
Bullying the Bullies

These f*ckers! They really pissed me off. Souji especially, who I want to beat up so badly. These guys are obviously one of the bullies I have which are quite troublesome to have.

I looked at them with contempt but I did not give a single strand of bloodlust from my stare. My bloodlust is very lethal to a normal human who have not developed their own bodies like how I did. It will be enough for them to have a heart attack if exposed by Bloodlust. However, I am not a killer and even though they bullied me, I am not some crazed killer that will kill them unless they pass a certain threshold that I am currently maintaining.

Souji sneered and look at me with contemptuous gaze that any person who are afraid of a bully will surely feel their knees go jelly. But meh, that gaze is not something I get afraid of. Besides, looking at that gaze, it was so pitiful I want to laugh.

"You...!" the taller thug who I don't really know the name, let's just call him taller thug was angry. My smirk must have been exposed in my lips.

"Motherf*cker, he really needs some proper 'compliment'!" the smaller thug said.

Souji immediately unleashed his punch towards me, I did not move or do anything and just stared at him. The people around did not even do anything. Looks like they are afraid to intervene. Pathetic.

The punch of Souji is purely strength, he did not put any effort of filling the gap of his defense. Quite amusing. I was defeated by this guy in the past timeline? Is this a joke?

I just have to move slightly sideways before using my mana to strengthen my punch. His side is wide open. Hmmm, should I just add a fire element? Let's try.


The punch was slight, like it just touched his skin but what can I say? It was a vulnerable spot, moreover, my punch is not a normal one but a mana filled punch with the aura of flame.

"Aaaagghhh!" Souji cried out in pain after my punch. That was quite amusing. I carefully made a method so that, instead of external injury, I made it an internal one. It might be sinister but that attack was enough to let him bedridden for a month. That will teach him a lesson.

Souji crawled on the roadside due to the pain. He howled as he clutch the area I punched with. Seeing their leader down, they also attacked me, the attacker of their pathetic leader. I step back, squinted my eyes, took a side step and do a squat stance. It was all done in two breaths before a quick palm attack.

This might not be considered a palm attack since I made it as an attack using flame aura. Just like the punch earlier, the palm attack was also internal strike and it can get them bedridden for a month. These three idiots were easily taken of. I may not have needed to kill them but crippling them are an easy feat. I am already lenient on what they did to me. If this is some wuxia novel, cutting their hands might suffice for my revenge. However, this is modern setting and I am not some braggart young master. That move was never going to be done here in the public. Crippling them like this is enough.

But I knew I wont be getting away from the wrath of their parents. So I quickly call the police. They were quick as usual and they said that they were in the area patrolling so after hearing the call, they immediately responded. With the help of the bystanders nearby who saw everything, they testified that I was just defending myself therefore, I was able to get away from trouble.

I managed to get away from those guys after a few hours of talking. I did not file any complaint anymore and quickly allowed me to go home. I shook my head. Good riddance. I quickly made my way back home, I still need to do some things in the Alternate World.


I cooked food for dinner first, made a note for Riko and returned back to the Reality Verse Cabin to continue my game. I have to do some things done with.


The game world was indeed still bustling with players but most of them are with their guildmates doing some things that only the guild have and not applied for solo players like me. I closed the window after looking outside for a few minutes and Leona was currently enjoying the food I prepared. After everything is done, I quickly used my Teleport and move towards the nearby monster nest that frequently summon enemies in mixed intervals. Leveling up here is quite easy for players around level 20 and below but I wanted to farm materials here. Some of the materials are only acquirable here which I need for my forging and Alchemical Process. I just hope that no one is here. Fortunately, looks like luck is on my side. No one is farming in this area and currently, the monsters are the only things that are moving there.

I began my work. With the quality of scraps gotten from here, it will be easy for me to begin my first weapons to level up the Blacksmith level.

(Player discovered Small Grove)

This area is just called Small Grove but many female players avoids this place once they saw the enemies here.

"Spiked Tongue Frog"

Level 25

HP: 1,500/1,500

Attribute: Beast/ Water

"Water Slime"

Level 25

HP: 2,000/2,000

Attribute: Water

These monsters are the main enemies of female players who hates frogs and slimes. Well, quite easy to deal with, only a few HP to hit with. Let's get to work.

