anonymity."

My eyes are wide open. I am not dreaming. This is a Super Rare item! Also one of the rarest item to find.

"Earrings of Anonymity"

Rarity: Super Rare

Level 14

INT: 12

DEX: 12

Extra Skill:

Incognito - allows the user to hide his name to the other players. Can clear a red name back to normal.


Used by Assassins to clear their names drenched in blood. Their names can be turned into a killer to an innocent. Cannot be dropped. Can be traded.

This item is what I really need! What is more convenient is that this item cannot be dropped. I am happy that this won't drop whatever will happen to me. Now I don't need to go to the black market to buy an anonymity potion that has a similar effect of the skill Incognito.

I go to the tailor shop and bought a Cloak of Darkness and Mask of the Oni to hide my face and activated the skill of the earrings, the Incognito.

I also go to the alchemy shop to buy buff potions and bought dragon Strength Potion which enhances the strength of the normal attacks normally and a Wizard Potion which enhances the spell ability of the players.

My targets all look down on versatiles even before the game started and now I will show them how scary a versatile can. The dungeon can wait, they are an immediate concern.

I opened my skill panel and go to the Cleric skill and learned Revive to revive them on the spot. I also go to look for ninja skills. I have a few AP for Ninja due to the use of Concealment and Silent Sprint earlier causing me to earn a lot. I scanned the skill and soon found what I need. If anyone watches Naruto, this skill is really familiar, the Shadow Clone. It costs 7 AP which is a bit costly but I won't complain. I am a solo player, this is needed for me.

Shadow clone copies the player's stat and creates a clone with an individual HP that is half of mine. I kind of remember this skill is similar to Meepo in DOTA. Controlling te clones are necessary though only a small portion of your brain is needed to control them. Even a beginner can grasp it.Also, I can create ten copies by myself.

I practice a bit and after grasping how to control five at once, I grinned and uses Silent Sprint while having my name hidden to everyone.

Ten minutes after rotational rest and sprint, I arrive in the clearing and sure enough, I saw a few of those guys. I can't forget them since I spent 10 years from them before I quit.

I looked at their levels since it can be seen and all of them are level 6. Wow, they must have bought the starter pack that contains the EXP bottle that can allow players to gain experience faster in one day and a few equipments that are all rare. Those items are easy to drop and they will be crying after I take them off from their hands.

I reformed my weapon into a Staff in which it looks like a staff that is really rare to find. Well, this weapon is indeed the only one and I am the only one who wields it. These guys loves to PK and if they saw me here, they will be tempted to do it.

And indeed, those greedy bastards are all attracted to my equipment.

"Look! Some player is also here! Looks like we will take a huge loot this time! Look at his equipment! I bet they are rare!" A player named One Scope Kill who is a Gunslinger said. I hate this guy.

"Heh, this guy has no idea that this place is our turf, nobody will mess with us for we are already level 6," Epic Hero said, this guy is Sakujo. He is a Samurai.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's PK!" Monster Slayer said, an Assassin.

"Let's teach him who is boss," The Expert said who is a Paladin and the healer Healing Spammer is just quiet but he is licking his lips.

As expected, they took my bait. The gunslinger took the initiative and give me a series of shot. It should be the skill "Rampage Shots"






Well, look at that, the higher my level, the harder to take damage. I look at them wearing the Oni Mask.

"Oh, that tickles, is that all you got?" I muttered.

Everyone was stunned but Sakuji riled them up.

"That might be a temporary buff! I guess it will last for 5 or 10seconds!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded and decided to unleash their attack. I only grinned and allow them to attack me.




A series of zeros appeared and even though the attacks they gave are all strong, nothing can even put an single damage to me. A minute later, they huff and puff and they can't put a single damage to me.

"F*ck! What is going on?" Sakujo groaned.

"Are you all done? Let's do it!" I grinned and unleased my skill Shocking Lightning.

A series of damages appeared above their heads.






Their HP did not reach a thousand and their damages are overkill. In an instant, they turned to dust and several equipments drop. Seeing them die, I picked up the loot and casts Revive. Cleric's Revive has no cool down but takes a lot of mana to cast but that is no problem to me.

They were revived immediately to the place where they are standing. I can see that they lost a single level and they are already back to level 5. Before they can even react, I cast the Sword Knight Skill, Earth Fissure. And due to the level gap of 20 and 5, the damage is immense accompanied with a few lack of defense after their equipment fell at first death.





Their damages vary and they drop more equipment. I swept it again and once again cast another series of Revives. By the time they are all revived, my Shocking Lightning cool down is done. Time to freeze em' up then shock their sh*ts out.

"Ice Prison"

A simple cast encased their bodies and since Ice Prison is not really a skill that can kill, they didn't die. Now, however, they will die.

"Shocking Lightning!"

The faces of these guys are priceless as they are casted back to the oblivion once again. The cycle of their death and life are repeated and all of their equipments including their weapons are all now inside my inventory. The only thing they wear are boxer shorts, the regular clothing for a clothless male player.

They keep on squealing and begging me to stop on my ruthless revive and kill. Their levels are back to level 0 and since they no longer drop equipments, they slowly drop their money. Ah, that is really a good way to spend my time killing them. After a few killings, they stop dropping money. They are now broke. No equipment and no more money. I didn't stop yet. Its not their bottom line yet.

The five players all wailed. They hope he will stop soon, but seeing him repeating the cycle once more, they can only blame themselves for being greedy