
Collecting 300 Rocks

I have to keep on changing directions countless of times. Even with my guise, players might suspect me immediately as I bear the player sign and I have weird clothes on. Finally, after countless of times of concealing myself back and forth just to avoid the players I met, I managed to arrive the Scorching Lands once more.

I have changed my weapon already into an axe. Flame Sprites are still here, though they are much aggressive since it is night time. I have no choice but to hunt at night. The people in the Holy Capital might have already noticed that the night time is much more dangerous and grinding at night is much more difficult in the morning. This is the perfect chance of me obtaining most of the Flame Rocks here which I really needed to earn since sooner or later, these monsters cannot be monopolized by me alone. There are already other players now.

Now that I think about it, once two or more people arrived in a city or town, the teleport hall is now functional. This way, players can return to the capital without much trouble. I should buy a few Teleport Scroll later on. It will be really beneficial for me later on.

As I looked around the Scorching Lands, the Flame Sprites are all flying around. Sensing that I have arrive, they let out a loud roar. Their aggro range is much wider as I have been not too far from them and they have already sensed me. I wield the axe and swings it to the enemy.


Its a huge damage but I am not surprised. My level is now much higher than the normal level that I have beaten this guys. The Exp I have gained are also measly to notice to. It barely move a percent in killing 49 Flame Sprites. It means that earning Exp here is now no longer needed. If I have to grind, I need to look for a new boss with obvious weak spots similar to the green spider queen. I can't beat up the green spider queen again for now since this area boss needs to respawn for 5 days.

My loot are all gathered and I managed to earn 49 Flame Rocks. Collecting 300 pieces might be considered excessive but this is the safest borderline I have right now on the collection quest. If the quest has no specific value of items needed to be acquired, I don't really need to bring too much. Even a single material is allowed to submit the quest though much lesser than expected while having excessive items delivered is considered very generous in the eyes of the NPC and will usually give you more quests that has high monetary awards and good amount of Exp earned.

The reason I have done this is to move on directly to the quest. In my experience in the past, having this kind of amount will usually trigger a chain quest. I have remembered that the quest I received from Almira mentioned that this quest is a chain quest to obtain a secret quest.

Secret Quest are different from hidden quests. They might have similar tense of manner, but they are actually different. Hidden Quest is considered hard to obtain and most of the time, this is a one time quest and cannot be triggered again if it is completed. On then other hand, secret quest are usually to rare to find. Most of the time, the most highest probability to gained a Secret Quest is the gathering quests with no specific value needed. Bringing more than a hundred usually triggers the quest in a low difficulty, however, obtaining 300 can be considered to be hard. The Secret quest will immediately turn harder than usual and the rewards are also plentiful!

Obtaining 300 is nothing. Flame Sprites spawns fast and making the obtaining 300 pieces not considered to be hard. Moreover, I have to say I will get more proficient in using an axe and gain more SP for the Berserkers Class.

I have to activate Critical Aura to keep the Flame Sprites easy to kill with criticals. I can't keep on staying in Scorching Lands for too long. The risk of meeting another player is quite high. I can't predict any of the players' thoughts so I have to keep myself always on alert.

By now, I have collected 127 pieces of Flame Rocks. My efficiency is quite good but I am still too far fetched in the 300 pieces I needed. Just as I was enjoying on collecting the Flame Rocks on the ground, players suddenly arrived on the area. No wonder they have arrived. Its almost morning here and the monsters are going to slowly stop their aggression against players. Waiting here will be worth the effort for them. But for me, this is currently bad news!

"Sh*t!" I panicked and immediately cast Concealment II to avoid their gazes. I also cast Silent Sprint immediately to escape them.

I might be able to kill them in battle of PVP in this area but I am against of doing so. My precious name will get tarnished again and besides, they have not done anything to me yet. Flame Sprites are around the Scorching Lands so I don't need to stay in that particular area anymore. However, that place is the most populated place of the Flame Sprites and they also respawn in a fast rate.

I didn't like this at all. Soon, players will populate the Holy Capital and sooner or later, I have to reveal myself to the public. That will be the actual outcome of mine and I can't escape it. The only way for me to avoid them from catching up in my level is to increase my level. I also need to increase my prestige.

With that in mind, I grunted, adjusted my thoughts and breath hard. With a clear mind comes with a good judgement. Up ahead are a group of Flame Sprites. However I finally discovered that those guys are no longer the same Flame Sprites. It is the Elite Flame Sprites!

Elite Flame Sprites

Level 20

HP: 7,000/7,000

Attribute: Flame

I did not expect to meet them here. From what I can remember, Elite Flame Sprites only appear in Abyss mode of Lesser Purgatory. They don't usually appear in the field. However, I did not expect it to appear here. What luck!

Why am I so happy? Elite Flame Sprites drops Flame Boulders. When processed properly in Alchemy Table, they will become Flame Rocks. Depending on how good you are in Alchemy, the Flame Rocks that will be produced are quite random. If you are around the Apprentice level, you will eventually gain a steady 10 to 15 Flame Rocks per boulder!

The timing couldn't be more perfect. I have planned to raise my Alchemy mastery but I have no idea where to get a starting ingredient to begin my practice. Now that I have found one, and I happen to need the product produced by the process, its two birds with one stone.

I did not waste any time and began my onslaught. With the newly leveled skill Freezing Prison, I can kill a bunch of Elite Flame Sprites in one go!

"Freezing Prison!"

The Elite Flame Sprites were startled and did not get to react on time when I cast the skill Freezing Prison. A large block of ice encased a dozen Elite Flame Sprites. The ice won't last too much since they are flame type enemies, ice will melt. I immediately made a follow up attack. I raised my hands and did a chant.

"Thy power of the placid waters, heed my call thy which slice thy enemies to pieces, Water Blade!"

A big Water Blade formed in my hands and when I hold on it,, the coldness of the water blade is tingling my skin. The water arc turns heavy and now good enough to be thrown into the enemies. The reason why it needs a long *ss chant is due to its immense power. I did not learn this skill first due to the lack of SP and I am more focused on the three skills I learned earlier since they didn't really need too much mana and they also don't contain a chant, however, now that the fireball also need a chant, I need to reconsider this one. Thank goodness I learned this one and it is really effective against this Elite Flame Sprites. Additional with the Critical Aura, this is a dangerous water.


The huge arc of water did a clean cut. With a water doused on flames , it will naturally extinguish the flames. A single Water Blade killed a dozen and all of them dropped a Flame Boulder. I quickly grabbed them all and repeated the process after the cooldown. With the battle against a level 20 Elite Flame Sprites repeatedly, my level have risen to level 21. With that, I have managed to collect 50 pieces of Flame Boulder. What is more I managed to get a rare potion dropped by one of the Elite Flame Sprite.

Invisibility Potion (Consumable)

Uses: 1 time

Player will get invisible in a 24 hour duration. Cannot be cancelled and will only be on effect until the end of the duration.


An accidental made potion by an apprenitice Alchemist. This item was tried to get mass produced only to get produced by the Master Alchemist, Liubo. Considered to be a taboo potion.