
Meeting the Enemies

The hallway was quiet and except for a few students who came from the comfort room, no other people are walking on the hallway. I don't have a good impression on everything that is currently happening right now. First, due to the rescue I did to the siblings, their abilities might degrade to a certain extent that some of their feats in the past timeline might not be achieved in this timeline, changing the outcome. Second, due to my interference, they appeared and now currently breaking the balance I once knew.

I sighed. I arrived in the lavatory and washed my hands before looking at the mirror. It was still my own face but it was the face that still have not witnessed many downsides in the world. It was a face that has yet to mature and yet to face the grievances. However, my mind doesn't work the same in my face. Returning to the past is something out of the ordinary and not meant to be done. According to many theories, returning back in time and altering the events can lead to disturbance and new outcome. However, I already prepared myself that it will happen. If not for this purpose of returning into the past, I won't be Bladeheart right now. No achievements and might be experiencing the hardships that I hated to feel.

Just as I was about to go out, I saw a person enter the bathroom. A red haired guy entered the comfort room and goes beside me to also use the faucet in the lavatory. I did not look at him but I used my peripheral eye view to look at him. I felt my blood boil just by looking at him.

The red haired guy could be considered very handsome and in my opinion, he will pass as a model for many magazines. Besides that, he looks leaner than me and exuded an aura of a rich guy. I swallowed my saliva and gritted my teeth to force my bloodlust from spilling. Why do I feel like this when I just met this guy? Well, he is the only guy who plotted with my b*tch fiancee to murder me, Kazuki!

I didn't expect to meet him here. Though I was lucky that this guy is not my classmate, I still didn't like seeing him. One of the reason I am reluctant to return is due to the fact that we attend the same school. Meeting him everyday is quite high. However, he still have not known me yet and has no idea how deep my grudge to him is.

I left the Comfort Room and returned to the classroom. I suppressed my anger and bloodlust even though I have trouble doing so. In reality, my bloodlust accompanied by my own emotions are so hard to suppress and it was clear due to my sweat appearing in my forehead. After a minute of calming down, I sighed in relief. Suppressing the bloodlust is quite hard. My emotions are also in a turmoil.

I sighed once again. It was not the present Kazuki who did it but the future one. And if possible, I want to avoid the outcome of that. But still, I am still not confident in changing the future. Due to the incoming differences of the past and future occurrences, it was hard to predict what will happen and what will not occur.

I return to the classroom after calming down. I have lots of things to reconsider to all the people in my life. Riko is one of the most troublesome one. Her fate is death in an accident and it is quite hard to alter the outcome that is already printed to happen. I am just speculating but if she died, I can't bear to find another potential ally and a close friend to die. I have lost a lot and I don't want it from occurring again. But for now, I should be doing a few plans to deal with the present.

Classes proceeded smoothly and since it was still the first day, classes is not that serious yet which will officially begin tomorrow. Lunchtime arrive swiftly without a hitch. Usually, I go to the cafeteria to eat but due to Riko living with me at home, she made a tasty bento for herself and also for me which is quite convenient. I also have no problem with her cooking. She is already a good wife candidate but if I said it to her, she might smack me without leaving me injured.

It was very classic to have lunch on the rooftop but be practical. Who would like to eat under the blazing sun? Also, the rooftop is off limits so we don't need to enter there.

I, Janus and Riko took our lunch on the room. Most of the students are still interrogating the new students about hobbies and all. Janus is not a nosy one but it was clear that his eyes is clearly focused on Suzu. Is he attracted to her?

We spoke a few more times before finishing our lunch. Since Riko and Janus are all straight-A students, they decided to go to the library band read a few books. On the other hand, I don't have interest on reading so I did not tag along with them. I wanted to stay away from the classroom as soon as possible to avoid the questions of Rika which I really have a hard time. It will be hard for me to escape her questions.

