
The Counter Plan

The darkness of the night is similar to my expression today. I have returned to the inn that Lily owned. Monsters are more active at night and they have wider aggro range and their aggressiveness is doubled. In the real world, it is still noon so the night time in the game is still young.

I am currently resting back inside my room that I have rented from Lily. Lily was also wondering what happened when I returned. Maybe she noticed my troubled face. She did not pry from me and instead send a meal and said that it's on the house. I was happy and appreciated the thought of these NPCs. They are much more better to interact than real humans. If I have to choose between humans and NPCs, NPCs are much better.

The reason that my expression is heavy today is due to the sudden events that occured today. I did not expect Harmless Sparrow and her guild to reach The Holy Capital in just a few span of days. My plan to conquer the abyss mode of Lesser Purgatory before they arrive is now null and void. My theory is that my intervention on the events here in the past affected what will happen in the future. During the past life, I have only started playing the game so my own self is still insignificant to change much course of the history. There is no Bladeheart that is currently coveting the top spot and monopolizes the Holy Capital. Since I did it now, of course, the future will change. Knowing this, I have to make sure that every actions I made is calculated. I cannot freely change the past things that should happen to avoid the wrath of the Butterfly Effect.

Currently, there are 40 players in the Holy Capital and if you include myself, it should be 41. I suspect that the people who arrived are the temporary guild members that Harmless Sparrow have recruited, since they have yet to establish a guild. I also know that Harmless Sparrow is rich so she must have pooled a few items and EXP potions by buying it using real money and distributing it to her guild members which caused the immediate rise to level 10 that is the minimum requirement to beat the Gate Guardian. Though I knew that she has a long way to reach level 20 using those potions, she might be able to catch up and clear the Abyss mode of the Lesser Dungeon and earn it's first clear. Also, I no longer have the free and easygoing way to travel around the Holy Capital without being at risk of being known. I know that I am already famous to the Alternate World gaming community and freely showing my face and player name to the public is pretty bad. Unnecessary attention will be thrown into me which I really hate the most. I need to use my counter plan immediately.

I retrieve the Cloak of Darkness and Mask of Oni from my inventory and equipped them. I looked at the Earrings of Anonymity. In reality, this is pretty useless unless you are a PK player. It's attributes are only fine and will grow useless in the future. I prefer using the one time potions in the black market or the Face Change mask in which you can freely change your face and allow yourself to disguise as an NPC that will be really helpful. However, I have no choice. Face Change Mask is a level 200 Legendary Mask and obtaining it is still far from future. I might have said that I won't use the Earrings of Anonymity unless necessary but now I really need to use it. My name is pretty notorious and plain hiding of the name is enough. I am also sure that I can avoid the eyes of the players using this.

The reason I am hiding is due to the reason that players are already in the capital. Players are all a jealous bunch. Once they saw something interesting to a player, they will contact that player to learn how did they obtained it or how can they get their hands on it. If they knew that they can't have it whatever they do, they will deliberately target you. It's one of the dark sides of the players I really hate. My leveling speed is one of the targets that these players will try to ask me. However, I knew that my title, Memento Mori is a unique title and can be obtained by a single person only. If I tell them that this title cannot be obtained anymore, they will try to kill me and leave me back to level 0 or they will try to bargain me to buy this account of mine. The second thing is the weapon I wield. This Versatile Weapon is totally OP and if anyone gained it, they will be really strong. I think this weapon is also a major cause on why most of the things that should be happening in the future did not happen. This item came from the future and I brought it to the past. The players will try all of their power to gain this and they might even threaten my life if I did not give or give information to it.

After equipping the Earrings of Anonymity, I activated it's skill, "Incognito". When I am satisfied, I opened my skill panel. My skill profieciency to most skills are all on max. I can now level up most skills to higher levels. Problem is the free SP. Earning it is hard but with the help of the title, Death's favorite, gaining SP is in steady rate though too hard to continue on. I looked at the skills in Ninjas. Most skills in Ninja's are for concealing the presence but most of them are too hard to obtain. They needed heavy amount of SP to be learned and the lowest one needs 30 SP. I only have 12 Ninja SP and the only skill I can buy using this is the Upgrade version of Concealment which is named Concealment II.

