
Customizable Appearance Panel Part 2

The Panel for the customization is quite complicated but not on the verge of scientifically impossible to do. With further experiments, I managed to form the looks after a few more tries. Though I can't consider it perfect, it can be considered as mediocre. It was not easy to tweak the appearance of the weapon and from what I can do, might take me quite a while before I can perfect the appearance. I experimented a bit more. The time are plenty enough for me to experiment the tweaking abilities of this. I decided to postpone my leveling task for now and engage my time more on this.

After testing all the tweaks, I reset the appearance back into the form of Ryloz sword so that I can perform again its main purpose. During my practice, I made hasty decisions. Since I finished resetting it, I quickly sighed and go slowly on the process. Slowly but surely. First is the shape. Many swords in the game are all with similar looks, only with the color and a few patterns that looks badass but I never saw a unique shaped one yet unless its a. Heroic Tier weapon.

To form the shape, you need to maneuver your fingers properly into the panel and move the shape of the sword like a potter doing an intricate pattern style on a pot. It was hard indeed but I did not stop. I waved my fingers, moving them slowly like how I put my fingers into the water, making ripples. I didn't make the sword quite big but not too small either. It is normal size. The shape is also a peculiar form that I formed. The hilt part has three sharp points that I purposely made so that it looks badass later on. The blade was also made to be similar to those Pirate Cutlass swords, only with double edge. Though many might say it is pointless since it did not really add to the damage, I can make it more deadly especially if you stab it. Pulling it out can cause extra damage like how most double edged swords do. I was quite satisfied and nodded before moving to the blade pattern.

Blade pattern is not similar to the rune markings with most swords having some intricate patterns. That falls to the Runic Designs tweak which I will go on later. Blade Pattern is for the actual blade to have pattern that can be felt by the hand for example, a hole on the tip. Though it was unnecessary, it adds a good looking pattern for the blade that players like to have. I quickly flatten a bit of layer of the blade, making a small line on the upper part of the sword. It looks useless but it will be a good thing for the next tweak.

Colorization. This is one of the most important part. Before the intricate patterns of runes, you need the weapon to have color so that the patterns will look good immediately and will be more visible than a sword without a color.

The flattened area was quickly filled with red, and the sharp pointed parts are also colored red. I did not color the whole blade red. I quickly choose another color and that is color yellow. I put a layer of color yellow around the red pattern with a shaky hand slowly. It was a troublesome focus as I don't want to repeat again if there is a mistake. After around an hour of curses and focus, I managed to finish it. I cannot consider it perfect but it was not a failure either. Finishing the hard task, I quickly change the color for the final coloring touch and that is the color black.

Since the parts needed to be painted with color black is much bigger than the two parts I painted earlier, the process did not took an hour to finish. The looks of the sword is quite good indeed and was radiating a unique aura.

With the color done, I quickly move to the next phase and that is the Runic Designs. Though I don't known runic alphabet, there was a guide for making the runic patterns. There are also runes that will help enhance the power of a certain skill properly. Since the weapon I was making is for the Magic Knight Sword, I decided to make a pattern that enhances one of the skills I usually use and that is Earth Fissure. If Earth Fissure gets to the fifth tier, it would be really strong. I quickly look for a runic pattern on the guide for the Earth Splitter and it didn't take me too long to find it. I quickly began putting the pattern.

Making the pattern was too hard and much more difficult than making magic Circles for the Magic Scroll. There are too much intricate patterns that are hard to copy. There was an auto transplant Runic Pattern on the buttons but I didn't do it. According to the guide, using the auto transplant just ruins the power of the runic pattern. The player who made it experimented how it can affect for manual and auto transplant. Auto transplant is permanently engraved and cannot be changed later on while the manual is much more better since you can freely change it again the next time you wanted to change it. Also, the power generated is much stronger than the auto transplanted one, so that player quickly put a tip that they should use the manual version rather than the auto transplant.

Even if I am in a virtual reality, sweat flows into my face. This is not easy. I spent more time into the intricate markings. My eyebrows meet everytime I found a new pattern much complicated than what I saw. I sometimes cussed under my breath due to this. Its really taxing in my mind.

After around five hours of this bothersome work...

...I managed to finish the tip part. I have not reached the middle part yet. I groaned as I made the patterns again and continued the stressful work. I can sometimes feel that my mind is getting confused and tired but my body is still eager to go.

After a lot of times of making the pattern, I don't remember how long I have been working on this weapon. But at long last, the pattern was finally done! I felt that it was my greatest work yet but even though I managed to work my *ss out, I am still not done. I remembered that this weapon's Customization Appearance pattern do not only fall into the sword, I also need to work on the other weapons like the bow and spears!

