
Kill the Boss Part 2

Earlier, when the Spear was thrown away and strikes the head of the boss, the damage was severe. Most parts of its body is too hard that even the damage I inflicted are all too small. But when I hit the head repeatedly, the 85% HP fell to 75% HP within a few minutes. Might be due to the severe bleeding, and also for the fact that it is his weakness, the drastic fall of the HP is quite astonishing even for me. This is quite a leap!

Looks like I have found its Achilles heel! When the boss swings its sword to me, I immediately used the Spear transformed into a Magic Sword and parry the huge *ss sword.


Ugh! The vibration was quite numbing and I can't properly feel what I have been holding due to the numbness. But what made me grinned is that, I can properly parry its sword attacks. Looks like the bleeding has taken a toll on the boss.

He swung the sword into the ground almost hitting me,but I managed to stay out of its range. Well, I saw an opportunity now. With quick succession and with the help of silent sprint, I made a leap and landed on the great sword before running towards the boss. The sword I have been holding transformed into two guns and once I made another leap towards the disgusting face of the boss, I made an action.

"Bullet Barrage!"







A series of numbers appeared. And shoot it! I am right! The weakness is the head of the boss! I inflicted 1,000 damage against him without even getting a critical hit. That was only a normal damage! It was quite already a satisfying damage!

Before falling, I changed my weapon once more back into a hook and shoot it around it's neck. I also take a quick look into the skill panel of Alchemist. There is one specific Weapon skill that the Alchemist have. I quickly spent the SP and learned the skill. As the skill was learned, I didn't waste my time and used it.

"Strangle Chains!"

Strangle Chains is an Alchemist skill. By changing the properties of the chains temporarily, it allows the chains to work hard on whatever it was coiled on and strangle it hard which will cause damage immediately.

The chains became big enough and can be considered as big as the arms of the boss. But despite that, the hook didn't changed weight and still remained the same and as time goes by, the chains strangling to the boss is slowly tightening. The boss struggled to keep himself up and was immediately brought into his knees. The Strangle Chains duration reached its limit and allowed the boss to breathe again though after leaving the boss from strangulation, a huge number appeared before the boss.


Wow! That was quite a damage! Well, even though the boss was an undead monster, this guy still follows the pattern of living beings since he is not a half and not yet a fully fledge undead. He will only turn into a fully fledge undead after dying.

With that, in just that strangulation alone, its HP fell into critical levels. It's already on 5%. When the boss was on critical levels, I didn't waste my time.


With killing intent, I summoned my Shadow Clones and held scrolls straight to its face.

"Face the wrath! Fireball!"


The Undying Purgatory Giant's face burned and reduced to ashes while its HP fell to 0%.

The boss fell and shook the ground. Of course, experience is not yet given to me. The boss will resurrect back once again. I didn't bother resting and once again raised my weapon back to continue the battle. The Undying Purgatory Giant's body began emitting green and black smoke which signifies its resurrection. But it made me frown when somebody shouted.

"Banish to Darkness! Black Hole!"

A sudden surge of gravity emerged on the head of the boss and forcefully sucked the boss in. I was stunned on the skill. Black Hole is tier 12 Magician skill which can only be learned once the Magician goes into class up and turn into High Magi. However, it has a long casting time. I didn't notice someone did an incantation before the chant.

I looked in my back who killed the boss and saw Simona and Mayor Bruno.

"Simona? Mayor Bruno? What are you two doing here?" I was a bit disappointed since the EXP that should be mine were stolen by Simona! I knew Simona is the one who stole the kill since Mayor Bruno is a High Priest, a class up on Cleric. If I have defeated the boss, I might be able to reach level 70 and go class up.

"We made sure that he died. He will only appear back into the Lesser Purgatory dungeon again and weakened. You can beat him up back there," Simona explained.

Though she made it easier for me, I did not even get any drop, exp, and gold and I been though I am smiling, that is just considered as a wry smile.

Simona gave a serious look and stares at me.

"Bladeheart, I know that you are an adventurer and getting a kill is your priority. But don't be greedy. I can see that you already have a relic that allows you to get stronger in a fast rate. Getting stronger needs time so I should just say I will reward you later on the townhall," Simona said.

After saying so, I saw Mayor Bruno kept on doing a few holy incantation around the cemetery but the darkness didn't disperse which makes Mayor Bruno frown.

"Looks like this cemetery is beyond hope. The ghouls have overtaken this place already," He sighed.

Simona was also silent. She can't help much on this. However, to make it similar to the past, I quickly made a suggestion.

"Why don't you make use of this place Mayor Bruno? This place is a treasure mine for adventurers. You can make money and make this place famous on adventurers. Why don't you take the opportunity? Simona can be the witness since she is an official in Holy Capital Headquarters.

Hearing this, Mayor Bruno's depressed eyes suddenly glimmered with interest. Of course, who is not interested in a place which could be considered as treasure trove. Even Simona can see the potential of this place. Of course, to avoid something from deviating from its path, he should make it similar to the past.


Author's note: The author's note below only allowed 500 words so I decided to put it here.

For those who are confused why the 85% hp fell to 75%, there are some lacking words that is missing that should have completed that scene. Sorry about that because I am on the verge of sleeping when I typed this chapter. Now that I reread the chapter, I also find it confusing so I added a few words to explain it. As for the the damage system, I am too lazy to explain on it. Hahahaha, it's not really much of a fuss since I don't really emphasize it's system and I mostly emphasize the battle scenes. Anyway, I edited it, so enjoy!