
Showing Prowess

After the conversation, the two returned to where they came from by using Teleport. Meanwhile, I was too exhausted. My fatigue bar have risen to 95%. My movements are also sluggish. I am so disappointed by the fact that I did not get to kill it. The reason I didn't get any exp is due to the interference of an NPC. Having the interruption of the NPC on a battle that occurs means you won't get any EXP though it won't be happening if you did the last kill or the NPC who did the kill made an allegiance to you. I sighed in disappointment.

Leona has grown to level 47 after the battle against the undead and ghouls. And since they don't drop anything, I did not get any harvest at all. Instead, I made a loss. I wasted lots of my scrolls and I even tried any method to fight. I almost died fighting it but I did not get anything. Looks like the past player who managed to unlock the Lesser Purgatory first have really concealed some info. I just shook my head in disappointment. I have to double check a few of the infos I have right now so that I won't be surprised for the next time I wanted to do their own guides.

Since my exhaustion rate is too high right now, I shall take a rest. Looking at the time, it was 9 in the evening right now in the real world. I shook my head, its not yet time for me to log put. Its only the first day of my three consecutive day of free without restraints. Since my character is in the state of resting, which is similar to lying down in the bed, I decided to check my skills.

Earlier, during the battle I have with the Undying Purgatory Giant, if I have not possessed a variety of skills with me, I might be a goner. From the looks of it, my battle against the boss allowed me to raise a lot of my SP in many classes. Learning a few will help me to play the game and I won't be having difficulties on clearing and killing a few bosses if I improved my skills.

I opened the skill panel and I look at the classes. Most of my classes has SP and can be spent to learn the skills I really need. My eyes squinted when I saw the skill panel of the warrior. Its one of the specific skill that I am familiar in Swordsman Class.

"Aura Blade"

MP cost: 120

Description: Generates strong waves of power infused in the sword that looks like an aura when seen. Powerful against Monster type enemies.

For those players who played Ragnarok Online, this skill is really familiar especially for those who specifically choose the Lord Knight Class. The only differences is the effects. From what I can remember, Aura Blade will be upgraded to Doom Blade and gets more stronger. I didn't hesitate to purchase the skill causing the SP accumulated in Swordsman to go back to 0. Aura Blade is expensive and I needed 15 SP which fortunately, the amount of SP I have.

After that, I quickly swiped to the Alchemist skill panel. From the boss battle, I kept on using the hook to be my life saving tools in split second attacks. Obviously, it accumulate 24 SP which is quite plenty already. I quickly purchased three skills which are all Splash attacks. By the means of splash attacks, its a throwable skill similar to Molotov Cocktails. The three skills are Poison Splash, Flame Splash and Petrify Splash.

"Poison Splash"

SP: 100

Description: Brews Poison out of thin air. Can be thrown into the enemies and causes continuous Poison damage for about a minute.

"Flame Splash"


Description: Brews Gasoline mixture with a flame aura that will cause flames to emerge. Can be thrown into the enemies and causes continuous Burn damage for about a minute.

"Petrify Splash"


Description: Brews Petrifying liquid mixture. Can be thrown into the enemies and causes Petrify debuffs against enemies with range of 50-90% of success.

Well, they all cost 8 SP but they are quite useful for inflicting continuous damage. Even with only small amounts of damage, as long as it is a continuous effect, they can actually turn the tide of the battle to your advantage.

With that, I also opened a few of the skills that I am familiar and unfamiliar with. There are some classes that I might have not used in the battle but used in earlier battles, it managed to accumulate enough SP for me to spend.

In the Samurai class, I purchased Whirlwind Blade. In the Ninja Class, I purchased the skill, Substitute. In Hunter Class, I learned the Heart Piercing Arrow. In cleric class, I quickly learned the Rapid Regeneration. In Paladin, I learned the skill Shield of Thorns, in Holy Knight I purchased Holy Devotion, in Fighter, I learned Triple Blow. In Gunslinger, I quickly learned Marksmanship Bullet, in Druid is the Wolf Sprite, and Berserkers is the Boomerang Axe. The Magician skills and Magic Knight skills are all a bit low so I didn't bother learning them, I would rather save them up for later use. After finishing up the skills, I looked back at the fatigue level.

