
The Reward

I can see that the thugs who were bent to beat up the guy were stunned momentarily after hearing the "Pa!" sound. When they look at the source, they saw their leader currently unconscious with a smoking forehead. During my future lifetime, that skill was one of my aces, Burning Meteorite. Its an absurd skill I casually made by throwing a stone, infusing a bit of flames into the stone before throwing it to the unfortunate target. Others even called it Exploding Rock but since it didn't feel right, it was then called Burning Meteorite instead.

Since there are still a few thugs left, I pick up a few ragged stones and one by one, throws it to the thugs. Though my precision is a bit off, I still managed to hit them up somewhere in their body and beat up the thugs without letting myself being seen. All of the thugs who got hit were all unconscious with the smoke bellowing from various parts of their bodies that got hit with the stone. The thugs didn't get to react at all and were all sent to the dreamworld.

The girl was stunned and did not move for quite a while before she snapped out of it and shook her head before she helped the boy who is beaten up badly. She still looked around her looking for the person that helped them escape the predicament. I did not let myself be seen and just let her look around. As she kept on looking around further, I decided to lurk back away into the darkness and hurry home. I have no time to dilly-dally now.


I quickly slam the door of my room shut and heaved a sigh of relief. After making sure that she have not get to follow me at all, I grinned and look at my hands. At long last, I managed to grasp again on how to use Burning Meteorite again. Though it is still beyond perfection, it is already enough to deal against bullies for the meantime. Alternate World and the Reality Verse is sure amazing that made magic possible in the real world. I made another meditation a bit and I discovered that it is now easier to surge my internal mana around my body though it is still quite inferior compared to my body in the future.

With that discovery, I relaxed a bit in my room, and go to my bed with my laptop and some snacks. I browsed into the leaderboards of the Alternate World and still reigning, the number one in the game, my name Bladeheart is still the one.

I also noticed that most players have already made it to the threshold of level 15 above. The second spot still belonged to Harmless Sparrow who is currently level 18 but Flaming Cutie was also reaching level 18 soon. On the other hand, Dolly was occupying the 13th spot of the ranking and was already level 17. They are still quite far to reach level 20 yet but I can't go on wasting my time and I have to class up soon. I also need to advance my Scribe, Alchemy and start the Blacksmithing Profession soon.

I also browsed the forum and from the looks of it, they already discovered the dungeon, Lesser Purgatory already but they have not found a method to open or unlock it yet since interacting with it only shows them the message...

"Too dangerous to go in. You are not yet qualified"

Many players asked the GMs for explanation and method for the dungeon to open but the GMs kept silent without even saying an eep to respond. Still, players lingered and gathered around to find some method but in my opinion, they will never find it since I hold the key on opening it. There are some interesting forums as well and a few public guild invitations on various guilds. I even spotted the invitation of Sakujo aka Epic Hero to join in their guild which said that they will be willing to spend real money to nurture the new guild members. Of course, since I am expert on them, those things are all lies that they spouted in which I also fell victim with.

I scanned around the website of the Alternate World for a while and seeing that they have no announcements or further things to do, I did not linger in the internet anymore and decided to return to the game. It was almost around 11 in the evening when I returned to the game. Unlike the darkness of the night in the real world, the sunlight in the game is illuminating the world and many NPCs and players are wandering outside.

Looking at the fatigue level restored, I made my way towards the City Hall to obtain the promised reward. I am not greedy but I was infuriated for the fact that EXP is not distributed at all. But what can I say? This only apply on NPCs though and would not occur in players but still it is quite infuriating. If not for the fact that I have first hand experience of it in the game in the future, I might have gone to report this incident to the GMs. I already knew that they won't be responding on this since they designed this and its one if the features of the game. I've heard this to someone in the future that they designed it to infuriate players and so that they will get motivated to get another time to earn the rewards they really deserved on the NPCs resulting to trigger another set of arduous quests which usually leads to legendary treasures and quite a marvelous bounty.

On the way to the City Hall with Leona, the NPCs around seems to be filled with admiration and gratitude as I pass by them. Some of them even greeted me. What is going on?

When I arrive at the City Hall and entered the lobby, the NPCs all looked towards my direction. Seeing me, they seemed to be trying to find a way to give respect by bowing when I am passing them. I didn't really know the reason and so I proceeded towards the Receptionist whom I have spoken the other day. Before I can even say anything, she interrupted me and smiled.