The lunchtime passed by quickly and proceeded to afternoon classes. I can see that Rika wanted to ask me questions but it was quite obvious that I won't answer and also, bothering me in the middle of the class spells trouble to the teacher so she refrained from doing so.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

As the afternoon bell rang, students were immediately relieved after the school is over. I also sighed in relief. Once I return back home, it is time to level up my Scribe Ex Job and Blacksmithing in fast pace so that I would begin the quest that Almira has given me.

I also noticed that many students at school are players of Alternate World. Since Reality Verse Cabin is expensive, internet cafes have modified cabins that the Reality Verse Company specifically modified for players who wanted to play the game but has no money to buy the cabin. The company took a lot of planning which came up with internet cafes as benefactors for the game. If more players played the game, more people will be willing to invest for the game. Though it won't occur until the first patch, it will be occurring soon which I need to prepare. More competitors and more players. As I said, players are greedy creatures. If they knew that I still hold the throne of the number 1 player in the game, they would surely try to find my identity and also try to covet what items I might had by any means. Since I have no idea what will happen in the future, I need to prepare.

Janus and Riko are busy since they still have a few things from their own clubs. I have no clubs except if the Going-home Club existed, I have no other errands left. I quickly left the room before Rika gets the chance to get near with me.

The roads are bustling with students going home or about to visit a few shops in Shibuya though I don't really care. My first priority is to go back to the game, secure my level and also make higher achievements in Blacksmithing and Scroll Writing. There are still a few extra jobs that I have piqued with interest but I have doubts on mastering it. I have two reasons. One, I already have three Ex Jobs with me. Leveling the three efficiently is getting harder ad two, I have barely enough time. With the classes opening, my game time is cit short, same with Harmless Sparrow, Flaming Cutie and Dolly who are all attending the same school as I.

Walking home, I thought about my goals. Since Lesser Purgatory Abyss Mode and SP farming is already concluded, I need to build another goal. In future developments and events, one month from now would be the first game expansion launch of Alternate World and a Conquest will be issued one week before the Expansion. As the name implies, Conquest is about invading an area that is naturally not accessible in the past. However, not the brutal way of conquest. The Conquest can be also called a Huge Subjugation quest. Participating in the conquest is one of the biggest dreams of players after the first conquest task was issued.

The conquest is there to unlock the Expansion. A quest about the nearby continent in need of extra hands to help clear out a raid boss. The purpose of the Conquest is to find 20 individuals that will participate in the raid. Though it is said that you are not forced to party with these 20 people, it is necessary to complete the quest with them. The first twenty players that are selected will be the first pioneers in the new continent. According to my previous experience, the first continent that will be unlocked will be Sandurk. A land of both Rainforests and Desert. The two factions, High Elves and Dark Elves are introduced here.

My first goal is to reach level 100 before the First Conquest so that I can contribute a lot in the Conquest battle. The second goal is to advance my Versatile Job and class up. According to what I know, the Class Up changes your class but Versatile don't with only a single word added in the Versatile. After the class Up, a Versatile can become Master Versatile. It was a wide topic so let's just skip that part. My third goal is to keep my place in the Leaderboards. I know that Harmless Sparrow and that Black Hue Waters are two of my strongest competitors holding the biggest guilds in the game. If I didn't level up frequently, it won't be long before they will reach my level. Last would be to develop my Versatile Weapon. I have not really leveled my weapon up since I was so busy finalizing the battle in Lesser Purgatory and the SP farming. I need to level it up so that it can keep up with my level. Also, I think I need to reconsider equipping a new set of armor. My armor are already outdated. I have gained a lot of them in the dungeon diving and I have yet to check them. Maybe later?

Pondering those things, I suddenly bumped into a few bodies. They were hard as concrete but I knew I didn't bump into a wall. Instead, it was one of the group of delinquents that bullies me frequently. Among them is Souji Takamine. In my perspective, I knew what he wanted. He even called a few of his subordinates to 'deal' with me.

"Yo, punk. Thank you for humiliating me earlier. I have yet to give you my 'appreciation' for what you did earlier," he gritted his teeth and began to grip their knuckles and cracking their fingers like what real thugs do. I already anticipated them, I just never expected that they would try to deal me out in the open.