
We Are Far From Over

Everyone rested on the dungeon room. Besides the fact that monsters won't attack you inside the boss room, it was more comfy than usual. The body of the Blood Bath Komodo is still on the area and did not disappear. Its like something that you can't get rid whatever you do. Besides that, dismantling the body of the boss is hard. You need to learn it to properly dismantle their parts. Unfortunately, I am too preoccupied by my work which is hard for me to learn Dismantling skill. Maybe I should learn that after the dungeon diving.

Everyone got to rest and our fatigue level also reduced a bit. Its time to continue. Harmless Sparrow looked at me and asked me.

"Bladeheart, how do we go out on this dungeon? We have killed the last boss right?" Harmless Sparrow wondered.

"What? Killed the last boss? Are you kidding? We are far from over, Harmless Sparrow. We still have yet to face four more bosses," I said.

"What? Four?!" Flaming Cutie stood up, shocked.

"Yeah, we are in the Abyss Mode. If we are in normal mode, we only need to beat another boss and we are done but this is the Abyss Mode. Who said that we have finished the dungeon?" I shrugged after finishing the coffee and throw back the cup inside the inventory.

The door opened again and unlike the first time, there was a new area accessible and that was the underground dungeon of Jungle of Deceit. Many thought it was a treasure trove or something that sort but it was different. Players call it the sacrificial altar of the four Jungle Kings.

Anyways, the bosses here underground that we will face are four at once which is very dangerous. Luckily, it was not something hard to do since all of them are human bosses. Human bosses tend to be more easier than the Monster bosses and demon bosses. Their HP is also small which are around 100,000 or a bit more but their HP will surely not exceed beyond 300,000. Exceeding beyond that would be considered as Godly Existence in the game. The only con on Human Bosses is the fact that they are hard to predict and they hit real hard. They always have random movements that usually confuses or thwart players' plans. However, they are intelligent. You can communicate to them which is different than most online games. It was only implemented in the Virtual Reality Game, Alternate World. As long as you can communicate to them, you can have a duel, a friendly battle or a real battle. Negotiations are also good as long as you are good in speech.

I did not pull out my weapon and let it sheathed while Harmless Sparrow and the gang were really getting anxious. They will obviously get anxious if they keep on facing tough bosses back to back.

The staircase was very dark but due to the special effect of the Pearl of Trabungko, I was able to light up the place without any kind of torch. The rest were so anxious that they didn't notice that I was the one exuding a light on the dark. I grinned as I see their anxious looks. In the past timeline, I was the one having that anxious face and the strong players are the ones doing a confident look.

We didn't stay on the staircase for long as we saw the end of the staircase. Still, their anxious faces didn't look good and still look more nervous. I just sighed as I put my gaze straight to the area. It was a huge place, a dueling platform was on the middle of the place and four thrones located on the opposite side was exuding a powerful aura. As soon as we step in that area, the torches lit up one by one. Pooshy squealed as she hides behind Flaming Cutie and even Flaming Cutie was terrified. The boys were more braver but their knees are shaking. Harmless Sparrow show a terrified look too which made the morale of the group fall.

I step forward alongside with Lina and Leona fearlessly. All of the torches lit up all of the torches giving the whole area lit up, and the four bosses appeared.

"Gaji, Brother First"

Level 50

HP: 200,000/200,000

Attribute: Human, Half Beastman

Geji, Brother Second

Level 50

HP: 200,000/ 200,000

Attribute: Human

Giji, Brother Third

Level 50

HP: 300,000/300,000

Attribute: Human

Goji, Brother Fourth

Level 50

HP: 300,000/300,000

Attribute: Human

There names were a bit bullcrap and feels repetitive but I can't say it out loud, beating them all is very hard and if I insulted their name, they would be pissed and might kill me right off the bat. I can say that I have the chance to beat them up but I need to unleash my all to defeat them all.

As I step forward, the First Brother, Gaji is the first one to talk first.

"Who are you, what are you all doing here?!" Gaji roared as he speak, which shook the whole place as his voice reverberated on the surroundings. From what I can see, he is a Beastman though I already know it since I have read their lore. Gaji is a beast man from the bloodline of his father. His other brothers are normal humans but with the help of of his strong aura, they also gain the strength of a Beastman.

"Apologies for intruding. We are just ordinary adventurers seeking for monsters and we just stumbled here. May I ask if where are we? This weird door appeared on the ground so we went in and ended up arriving here," I said in a nervous tone but still with a bit of confidence and bravery to stand the fear.

"I see, adventurers. Name is Gaji, my brothers are Geji, Giji, and Goji," Gaji said in a serious tone, still vigilant as ever.

Gaji sniffed on me as he approached me and his eyes squinted and he showed a shocked face before looking at me.

"Did you just took the Pearl of Trabungko?" Gaji with his eyebrows raised, gets serious as he stares at me with cold glare.

"I killed the Trabungko Snake and I find the Pearl," I had no reason to lie. But of course, Gaji did not believe. I pulled out the Pearl of Trabungko and showed it to him. Since NPCs do not steal items, it was naturally not a big problem. Gaji inspected it and went silent. Goji, the youngest boss looked at them before looking at the Pearls of Trabungko on Gaji's hand.

"This is not a duplicate, its the authentic Pearl of Trabungko," Goji said calmly as he examines the pearl carefully.

