
Customizable Appearance Panel

I finished off the remaining guys within a few seconds. They tried to retaliate but I never allowed them even though they have no damage to begin with. I did it so that the dropped weapons are high on durability. It might be called thievery but its their fault for attacking me. I did not attack them due to pity and now they still attack and kill me? Bah, its already a mercy that I did not kill them like the last time and left them back to level zero. I shook my head after killing Sakujo's character with a gun before turning to see a few equipment dropped. Picking up a few of them, I found a peculiar weapon among the pile that the group of Sakujo dropped. From what I can see, it was a katana. It was obvious that this weapon is from Sakujo.

"Bloodlust Wakizashi +10"

Equippable at Level 20

Atk: 120

Agi: 110

Dex: 100

Weight: 1 kg

Rarity: Unique

Special: Bloodlust Rush - Awakens the latent power of the blood, evoking the limits of the human body. Raises the power of the user by 200% for 1 hour but leaves the user immobile after for 1 day.

Vampiric Blade - Every hit directly inflicted by the sword to the enemy can siphon a bit of the enemy's HP and heals the user.

Restricted for: Samurai and Versatile

Description: A weapon bought from the shop. This cannot be found or looted. Can only be bought with real money. Bloodlust Wakizashi is the inferior version of the legendary Wakizashi katana. This weapon will drop after death.

Ah, so its a unique weapon. Unlike the weapons usually dropped by enemies in the game, Unique weapons are only bought in the real world shop. There are a few events that sells quite a good amount of weapons that are not available in the Alternate World and could be considered as skins of Alternate World where you need real money to buy it. These things are expensive so I did not bother buying once in my whole lifetime. But as expected to the rich guy, Sakujo, he really bought one. And from the looks of it, he bought an EXP potion that can only be bought in the online shop to raise his level so fast despite returning to level 0.

I also thought that he picked up the Wakizashi katana by luck. Wakizashi is a Heroic tier weapon and cannot be obtained easily. It is part of the Heroic katana series which are all quite incredible just by looking at it and players who will obtain even one piece of katana can flaunt it to others. Even if they are targeted, this weapon cannot be dropped and unless the player allowed it to be sold, the weapon cannot be separated from that player in any ways even killing that player is useless. It also has incredible stats and incredible power. Looking at this weapon in my hands, I quickly knew that this was not the real Masamune katana or else, I would be on edge and would not easily survive if I confront Sakujo. He would not die that easily. From what I can see, this is part of the weapon packs for the Sandurk Expansion. And even though this weapon has the skill Bloodlust Rush, I knew that Sakujo has no guts to activate it. It might raise his power for one hour but he would also experience weakening power for a single day too which is very disadvantageous. Even me would think twice if I had to activate it or not.

The other weapons are also unique versions but they have trash abilities which are all for enhancing buffs only which will be useless after the expansion due to the patch of new buff skills that has much more power than the buffs on the weapons.

After harvesting heir Exp points, I managed to fill the Exp bar of mine to 75% which is very full filling. In my imagination, I can see Sakujo trashing about, losing another expensive weapon to me. Though I did not totally rob him off of all his equipments, it was still considered as a huge loss. Also, this Bloodlust Masamune has a 100% drop rate whenever the user dies so naturally, this weapon will naturally be the first to be on the drop list. He even enhanced it due to the +10 next to its name. What a poor decision.

Enhancing a weapon with 100% drop rate after death is considered giving a treasure out for others to take. Enhanced Weapons has a higher stat than the normal stats that a weapon usually hold. From what I can see, he might have spend a thousand gold as enhancement cost is very expensive as the tier rises. That is why his decision of enhancing this weapon is a foolish idea of his. But this is already a good thing to me since I am the one who gained it.

After the harvest, I decided to return back to the inn. Lina and her mother, Lily is busy serving customers and since I am still busy and not usually doing the dungeon for now, I did not call Lina to fight alongside with me.

I quickly pulled out my Versatile Weapon. I already unlocked the Versatile Weapon's fourth ability which is the Customizable Appearance Panel. I checked my Versatile Weapon. Despite the fact that I kept on using this weapon, I failed to notice that this weapon doesn't have any durability meter that usually makes the player aware that your weapon is getting broken as time goes by. This weapon lacks that functionality. Does that mean that this weapon is indestructible? Maybe, because its a God Tier weapons. According to the lore, God Tier Weapons are indestructible and would not be damaged whatever you do. I checked the stats of the Versatile Weapon again.


Equippable at level 0

Atk: 107

Agi: 79

Dex: 100

Max HP: +300

Max MP: +300

Weight: N/A

Rarity: God Tier


1. Devour - can devour weapons to level up the power and change its appearance.

2. Versatile Weapon

-can change at will to different weapons needed by the player.