Looking at the fatigue level, it still have 40% Fatigue shown. Since it will still continue to recover, I decided to log out first and take a break. I can't have fun with my fatigue level yet so logging out is the best solution for this as I wait for it to decrease. My consciousness slowly returned back to the real world and once again, I saw myself inside the Reality Verse Cabin.

The lonely room of mine is only illuminated by the moonlight so everything is dark except for those things near the window. I look at the time in my phone and it was almost 10 in the evening. I have spent almost an hour just to pick a few skills. Since I returned to the real world, I felt hungry though its more precise to call that I am craving for snacks. I didn't buy any kind of snacks back when I bought some ingredients for cooking so I had to buy on the convenience store a few blocks away from here.

Changing my clothes into a black jacket and putting a cap, its much more better to fight against the chilly wind outside. Riko is still on her leveling session so I didn't have to bring some snacks along.

Just going outside the streets, I felt the chilly wind. If this was still like in the future, this kind of wind is nothing to me. But since I am back into the past, I still shiver.

"D*mn, I wanted to go back inside and just curl under the kotatsu," I mumbled as I took a stroll to reach the convenience store.

"Aachhooo!" Ugh, I felt like catching some cold, I should've gone outside. Looking at the streets, there are barely cars passing by so all I can say is that the streets are night felt so lonely.

Soon, I finally saw the convenience store. There are some late night people currently browsing the goods inside. Most of them are teenagers of course. I get inside the warm interior of the convenience store and the coldness I've been enduring disappeared. With that said, I pick up the basket and quickly go to the snacks area and bought a few items that I like to eat at night. After picking up the snacks, I also go to the magazine rack and survey the title of mangas that are for sale. Even if there is already a boom in industry, manga is still popular and no one can replace it. While browsing for some new released manga, I noticed a new rack that is selling magazines all about Alternate World. From the looks of it, it is promoting the game. What made me startled is a magazine that mentioned my in game name Bladeheart.

"Who is Bladeheart? Is he a peerless expert or just a rich kid trying to flaunt his riches?"

I felt like slapping myself. I cannot say that I am a peerless expert but I am also not a rich kid, wasting money. I know how difficult it is to earn money and now it said that I am wasting money for the game? Hell no, instead I am playing the game to earn money! Not the other way around!

After buying the necessary items and a manga I was eyeing for, I returned back home and once again, I felt cold again.

"Aachoooo! Brr!" I wiped my nose and I can feel the chilliness.

Just as I was about a few blocks around before returning home, there is a scream nearby. It was a girl's voice. As usual, curiosity kills the cat, I decided to follow the voice. And for some reason, I saw a few gangsters beating up a man around the age of me and another younger woman who is shivering on the corner while looking at the guy who is being beaten up.

"Help! Someone!" She shouted and even though I cannot clearly see her face, I can sense her terrified expression.

The boy was trying to fight back but he can't since he was ganged up by five people. Of course, I am not a hero but I can't also turn a blind eye against this. If I decided to call the police, the deed will be done before they arrive. I wanted to help them but I am quite sure that I will end up ganged up too. My skills in fighting is still not in par yet and it can't adapt to the advance movements I know.

I look around for something that I can use and luckily, I saw a few rocks nearby around the size of a tennis ball while some varied and all of them are ragged in surface. I might be not accurate in throwing but I am confident in my throwing skills since I have been practicing in the Alternate World. Holding the stone, I form my stance in throwing and I squinted my eyes. They are about a few meters away from me. This should be fine.

"Hup!" With a swift movement of my arm and with my body, I made the momentum of the stone hard with my fingers and it bolted straight into the thug that is trying to scare the girl. What made the stone more dangerous is the flame aura I enshrouded the stone with which will take effect on impact.


The stone was a direct hit on the head of the thug, which made him collapse immediately. I can even see the smoke bellowing in his head like he was shot by a small cannon directly. I quickly grinned. Looks like I managed to enhance myself this time.