Gaji's eyes squinted and grab the Pearl of Trabungko from Goji's hands and personally examines it.

"Sh*t, it really was the authentic one. It has the same deathly aura of that snake before handing it back to me.

Geji and Giji also approached but they are silent at first, but their eyes are focused on Leona and Lina that are both standing besides me. From my perspective, they must be sizing them up. Even though my level is higher than them, even if Leona and Lina helped me in the battle, the outcome is really hard to turn and only chances are necessary. I am just hoping I don't trigger their strong will to kill or else it would be a different matter.

Gaji transformed into his beastman form which is a huge werewolf and howled in front of me. Lina cowered and held Leona who seems unfazed but was clearly shaken by the roar. If Leona was a bit higher leveled, that roar was just a measly shriek for her but since she is still not that strong, she is still afflicted with it. Luckily, she can endure it. Even I is having trouble. For the very beginning of his roar, it was very hard due to the a passive that beastmen have which is Fear the Presence. I know this because it will be an added feature in the future for the players to use especially the druid but for now, it was not yet available to players but for the bosses only with the Beastman trait and Gaji have it.

Still, I strengthened my fortitude and gritted my teeth as I endure the power. I couldn't see the rest of the party members but based from what I have know, except for Harmless Sparrow who has a chance to withstood the pressure, the others would really tremble and would be terrified. Even Lina who is stronger than them was also clearly shaken.

Gaji was surprised. To him, once he roared, many individuals cower and would run away. But now that he did it, the man before him was clearly able to withstood that same power. He grinned. Even Geji and the other two clearly understood the strength of his power and only a few individuals can stand still without being affected.

"Nice! Nice!" Gaji grinned revealing the white fangs on his mouth before he slowly reverted back to his normal human look.

Giji nodded as he stares at me with respect.

"That was fascinating, only a few people can withstood first brother's roar and you are the first one of the immortal ones to be able to withstand his roar. You had a chance to battle with us four into a friendly match. What do you say?" Geji grinned revealing his white teeth.

"Ding! You activated Friendly match on the four brothers. Withstand their attacks and earn their respects to earn a good reward!"

At last! A friendly match! Bosses with the consciousness like the Lesser Purgatory boss, Undying Purgatory Giant, can issue a friendly battle against you or a hostile attack. The only problem with the Lesser Purgatory boss is that it surrendered which I have not experienced at all when I played that dungeon in my past timeline. This time, friendly match was already expected so if I have failed with activating it, I have no choice but to deal with them on Hostile Assault.

I looked behind me where Harmless Sparrow and the rest are and talked to them.

"You all are no match against them. You all can't fight against them and I am the only one to handle the frontal assault," I said to them.

Harmless Sparrow has no choice but to nod. She can really see that her power was not something she can easily match easily and just facing the roar earlier made her knees tremble slightly which is a sign that she still is a weak one to deal with those bosses. Her mind was now filled with determination. She will be focusing on the battles from now on and would be attempting to pull me in.

The three of us, Lina, Leona and I stepped on the arena. The four already readies their Magic Sabres. They hit hard so I have no choice but to move properly this time. One wrong move and it will be my doom. I pull out my Terraform Sword and ready my stance.

"Prepare!" Gaji shouted before dashing fast towards me like an arrow. Besides that, Gaji transformed while dashing so when he got near, he was already a werewolf brandishing his sharp claws. I parried but Gaji's strength was tremendous. If not for the fact that the Terraform Sword is a God Tier weapon, it would not be able to support and would break easily to pieces. Still, I made a proper move with my body as I dodge the incoming Magic Sabre attack from Giji that swings his weapon to me while I was parrying Gaji's claws.

"F*ck!" I cursed as Giji was troublesome. Good thing that Lina took the aggro from Giji away from me and fought.

Geji and Goji worked together with Gaji but I withstood those incoming attacks. Leona also supported me from them.


Gaji's claws struck to the place I was standing earlier. If I have not change position while attacking, I might have to endure Gaji's crushing claws and deal with the incoming attacks. Lina whips through the place but still has a hard time dealing with Giji's fast swings and attacks. Leona also tried handling against Goji and Geji while I took support but still, got a hard time doing it.

Time to do it!

"Earth Fissure!"


I struck my sword into the ground and the runes from my weapon started to glimmer as if activating something.


The ground shook, creating cracks all over the battlefield. Still, Gaji and his brothers were agile enough to escape the wrath of the Earth Fissure. I frowned looking at them. So fast!



Electricity appeared and my palm creates a strong shockwave that automatically travels towards the brothers. Still, they were not that affected.

"Is that all you got?! You should bring out all your skills!" Gaji attacked and I almost staggered from his attack!


That is huge! Still, I have no reason to back down. As he struck me with his claws, I

also dealt a good attack.

"Counter Slash!"


This skill is not something you can block easily and something that you think that is just a measly damage giving counter.


"Ugh!" Gaji staggered and backs away immediately. Still, after Gaji backs away, Geji followed suit and slashed his big saber to me.


I gritted my teeth. The saber was heavy and for some reason, my arms feel numb. Geji smiled as he strengthen his strength more. I was so focused on him that I did not realize that Giji and Goji were already behind me.


"Urk!" I did not get to block it and I did not expect them to gank me after being suppressed! Sh*t! I can't lose here!