3. Vampiric Trait

- weapon can cause a life steal everytime it was successfully triggered. The damage can be converted into HP every successful critical hits.

4.Customizable Appearance Panel - allowing the appearance of the weapon to be designed freely by the user. Needs individual design for each weapon.

Additional Abilities will be unlocked after another weapon is devoured.

Description: ???

The attacks are considered low from what I can see. Even Sakujo's weapon is much stronger than this. If not for the devour ability of the weapon, even if it is a God Tier weapon, selling it or using it to the forge is the better future of this. I pull out Sakujo's weapon. Although I am not sure if the Bloodlust Rush will be able to appear here, it is already a good thing to raise its stats.

I put the two weapons together and breathe in a mouthful of air.



The panel appeared which I am a bit confused. This never happened before. I quickly read what is in the panel.

"The skill Vampiric Blade is the advance version of Vampiric Trait. Do you want to integrate the two skills together? Will form the skill "Blood Greed"


Wow! A new skill! And from what I can see, this new skill is the advance version of the two. Well, there is nothing to lose here! Let's go! I quickly pushed Yes. The Versatile Weapon quickly devoured the Bloodlust Wakizashi like a hungry predator and the weapon glowed before returning to the Ryloz Sword form which is still the same as it was before. The only difference now is that it radiates a bloodthirsty aura that it never had before. I quickly took another look at the stats of the weapon on what is the difference and to look what is the function of Blood Greed.

"??? +10"

Equippable at level 0

Atk: 200

Agi: 142

Dex: 200

Max HP: +1000

Max MP: +900

Weight: N/A

Rarity: God Tier


1. Devour - can devour weapons to level up the power and change its appearance.

2. Versatile Weapon

-can change at will to different weapons needed by the player.

3. Blood Greed - the weapon unlocks a rage bar that specifically unleashes a skill Blood Drain. While the bar is still far from full, can drain the blood of the target every successful hit. The bar only gets filled by normal attacks.

Extra Skill: Blood Drain - can only be activated once the Blood Greed Bar is filled. Drains the HP of the target equivalent to the HP of the user. The higher the HP of the player, the more HP gets siphoned. The damage then gets converted into the user's HP.

4.Customizable Appearance Panel - allowing the appearance of the weapon to be designed freely by the user. Needs individual design for each weapon.

5. Bloodlust Aura - awakens the latent power of the user by activating its killing intent. Increases the user's strength for 200%. Only usable once a day.

Additional Abilities will be unlocked after another weapon is devoured.

Description: ???

Well, look at that! The stats of my weapon! This is already considered as cheating! This weapon is also quite good as its stats are for then level 50 players. I squinted my eyes when I saw the Blood Greed.

"Blood Greed Bar?"

This is the first time I encountered this kind of bar. I might be familiar with Rage Bar but Blood Greed Bar is not in my vocabulary. I have not seen it even though I spent 25 years of the game. Well, I can test it out later. I look again and I saw another new skill, Bloodlust Aura. From what I can see on its description, its the better version of the Bloodlust Rush of the Bloodlust Wakizashi. Instead of having a weakened body state, the skill was limited to one use a day. This is very useful indeed! Looks like a great harvest indeed. Looks like this no longer need the other weapons for the time being. I decided to use the other harvested weapons as materials later for forging armor.

I took another look and my eyes was quickly fixated into the name of the sword.

"??? +10"

Plus ten? Isn't this similar to the the Bloodlust Wakizashi earlier? This weapon is not yet enhanced by a blacksmith yet. Why does the Versatile Weapon have an enhancement level? Did it inherit the enhancement level after devouring the the Bloodlust Wakizashi earlier? I have no idea but I quickly decided to disregard it. I still had no vague idea for it and my head will only hurt if I keep on thinking on that.

Looking at the name, I cant help but shook my head. This weapon needs a permanent name and shouldn't stay with a question mark name forever and also I shouldn't keep on calling it Versatile Weapon either. Its time for me to use the fourth ability.

"Customizable Appearance Panel!"

The Versatile Weapon floated and glowed and I was engulfed into another dimension. Though I was already in another dimension, this is called another dimension of the other dimension. Quite redundant right? Well, that's how it is. I appeared into the white hall with the Versatile Weapon floating in the air. I can't approach it but a panel appeared and any kind of customization buttons appeared.

"Appearance, Runic Designs, Aura Color and more, this is weapon customization huh?" I muttered to myself.

I have not experienced this but I know what is the actual look of the place since many players who have already entered this place described it in the internet in the past timeline. Though from what I can see, those descriptions are quite exaggerated than the actual one. Looking at the panel, I can freely control the look of the weapon in my own accord. This is very useful for me. I rubbed my hands together before engaging to this task. Let's do this!