Leveling skills to higher versions requires proficiency and repeated usage. Since I have always used this skill when I am killing monsters, reaching it's prequisities is easy. The only problem is the SP. Leveling them needs SP. Since Versatile is just a copycat to the original job, skills demand lots of SP than the original job.

I also checked the other skills especially the skills in Magician job. All three skills that I have learned are all repeatedly used skills and leveling them up are all going to be a good way to raise its power, reduced cooldown and higher chance to gain Magician SP. I have 53 Magician SP. It might be a lot but spending it requires a few tries only. I leveled up the Basic FIreball, changing its name into Fireball and this one has a basic chant to cast now. It needed 20 SP to raise. The Shocking Lightning needs 20 SP too so I also leveled it up, changing its name into Thunderbolt. It has longer casting time now which is from 2 seconds to 5 seconds, though the cooldown is reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds and it's damage output is much higher than the normal Shocking Lightning. The Ice Prison only needs 10 SP and I used it to level it up changing it to Freezing Prison. It can now deal stronger damage, can hold stronger monsters and has a stronger durability and low chance of being destroyed. The MP consumption and its cooldown is still the same but I can say it is a much better version. I was left with 3 SP and only enough to learn another skill. I spend it and learned Water Blade.

The other skills are still not enough to level up and the SP earned are still not sufficient.

With this, I have finished doing everything. My next task should be to find the Last boss that escaped the Lesser Purgatory and kill it before it gets to the point where it is hard to kill the boss in level 20 and a calamity scale is announced. Before finding it, I need to get lots of Flame Rocks from Flame Sprites. I did not forget the quest I got from Almira, I just have no time to finish it since I am focused on destroying the Lesser Purgatory which unfortunately, not enough to continue as I needed to hunt its last boss.

I consumed the food that Lily sent to me and leave the inn. I need to go to the Scorching Lands and earn at least 300 pieces of Flame Rocks. The players that came with Harmless Sparrow might be busy as they have to create the guild first. I knew that they really need to establish it first and they might be currently in the Guild Hall to talk to its Guild Master. I needed to be really cautious with my actions now. I can't openly make my grinding routine as I might meet someone despite them still in the Guild Hall.

Before I was about to leave the room, I heard a few voices and I am sure that this familiar voice belongs to the girl I meet back in the eatery. Harmless Sparrow.

"F*ck!" I cursed under my breath. How come they are already here? Didn't they should be in the Guild Hall and establishing the guild? What the f*ck are they doing here?! I cast the Concealment II even though I am still inside my room. I can't risk letting them discover I am here! I listened a bit to their conversation. From what I an tell, her companion should be Flaming Cutie who is currently in the rank 3 in the leaderboards.

"Phew, that battle was totally intense! We never expected that we needed to kill the Gate Guardian to enter the Holy Capital! Luckily, we have allowed some of our members to learn its skills and study its movements. If not, we would be in dire situation!" Flaming Cutie muttered.

"Yeah, I never expect that beating up the Gate Guardian would be that hard. How did Bladeheart do it? He is a Versatile!" Harmless Sparrow said.

"Did he really solo it? He might have sneak to get past him!" Flaming Cutie speculated.

"No, we already know that sneaking isn't going to work. Our Ninjas can't even sneak past its eyes. He never cheated so he really soloed it. We can only admire how he get to beat that enemy," Harmless Sparrow said.

I only heard those things from them before I heard a slam of a door. They might have entered a room. I peeked out to see if there are still someone in the hallway and seeing nobody is in there, I escaped immediately. I never forget to say goodbye to Lily though she seemed to be confused on my costume. I did not explain it to her and headed out immediately. In reality, I have no plan, I just needed to avoid them at all cost instead.

Just on the way, I saw someone strolling in the streets. Seeing a player, I speed up and used the Concealment II again. This is actually hard. But for the sake of my own self, I have to persevere. This is a freaking challenge.