I sighed in dejection after realizing that. It looks like I have to keep on doing this everyday for all the classes weapons available for the transformation as the pattern that the sword had won't be transferred, for example, the gun. The runic pattern on the sword won't be available once the sword turned into a gun which only will retain the look of the Ryloz Gun version. I quickly move to the next and last part which is the Aura Color.

Aura Color changes the main color that the weapon produces in battle and when idle. You can change its color to look similar to legendary weapons or just erase the aura entirely so that it will not radiate any aura which is the characteristic of Normal tier gears.

I change the aura color of the sword when idle. Since it radiates a blackish red aura whenever idle, I decided to wipe off the aura to look more normal while I enhanced the aura of the weapon more whenever in battle mode. This way, many would think that my skills and abilities are not coming to the weapon but came from my own abilities instead.

After everything is done, I looked at the finished product of the magic sword. This was quite a good sword but still, I have to make the problems on my other weapons. They still lack the customized appearance. I confirmed the magic sword's appearance and before it was completed completely, a panel appeared, giving me a prompt to complete the sword.

"To complete the creation, please name the weapon, cannot leave a blank and cannot put any kind of symbols. Only letters and numbers are allowed."

I thought for quite a while. My naming sense is just too bad but cannot be considered really ridiculous. I just can't make a good name easily like most people do. After thinking for a while, I came up with the name.

"Terraform Blade"

"Is this the name you wanted to input?"


Yes! Of course!

After doing so, the sword glowed and showed its now new and permanent look. Though it is beyond from perfect, I can say that I like the sword design more. The scabbard it usually have is also formed similar to the structure of the Terraform Sword which made me glad since I made a lot of time wasted just designing a single one.

After the process, I ponder for a while on when is the best time to create the other weapons. I find it taxing if I made it everyday and it won't be efficient for me because, if I was stuck in this situation without bothering to level up, my competitors might reach my level soon. I then concluded that I will go dungeon diving tomorrow. Just when I was about to log out since its almost morning, a call arrived in my interface and it was Harmless Sparrow. I quickly accepted it. I smell money.

"Morning Bladeheart, I have a proposal for tommorow," Harmless Sparrow smiled sinisterly.

"What is it, hurry up, I am busy," I said impatiently.

"Chill, you can't keep on going hastily with every movement. You should do it slowly!" Harmless Sparrow smiled.

"Stop wasting my time, unlike you, I have lots of priorities and work to do, unlike you who seemed always free," I retorted.

"Hmph, if not for your ability, I won't be asking you on this," Harmless Sparrow sighed before continuing what her business was.

"Okay, are you free tomorrow in the Alternate World? We will go dungeon diving," Harmless Sparrow asked.

"What dungeon? What level and how many players are there? How much money will you pay?" I quickly asked.

"Straight to the point, I see. That makes it more easy, okay. We will be dungeon diving tomorrow into the Jungle of Deceit, Hard Mode with 10 players to raid the place. I will pay 500 gold with that and a very rare tier item. Sounds good?" she asked.

I pondered for a while before answering again.

"I will change a few terms, Jungle of Deceit, Abyss Mode, limit the players from 10 to 7 players, consisting of a Cleric that knows Revive and Widespread Blessings, an Assassin that knows Smoke Bomb Holy Knight that knows Sanctuary of the Sick, a Druid that knows the skill, Frenzied Bear and a fighter that knows Neck Cripple Break. The last two players will be you and me and those players must be around level 35 to 30. And I don't need the reward of 500 gold and an equipment, just give me the boss drop called Trabungko Orb," I said to her.

Harmless Sparrow was quiet for a while but I can see that she was stunned after hearing that I want to go to the Abyss Mode of Jungle of Deceit. But after a while, she nodded and smiled.

"Sure, let's meet to the entrance of the dungeon tomorrow at 7 in the evening then," Harmless Sparrow said before ending the call.

The reason I did not say no and demanded only an item there is due to the preciousness of the Trabungko Orb. It will be accessed with 6 players consisted party including the NPC but excluding pets and can only be accessed in Abyss Mode. A secret boss called Trabungko Snake. The preciousness of the Trabungko Orb is due to the 100% crafting success it usually give which I necessarily need for the Blacksmithing and Alchemical Items. Though it was only a rumor, I knew that there is a Trabungko Snake. I have seen that guy before on one of the videos that my friend in the past timeline showed me. If the rumor is true, having just a single Trabungko Orb can give you a chance to get rich. Just having this is much more better than having a 500 gold! Just thinking about this, it is a good way of taking a job and do it without too much trouble. I can't help smirking by myself before logging out.