Bang! Bang!

Using the double hand gun with me, which is my Versatile Weapon, a single bullet can kill these monsters, only by a few meters, one bullet at a time, and voila! Exp, gold and items are dropped off!

Bang! Bang!

It might be repetitive but I did not care. As soon as the first wave of monsters were killed, I quickly swept my hands to the drops and gold as quick as possible before the monsters respawn.

I was in the middle of doing the battle when I heard a few people arrive.

"Hey, guys, looks like we are here now to our killing grounds," A familiar voice was heard.

I look at the source and what a coincidence! These guys are Sakujo and the gang! These guys are here again? I still remembered that time where I killed them using my skills. I am quite satisfied that time and I was very satisfied for bringing their levels down to zero. However, they have not messed with me in the past days after my assault to them. They must be busy leveling up. Also, I have no intention killing them again. I am a lenient person to begin with and as long as they don't seek trouble, I won't give them trouble. However, they won't get to forget a very troublesome fellow who stole every item they had easily.

Healing Spammer was the first one to see me and he quickly talked to the others and pointed me who was busy killing the monsters.

Seeing me, Sakujo roared as he remembered everything.

"F*ck! That is him! That is the guy who stole our goods and put us back to level 0! That f*cker is here! Kill him!" he riled up his other friends and they were also welled up in anger.

I frowned. I did not even do anything to them this time and just seeing me, they would go hostile?

The Expert was the first to do a move against me.

"Shield Bash!"

Roaring, he put his shield forward and lunges with energy towards me. I squinted my eyes. Are these guys idiots?! Being the first to attack? Of course, I will act on retaliation instead. They would be orange players instead since they provoked me.


The shield managed to hit me but...


The damage was very small that I can't even call it damage. It was zero. Is it still damage? Pfft, what a joke. Shield Bash was very strong against the targets but having only zero damage when striking a target, are these equipment so weak?

One Scope Kill did a quick maneuver and did a Gunslinger skill.

"Bullet Webbing!"

Bullet Webbing is a skill by gunslingers that rapidly shoots out bullets is rapid succession in different direction to build a webbing trajectories of bullets that entraps the players or monsters targeted by the user.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets fly around me, trapping me. I tried moving my hands on the fast bullets but...


The bullet sliced past through my finger but looking at the log...


Another measly zero. What the hell? You, a gunslinger can't even give a proper attack force on me? Only zero damage with that flashy skill? Oh come on, have a shame to your fellow gunslingers!

These people continued unleashing attacks but I just stood there, allowing them from attacking me continuously without even interrupting their flashy combos. After a few minutes of attacking...

"Huff... what the...f*ck? Did I even land a single point of damage?" Sakujo cursed as he looked at the log of damage he did to me. All of their attacks did not give any damage to me! They only gave me a pathetic zero!

Everyone groaned. Their mana was running out. Who would be a fool to keep their attacks despite having no mana? I sighed in dissatisfaction. They might be level 25 already but still, they are plenty of levels away from my actual level. This f*ckers might have used that trick again to reach this level so fast. I shook my head before pointing my gun to Healing Spammer who was also unleashing critical buffs to them earlier and pulled the trigger.


Healing Spammer did not get to react as the bullet buries into his brain, draining his HP to zero.

Everyone was speechless. Dying with a single bullet, that was ridiculous.

"Wait! You used a sword in the past but now he is holding a gun. Don't tell me he is a versatile?!" The Expert growled.

"Ha, you've done your research kid," I grinned behind my mask before pulling the trigger again to shoot The Expert.

The Expert was fast and quickly blocked my attack but alas, that is not something easy to block. I know that the durability of the shield won't last any longer. He kept on using the Shield Bash and that will cause the durability to plummet down. Hitting it with continuous bullet barrage, the durability is falling and reducing as zeroes began to appear on his durability amount.


A bullet pierced the shield and shot straight to his face, draining all of his life force left.

Sakujo and his remaining guys shivered. Noe they know, do not mess with a Versatile, ever.