"The Mayor and Ms. Simona is already waiting for you in the second floor. Please proceed," the receptionist said.

Looks like they are already expecting my arrival. This isn't some trivial matter then. No player is treated this way by the NPCs unless you have done something for them to cause the change of behavior or if you have risen their likability or your reputation have improved. I don't know which caused them on this.

Reaching the room of Mayor Bruno again, I saw the two NPCs currently sipping tea. They seemed to be on a discussion in which I have not heard clearly. Seeing me go inside, Simona is the first one to react and welcome me.

"Oh, he is here, come and sit with us and drink some tea," Simona beckoned.

I inspected the tea and to my surprise, it is an expensive tea.

"Decade Spiritual Tea"

Effects: +10 INT attribute on first consumption

Reducing fatigue build up for 30 minutes

Mana Recovery up for 30 minutes

Description: A tea made by a decade year old tea leaves from the Kamikaze Continent. Contains calming effects that enhances one's mind and focus.

This tea will be unlocked for consumption by players after the Kamikaze Continent is patched up. Only NPCs has access to this for now. The reason I said that this tea is expensive is due to its astronomical prize of 200,000 gold with a single cup of this tea. The reason that this tea is expensive is simple. In the later parts of the game, the dungeons are getting expansive and tougher and of course, the fatigue level of players slowly rises up. For players who have their fatigue really high in the dungeon means trouble. With high fatigue comes with low damage output against enemies which will be reduced to 1 damage per hit even if you cast a skill. Fatigue reducing items were really costly.

And the Decade Spiritual Tea is something that is considered one of the best fatigue reducing and mana recovery enhancing drink. Moreover, for players who consumed it for the first time can increase their INT attribute permanently by 10. It was quite a treasure especially to players who are on magic using side. To think I would see this thing here!

I quickly sat down into the sofa and took the cup that Simona has offered to me before sipping the contents within. Even in the game, I can feel that my taste buds seems to be working and the taste was so realistic. As expected, having a 100% sync on your in game avatar is quite nice indeed. If I was using the normal Reality Verse then having to taste its exquisite taste is merely like drinking bland juice. When I gulped down the Decade Spiritual Tea, a panel immediately appeared before me and my INT attribute was risen with an addition of 10. Now I can feel the mana surging my body, I am now sure I can now last a few more with mana. Simona then interrupted my thoughts.

"Now, about the Lesser Purgatory, according to my familiars, the boss was successfully back in the dungeon. Also, the Pole of Weakening was also repaired. You can now get to beat up the arses of those monsters," Simona sipped her tea once again.

"So does that mean I can go and challenge the Abyss mode of Lesser Purgatory?" I quickly asked.

Hearing those words, Simona who was drinking the tea spurt out the tea on me, causing me to get smelly with tea. It also made me look like a wet chick. Mayor Bruno who was also sipping tea nonchalantly almost choked to death if not for his quick composure.

"Are you kidding me?! Challenging the Abyss mode? Are you not courting death?" Simona wiped off the tea in her mouth and look at me with surprise.

"Uh, what is the problem with that?" I asked, not knowing what caused their own surprise.

"Ignorance really is a bliss. However, I should suggest that you challenge the Hard mode instead the Abyss Mode. You will die if you did challenge it," Simona said as she wiped the table after the mess she made.

"..." I was silent and did not utter a word. What is wrong with these NPCs? I just said casually to challenge the Abyss Mode and now you look like it is the end of the world? Are you all just underestimating me?

"Mhmm. Since you are here, we should not delay your reward. This is our compensation to your lost EXP that should have deserved to be yours, take it," Mayor Bruno pull out a small treasure behind him and hands it to me.

"Mayor Bruno's Reward"


Description: A chest given by Mayor Bruno. Opening it will reward you with an unknown item.

Unknown item? I had no idea what it was. In my timeline, the person who finished the quest got a Very Rare weapon. However, its not that precious as he end up selling it. I highly doubt a sword will emerge out of this small treasure box. I quickly opened the box and I am not sure what item it was. I have not seen it before. It looks like a gold formed into a ball shape. I checked it and I was shocked on how useful this item to me to get rich!

"Midas' Pearl of Gold"

Effect: Can convert enemies into 100 gold below the level of the User. Only applicable against normal monsters and hostile players. Can only be used 5 times a month.

Current Uses: 5 times left

Description: The power of King Midas has been sealed by a God after his death to avoid being taken advantage by people. Contains only a slight power of the original power of the king.